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Please post here for all Greenpois0n information this avoids multiple threads

Thanks you Col.bris
Super Moderator:):):)
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3 g gone!

I am on 3.2.2 3g, and it took a few tries to jailbreak this. however, I found my 3G to be deactivated, and have not been successful in bringing this back. HELP!
I am on 3.2.2 3g, and it took a few tries to jailbreak this. however, I found my 3G to be deactivated, and have not been successful in bringing this back. HELP!

I hope someone helps u on this Asap. Thats $$ being wasted since u not able to use service u paid for, meaning 3g. Now thats definitely not a good thing. Why dont u just restore back nonjailbrake until figured out. Or try doing restore then jailbrake again to see if it does it again.
I am on 3.2.2 3g, and it took a few tries to jailbreak this. however, I found my 3G to be deactivated, and have not been successful in bringing this back. HELP!

I hope someone helps u on this Asap. Thats $$ being wasted since u not able to use service u paid for, meaning 3g. Now thats definitely not a good thing. Why dont u just restore back nonjailbrake until figured out. Or try doing restore then jailbrake again to see if it does it again.

It's not the jailbreak that's the problem. It is the apps that are installed after that causes stuff not to run.

I jailbroke using limera1n the day it came out using beta 4. After installing packages, I lost my location server. So when gp came out as RC I restored to original 3.2.2
and ran GP. Again, jb first time. Location services working. But after a few visits to cydia to install some packages, I again lost the location service. It appears that blackra1n too had the same problems. However the fix for it does not help with gp or lime.

I read that it is something to do with open SSH or similar that some packages download.

Anyway could be related to your 3G problem. Since you can't use the 3G better to restore back to 3.2.2 and wait till a solution is found.

In my case I am sure that it is an app called openSSL that is causing the problem. I can live without location, but you shd restore till a fix is found.

In the meanwhile google is your friend.
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yup am trying to restore back to 3.2.2 but having problems. it keeps gettnig stuck in dfu mode and itunes cannot detect. am trying to find a seperate link for 3.2.2 from the apple site but cannot locate this....anyone know?

I am on 3.2.2 3g, and it took a few tries to jailbreak this. however, I found my 3G to be deactivated, and have not been successful in bringing this back. HELP!

I hope someone helps u on this Asap. Thats $$ being wasted since u not able to use service u paid for, meaning 3g. Now thats definitely not a good thing. Why dont u just restore back nonjailbrake until figured out. Or try doing restore then jailbrake again to see if it does it again.

It's not the jailbreak that's the problem. It is the apps that are installed after that causes stuff not to run.

I jailbroke using limera1n the day it came out using beta 4. After installing packages, I lost my location server. So when gp came out as RC I restored to original 3.2.2
and ran GP. Again, jb first time. Location services working. But after a few visits to cydia to install some packages, I again lost the location service. It appears that blackra1n too had the same problems. However the fix for it does not help with gp or lime.

I read that it is something to do with open SSH or similar that some packages download.

Anyway could be related to your 3G problem. Since you can't use the 3G better to restore back to 3.2.2 and wait till a solution is found.

In my case I am sure that it is an app called openSSL that is causing the problem. I can live without location, but you shd restore till a fix is found.

In the meanwhile google is your friend.
when I try to restore back to 3.2.2, it gets stuck at DFU mode and error msg -9808 and "error in itunes store. please try again later" wtf....!

tried this 5 time oredy and each time the same....
greenpois0n jailbreak for iOS 4.1 & 3.2.2


Important Notes:
Mac version of greenpois0n will be located below. limesn0w iOS 4.1 iPhone 4 & 3GS unlock for baseband 05.15.01 / 2.10.04 below.

Greenpois0n download
Windows - http://bit.ly/a20y2D
Linux - http://bit.ly/bEs4U3
Mac - Coming soon in a new video!
or download at http://greenpois0n.com

Make sure to update to iTunes 10.0.1+ before jailbreaking or it won't jailbreak your device.

Download iTunes 10.0.1: http://bit.ly/bYGAAr

Make sure to update to firmware (4.1 on iPhone & iPod touch) or (3.2.2 on iPad) before attempting to jailbreak.

greenpois0n will support the following iDevices:

iPhone 4 - 4.1 Firmware
iPhone 3Gs - 4.1 Firmware
iPod Touch 4G - 4.1 Firmware
iPod Touch 3G - 4.1 Firmware
iPad - 3.2.2 Firmware

If you get stuck on DFU mode or Loader does not show do a full restore in iTunes to 4.1 / 3.2.2 then re run greenpois0n this will work.
Got mine to work first try. I had 3.2.2 pre installed when I got my iPad. One thing to note is I never saw any gp image or anything. It just went to dfu mode flashed some text on the screen then restarted. The only way I knew it worked was the loader app on the last page of my apps. Don't know if that's normal haven't done a jailbreak since og iPhone. Thanks to the chronic dev team and everyone who worked on gp!
If I go with Greenpois0n to jb my 3.2.2, can the unit be restored back to factory settings? I thought I read that limera1, once jailbreaked on 3.2.2, can't be upgraded to 4.2. Is that true for Greenpois0n too?
If I go with Greenpois0n to jb my 3.2.2, can the unit be restored back to factory settings? I thought I read that limera1, once jailbreaked on 3.2.2, can't be upgraded to 4.2. Is that true for Greenpois0n too?

-What u heared about LimeRa1n Is NOT true.
-U can always restore to "factory settings", this options only deletes the content and making a reset of your configuration on that IOS u have installed at the moment.

I have 3.2.2 Jailbreaked on my Ipad.
What is the best way to go to 4.2.1 Jailed with Greenpoison without losing my apps+cydia tweaks.

I have noted that its slower after the JB, after pushing something on the screen it has a lag of seconds...

And it has removed(?) my game center registration, I had to sign up again...
Same Question..Any Answers??


I have 3.2.2 Jailbreaked on my Ipad.
What is the best way to go to 4.2.1 Jailed with Greenpoison without losing my apps+cydia tweaks.


I too have the exact same question...I have a Jailbroken 3.2.1 Ipad (used spirit) awhile ago...what is the best way to go to the new Greenpois0n without losing my apps and cydia tweaks / purchases?

All help is greatly appreciated.

thank you kindly,

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