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The "Anything Goes" thread

skimonkey said:
Hey Sci..your squirrels look very tame with hiding their nuts and do acrobatic acts on trees! That must be second year class, right? :)

Yes they are. Your squirrels have a lot to live up to.
Me and my friend were walking by the neighbors today and there was a dead opossum, it made me feel really sad, and grossed out at the same time.
goofy8275 said:
Mind if I send my squirrels down to Scifan's Squirrel School? They've been stealing my tomatoes all summer and need some training. :)

Those were my squirrels on a scavenger hunt.:D
scifan57 said:
Yes they are. Your squirrels have a lot to live up to.

Like this? :D Check out this video on YouTube:

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I think that the first part of the video, or possibly all of it might have come from a very old episode of QED, I have some kind of memory flashback right now reminding me!

The Archangel
Richard Brown said:
'Morning Gabe. It would probably drive Scifan nuts!

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Nah, that was the top of my graduating class.:D
I was in the Glades at 8.45 for the opening of the Apple Store





There were 2 Queues. One for the new IPhone, about 5 times as long as the one for the store. There was loads of hype. Staff with reinforcements drafted in from the region. Hand clapping and chanting to "We will rock You". Sounds familiar?



Staff came out to greet us all. It was quite a show, worth seeing! So, I have been there, done it, got the tee shirt ;)




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