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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

Hi to everyone, last Friday I became the proud owner of the IPad 2 32gb wifi & 3G. My laptop and iPhone 4 are feeling very dejected, as I now use my iPad every spare moment I get. Your site is so informative and helpful, thanks to you all. To all out there thinking should I - shouldn't I ....... You most definitely should.
Got my iPad 2 yesterday and didn't pay a dime! Not directly anyways. I traded in a stipend from my honors college for an 32gb white. This year's freshman class is automatically getting their 16 wifi for a study on integrating them into their courses. As an upperclassmen I had the option of choosing the money or an ipad. The way I see it I'm reaping the dividends for busting my butt in high school.
Oh No !! Lost my iPad 1... WoOt ! My insurance company replaced it with iPad 2. Very Happy. Gotta say it feels better in the hand. Fave App ? Evernote
Now the proud owner of an iPad 2, 64gb wifi & 3g (and the grandfathered unlimited data plan to boot!). Going to the in-laws this weekend, so I will have plenty of time to see what this baby can do. :D

Now for a few good biz apps, learning how to sync up with my mbp and soon to have iPhone 5 and a game or two for fun.
Just got my Black Wi-Fi with black leather smartcover and wireless keyboard from the Apple Store online last weekend. Loving it and how it so easily replaces our laptop for me in all my computing needs.
Just got my new 16GB White IPad 2. Wasn't sure I would use it but since u got it Sunday it hasn't left my side.Poor IPhone and laptop!!!
Finally got an iPad 2.

Well, it's for my 2 year old son and his grandmother bought it for him (white 32g WiFi). That's so his current 64gb iPad 1 can go to his 9 year old cousin.... heh. But my son loves using FaceTime with me, since I have an iPhone 4 (he's been using an iPad for about 8 months now, watching cartoon movies and doing learning apps.... crazy how fast kids learn to use electronic devices these days).

I use it every now & then to check a few things. But I do notice that it's considerably faster than the iPad 1. I just wish she got another 64gb version since I'm running out of room fast with apps & vids.
got mine last august as a birthday gift for my self, l love it so much! very handy for a frequent traveller like me, i got a 64 gig
wifi 3gs and filled with ebooks and movies, im currently addicted to dragon vale, and for functionality, i love knowtillus and
Greetings, all. Just picked up my new iPad2 32GB WiFi model last night. Been messing with it and learning the ropes so to speak. Im mostly new to Apple products other than using them sometimes at work. I really like the interface and the usability. I see what they mean by "user experience" regarding Apple stuff! Very cool! :)

As others have mentioned, its too bad the camera is so iffy. It just doesnt take nice pictures. Not the end of the world but a few more megapixels wouldnt have hurt. Otherwise everythng works great. The WiFi performance is excellent all through the house so thats a plus. The speaker is surprisingly decent. It "feels" great in your hands....solid but unimposing, if that make sense.

Looking forward to chatting with ya'll. :thumbs:
Hi all,

I too am new to this site and I have also gotten my hands on my 32gb wifi white iPad2 for about 7 days ago.
Awesome device and I would say it is definitely a good buy for someone like me, always have the need to be online. Be it at work and off work!

I'm loving it!!
Well sounds like the right place for me to say I got an iPad 2 lol love it. Birthday gift so new to it but really happy! It's White 32gb and so prity. Xxxxx
Hi to you both and Welcome to the Forum. Doing some searches is the easiest way to learn about your iPad, if then you can't find an answer then by all means post your question, there are many friendly and informed members only too willing to help you. Enjoy!!
Got my IPad2 16GB wifi only

Just saying HI. .... HI

I originally brought a galaxy tab 10.1, due to my phone being the Galaxy S2, was really unhappy with the laggy interface, refunded and got the Xoom again laggy and not a nice experience.

After returning that I went with the iPad 2 and love it, so smooth and easy to use, now sold my Galaxy S2, and have ordered a 4s to go with my ipad2 so I can fully enjoy the iCloud / ios5 experience.

Hi again :)
Got my IPad2 16GB wifi only

Just saying HI. .... HI

I originally brought a galaxy tab 10.1, due to my phone being the Galaxy S2, was really unhappy with the laggy interface, refunded and got the Xoom again laggy and not a nice experience.

After returning that I went with the iPad 2 and love it, so smooth and easy to use, now sold my Galaxy S2, and have ordered a 4s to go with my ipad2 so I can fully enjoy the iCloud / ios5 experience.

Hi again :)
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