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SweetPoison's JB Venture!

I can understand the heart palpitations! I had them myself!! And me without anyone standing by (even if by phone/email) to help! :eek:

Hope you are finding out that you like being jailbroke.

And see? It wasn't that bad ... was it?


Marilyn! I was wondering where you were, woman! I did it.:D It was very intense. Very. But I had Leigh and I knew he would take care of me. And my iPad.

So ~ I just opened Cydia ~ Am I a User, Hacker ~ I know I am not a Developer, but am I a Hacker now?

Which to choose? Decisions Decisions Decisions.:)

Dev ~ says: "Everything, even scary internal stuff"

Oh ~ that's me.
Yes, unfortunately Marie has a tethered jailbreak because she was stuck on 4.3 without blobs, BUT we have a plan to get her upgraded to full untethered goodness just as soon as possible...

In the meantime, Marie is going to learn all about the wonders of Cydia and jailbreak tweaks over the next few days to see how she gets on with it... And she is fully clued up on how to reboot tethered IF she ever needs to.

That was a fun afternoon! :D
SweetPoison do you have an iPad 1? Looked at your profile but couldn't tell. I've got a iPad 2 on 4.3 but didn't save my blobs, hope I'm not up a creek. The only reason I don't like tethered jailbrakes is because when flying you have to turn the device off and I watch movies on it plus I sync with my CPU so rejailbraking isn't an option :(
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So ~ I just opened Cydia ~ Am I a User, Hacker ~ I know I am not a Developer, but am I a Hacker now?

Aw, girl, like the rest of us JB newbies - you is a USER! Snicker, that doesn't sound good, does it?! :D

But, I've been fine running as a user ... mainly cause I don't know any better. And, TBH, I'm kind of scared to be anything else!

As far as what to get, that's a tougher question. Me, I like to tweak for ease-of-use and to "make purty" the iPad. So, I've got things like SBSettings, MultiIcon Mover, Multiflow and Activator so I don't have to go through so many menus to get to what I need. For example, with SBSettings, with one swipe, you can open an option to turn on/off Bluetooth. And there is so much more!

Then, there are nice themes so, IMNSHO, the iPad looks purtier than stock.

I'm not sure if you've seen it, but I made a document going over some of the things I did. Here's the link to it here. It's a Microsoft Word 7 file (.docx), so let me know if you can't open it. It's a little out of date as I've done more stuff ... but it'll give you an idea.

But, oh my gosh! I so love the fact that I JB'd my toy! Sure hope you do. Please, let me know if you have any Qs (as a scaredy cat new user ... I can totally ID with ya! :D).

robertlc said:
Can the two of you publish a comprehensive guide of the benefits and method/technique of jail breaking for the rest of us?

But Mickey just posted a very detailed list with an overview of what the jailbreak can do, in the port right above you. I mean the link hidden under "here", in her post.
robertlc said:
Can the two of you publish a comprehensive guide of the benefits and method/technique of jail breaking for the rest of us?

Sticky threads my friend. It's all in there!

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