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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

applebro said:
I went into the Apple store today looking to buy a screen protector but they said that they don't recommend it because the screen protectors get very mixed reviews and may lower the sensitivity on the touch screen. I was set on buying a screen protector but now I'm torn and don't know what to do. What do you think I should do?

It depends. I've tried MANY screen protectors on various apple touch screen products (iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad 2). Some - like the zagg - are really thick and rubbery. They don't make the screen less sensitive but they do take away from the nice feel. If I were you, I'd buy the cheap ones sold on eBay or eForcity. They use the screen's natural static electricity to adhere, so there isn't any residue, they protect just as well as the expensive ones, and you can remove and reapply. If you're going to use a stylus, however, it may not work well over a screen protector. This is why I don't use a screen protector - I love to write on my iPad with the stylus and if there's a protector on it, I have to push harder and it's not as responsive. I keep my iPad in a rooCASE executive case so there really isn't much rush of scratching. It's up to you what you decide to do, just giving my 2 cents!
Cmax420, it looks as though the stand only works for landscape. Can it be moved for the portrait format?
Beerman said:
Cmax420, it looks as though the stand only works for landscape. Can it be moved for the portrait format?

It's can be used both ways but it is designed for landscape mode. The stand only has one position. It is best used only for watching movies etc.

I think it was worth every penny I paid!
A couple weeks ago I was bidding on an Ipad2 on a Penny Auction site and I figured I'd get the 16g at around $400, but no. I won it for $132! Plus $20 shipping and $50 for the bids, I got A BRAND NEW IPAD 2 for $202! I used the savings to buy screen protectors on both sides, a zaggmate keyboard, a zaggmate insurance policy and a carrying pouch. Best deal of my life
A couple weeks ago I was bidding on an Ipad2 on a Penny Auction site and I figured I'd get the 16g at around $400, but no. I won it for $132! Plus $20 shipping and $50 for the bids, I got A BRAND NEW IPAD 2 for $202! I used the savings to buy screen protectors on both sides, a zaggmate keyboard, a zaggmate insurance policy and a carrying pouch. Best deal of my life

Which site did you win it on? swoopo?
Splashtop and Air Video are the two best apps for anyone with an iPad. If you have a pc with lots of pictures and videos air video is Awesome! If you are laying in bed (like I am now) and you need to do something on any pc on your network (or use a pc browser for flash) then Splashtop is what you need.
Must have apps for ALL iPad owners if you ask me. I love them. My daughter was down on the main pc and it was time for her to go to bed. I open Splashtop select the main pc and type on here screen "Bed Time!" lol she hates that app because I can watch everything she does from my iPad. I would have paid a lot more for that app.

64GB 3G White iPad
Ncaissie said:
Splashtop and Air Video are the two best apps for anyone with an iPad. If you have a pc with lots of pictures and videos air video is Awesome! If you are laying in bed (like I am now) and you need to do something on any pc on your network (or use a pc browser for flash) then Splashtop is what you need.
Must have apps for ALL iPad owners if you ask me. I love them. My daughter was down on the main pc and it was time for her to go to bed. I open Splashtop select the main pc and type on here screen "Bed Time!" lol she hates that app because I can watch everything she does from my iPad. I would have paid a lot more for that app.

64GB 3G White iPad

Thx for the info...it's def worth checking out!

Sent from Scooter, my White Verizon 32GB iPad2, using iPF
First off I was say is Greetings! I'm new to the forum. I've been lurking around and not officially a member.

Just bought my iPad 64 3G Vzw white today. This is my second iPad. I had a 32GB wifi only iPad1 but I just sold that on ebay. I can't wait to dip into this new iPad. I'm loving the thinness of the iPad 2 compared to the 1.
ReLLyReLLz said:
First off I was say is Greetings! I'm new to the forum. I've been lurking around and not officially a member.

Just bought my iPad 64 3G Vzw white today. This is my second iPad. I had a 32GB wifi only iPad1 but I just sold that on ebay. I can't wait to dip into this new iPad. I'm loving the thinness of the iPad 2 compared to the 1.

I upgraded to the ipad2 because I read it was faster, but I'm finding I really like the way it looks and feels better too. Enjoy!
... i downloaded Pages. Anybody have any input on the goods/bads of Pages? ...

I found that Pages will not print with my wireless printer, which was recommended by the Apple Store! After spending almost $20 on a couple of Printer Utilities in the hopes that they would work (they didn't) one of my contacts at the Apple Store suggested I use AirPrintActivator. I installed it on my iMac and Pages on the the iPads immediately started recognizing my wireless printer!

Two caveats:
  1. The program must be running, so I set it to start when my iMac boots, and
  2. You must have a Mac to run the program on.

If you fit the above situation, the program can be downloaded from:
AirPrint Activator « Netputing

Hope it helps!
viningc said:
I found that Pages will not print with my wireless printer, which was recommended by the Apple Store! After spending almost $20 on a couple of Printer Utilities in the hopes that they would work (they didn't) one of my contacts at the Apple Store suggested I use AirPrintActivator. I installed it on my iMac and Pages on the the iPads immediately started recognizing my wireless printer!

Two caveats:

[*]The program must be running, so I set it to start when my iMac boots, and
[*]You must have a Mac to run the program on.

If you fit the above situation, the program can be downloaded from:
AirPrint Activator « Netputing

Hope it helps!

Oh haven't had to print from Pages. Always sent it to another computer for clean up.

Sent from Scooter, my White Verizon 32GB iPad2, using iPF
ReLLyReLLz said:
First off I was say is Greetings! I'm new to the forum. I've been lurking around and not officially a member.

Just bought my iPad 64 3G Vzw white today. This is my second iPad. I had a 32GB wifi only iPad1 but I just sold that on ebay. I can't wait to dip into this new iPad. I'm loving the thinness of the iPad 2 compared to the 1.

I upgraded to the ipad2 because I read it was faster, but I'm finding I really like the way it looks and feels better too. Enjoy!

I agree. Feels way better my hands. I love the thinness of it
icanlevel99 said:
Got mine yesterday......still addin essential apps on it,
Any suggestion what i should download?

Depends on your primary use of the iPad. For me, it is a multi-tasked device, so i have anything from Angry Birds to Pages and more.

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