So ~ I just opened Cydia ~ Am I a User, Hacker ~ I know I am not a Developer, but am I a Hacker now?
Aw, girl, like the rest of us JB newbies - you is a
USER! Snicker, that doesn't sound good, does it?!
But, I've been fine running as a user ... mainly cause I don't know any better. And, TBH, I'm kind of scared to be anything else!
As far as what to get, that's a tougher question. Me, I like to tweak for ease-of-use and to "make purty" the iPad. So, I've got things like SBSettings, MultiIcon Mover, Multiflow and Activator so I don't have to go through so many menus to get to what I need. For example, with SBSettings, with one swipe, you can open an option to turn on/off Bluetooth. And there is so much more!
Then, there are nice themes so, IMNSHO, the iPad looks purtier than stock.
I'm not sure if you've seen it, but I made a document going over some of the things I did. Here's the link to it
here. It's a Microsoft Word 7 file (.docx), so let me know if you can't open it. It's a little out of date as I've done more stuff ... but it'll give you an idea.
But, oh my gosh! I so love the fact that I JB'd my toy! Sure hope you do. Please, let me know if you have any Qs (as a scaredy cat new user ... I can totally ID with ya!
