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Target inventory search works! Got one!

It made me feel better when I went to the home button and then set up the search for IPAD. It finds them all over :)

zipur is right! First, I used the gizmocrunch.com link for the availablity checker - all 10 stores in my area were out of stock. Then I tried zipur's suggestion and 4 of the 10 stores are listed as having the black 32gb w/ 3g in limited availability (of course, they don't specifiy whether ATT or Verizon - big difference IMHO). For the black 64 gb 3g, they list "available" for 8 of 10 and "limited availability" for the other 2! Did not check the other models.
It made me feel better when I went to the home button and then set up the search for IPAD. It finds them all over :)

zipur is right! First, I used the gizmocrunch.com link for the availablity checker - all 10 stores in my area were out of stock. Then I tried zipur's suggestion and 4 of the 10 stores are listed as having the black 32gb w/ 3g in limited availability (of course, they don't specifiy whether ATT or Verizon - big difference IMHO). For the black 64 gb 3g, they list "available" for 8 of 10 and "limited availability" for the other 2! Did not check the other models.

Those are iPad1, not iPad2...that's why they don't specify VZ/ATT. Nice try tho
Not to change the Thread about Target but I felt it was appriopriate to put it here. My 3 local Best Buys have had them in stock regularily. Mostly white 32GB wifi; or VRZ and/or ATT variants. They will not show on the website you will have to call. Every day this week they have had some in stock. Of course since there are multiple variants YMMV!! Also, not sure if its all Best Buys but my local ones get store inventory shipments on Wednesday and Friday nights. Hopes this also helps on some of your iPad quests!
HKWrite12 said:
Why waste time with all the crap. I think it's selfish to buy something you don't want and take it back, knowing that Apple will have some on reserve to replace it with. It's mean and inconsiderate of the probably 300,000 + ppl across US (and plus countries as of tomorrow) that are on backorder or can't seem to get one, even though every day they're the second to last person in line at a retailer.

Buy what you want or be patient.

PS...I went to BB on Mar 12 and they had 5 white 32g. She was like you sure you don't want it. They're gonna sell fast. I was sure because I don't like being disappointed. I have my heart on the 64 white and I will not cheat. I will not adulter. I'm gonna wait til the 28 of April or die in agony, but I'd rather wait because then someone else will get her after I have paid for her.

~Another iPad2less day

Well, I can sense your frustration. Believe me, I'm just as anxious as you are to get my paws on the iPad 2.

Interesting take on the original thought, but I didn't really have "iPadless" (sounds really sad, doesn't it?) folks in mind when I wrote it. I just think it's silly for folks to go through all that trouble to get an iPad and end up settling for way less than what they really wanted, then have the nerve to complain about it and go through more trouble just to get what they REALLY want. Seems counterproductive to me.

Anyway, sorry folks...don't mean to get off topic here.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
Im going to test this today. I got sick of running all over town trying to find one, so I ordered from Apple last week (4-5 week lead time). This Target site is showing the store right up the street has them, going to check it out!
Im going to test this today. I got sick of running all over town trying to find one, so I ordered from Apple last week (4-5 week lead time). This Target site is showing the store right up the street has them, going to check it out!

The website is bogus, they didnt have any and they said they havent received any in about 1.5 weeks. :mad:
That's what I thought. It's not so much that it's "bogus" as it depends GREATLY on how often Target (and/or its individual stores) updates this information.

I looked through for everything around Sacramento, CA and north this morning. Only the Target in Davis, CA, had an "available" indicator. So I called them. Nothing there, according to the one person I spoke with. Who's to say any of the other stores didn't have any in stock for a brief period of time during this past week during which this site indicated they were "out of stock"? The knife cuts both ways.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
Call your Best Buy! I did today, she took my name and called me when they unloaded the truck. Posting from it right now.
It Works!

I logged on this morning and inventory for all areas read "out of stock". Tried again one hour later and a couple of stores had them available. Called and the young lady told me they had just got them less than 30 minutes ago. I was able to make my purchase and cancelled my online order.

Worked Great!

One of the guys I work with that's been looking for one got his this morning using this AND he got the exact one that he wanted (Black 64GB WiFi 3G Verizon).
So a big THANK YOU to whoever wrote this :)
Target inventory tool

So I checked it on a whim, and the Danvers, MA store said they were IN STOCK. I called right away, and they said they only had the 16gb white wifi. Just what I was looking for. They said they wouldn't hold it , but that they had 5 of them. I said I'll be right there.! 10 minutes later, I'm in line, and I ask for 2 of them. There was an older chinese lady, breathing down my neck in back of me. She said she'd take the remaining 3, but they have a limit of 2. She then pulled out her phone. No doubt to call someone else from her crew to come down and get the last one. The kid behind the counter said they just came in less than 2 hours ago. When I got home I cancelled my 3 different online orders. The only bad thing is, I have to go to work now, and there is absolutely NO time to unbox this thing and start using it! Ahhhh.. Thanks to this forum and this awesome inventory tool!
My target showed a 64 GB wifi in stock, I called and no dice. I'm sure it works to some extent, but not for me.... So Pissed.
For those that are seeing stock on the website but a phone call yields no help it could be that the iPad(s) the website noted were available have been sold and that the site is not up to date.... OR, the employee you spoke to has no idea and they are in the back, or worse yet they just respond "no" to whoever asks.

Ask alot of questions on the phone.
Joybulb said:
My target showed a 64 GB wifi in stock, I called and no dice. I'm sure it works to some extent, but not for me.... So Pissed.

Bummer. I feel for ya.

I think this thing is totally hit or miss. Not reliable enough for me to do anything with, given my location, etc.

However, even IF there were a HUNDRED black 64GB AT&T 3G units at my nearest Target (40 minutes from here), I STILL wouldn't go this very minute. Or today.

"But WHY? That's CRAZY!" You say.

No it's not. Not when you have THIS in your front yard:

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF


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I was in my school when I was surfing the web from time to time, the stock inventory included. I was looking for 32gb wifi white, and then suddenly Pasadena had available. i called and went there in 1 hour and got one! thanks for all your helps guys!!!

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