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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

AlxiPad said:
I have had my iPad 2 3G in black since the UK release date. I queued up like a typical Apple junkie lol. I love this device. It's so easy to use and all this data is at my fingertips along with a great community like iPF. This device is staying with me until the next iPad (not the one just announced). Not enough changes for me.

This iPad 2 is a great device and more than enough for me. Any other serious iPad 2 lovers out there?

Sent from my iPad 2

I'm witcha, Alxi...didn't upgrade. Wasn't a reason to. The new one is great, but my Scooter is the greatest.

Sent from Scooter, my White 32GB iPad, using iPF in Deutschland
The announced features were not killer enough for me. I can hold out for a better device in the mean time.

Yo, how come we iPad 2 owners didn't get Siri in the latest 5.1 update. Will the iPad ever get it?

Sent from my iPad 2
It's good to see people loving the iPad 2. I have been conflicted ever since the new iPad came out. I had a 1st generation iPad and sold it last week for $250. Only had it since November. I thought for sure I was going to get the new iPad but I could get a refurbished iPad 2 for practically nothing. Yes, the resolution is superb on the new iPad but a coworker brought her iPad 2 to work and I was impressed.
princessbing1968 said:
It's good to see people loving the iPad 2. I have been conflicted ever since the new iPad came out. I had a 1st generation iPad and sold it last week for $250. Only had it since November. I thought for sure I was going to get the new iPad but I could get a refurbished iPad 2 for practically nothing. Yes, the resolution is superb on the new iPad but a coworker brought her iPad 2 to work and I was impressed.

If I didn't already have 2 I would get 3. If you can get a good deal on a 2 I would go for it. I've had mine since late August of 2011 and I still love it!! Enjoy!!

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF.net
Apple has a refurbished 2 16 gb (that is all I need) for $350. That is pretty good! Of course I won't be part of the new iPad 3 crowd but oh well, I can live with that. Surely, they will come out with another iPad in the future. :)
princessbing1968 said:
Apple has a refurbished 2 16 gb (that is all I need) for $350. That is pretty good! Of course I won't be part of the new iPad 3 crowd but oh well, I can live with that. Surely, they will come out with another iPad in the future. :)

Absolutely!!! Go for it!!!

Sent from my Tricked Out Glittery Verizon Black 32GB iPhone 4 Tethered to iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF
What's up with Apple

I just received my iPad2 - 16gig with 3g AT&T and out of the box the screen didn't work - blackness and some woman's voice. Called Apple and they want me to send it back and they will send me a refurbished one - WHAT??? I paid for a new one and it's not my fault it didn't work. I can't believe they don't stand by this product 100%. I have not agreed to this and still waiting to talk to someone who can make this right....
I paid for a new iPad 2 and it doesn't work - they want to replace it with a refurbished one - what is that all about? I paid $529 for mine.....
Hey guys how is everyone? I just bought myself an iPad 2 tonight. I know i'm kinda late, but I have been looking at getting a tablet for a while now. When I saw the price had dropped $100, I couldn't pass it up. My roommates mom has had the 2 for a while now, and bought herself the 3 today. She gave my roomy her old one, and they I went out and got mine.
jackson164 said:
I paid for a new iPad 2 and it doesn't work - they want to replace it with a refurbished one - what is that all about? I paid $529 for mine.....

Don't think I'd be happy about that if I'm honest with u! I paid £580 for mine, if mine wasn't working, I wouldn't want a refurbished one that's for sure.
Omfggg. I bought my iPad 2 yesterday and out of the past 39 hours ive slet about 3. I can't put this thing down! ☀
Hi I'm new here! Got mine last weekend after the price drop. Loving it. Played with a new iPad in the Apple store this weekend and was reassured that I made the right decision. The idea of a retina display intrigued me but, having seen one in the flesh, I realise that the 2 is more than enough for my purposes.

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