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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

dookievi said:
Yes. Still learning how to use iPad

Welcome to the Forum!

Here are some links to help you on your way

We have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.

Just got an iPad 2 (32gb/wifi) yesterday. A family member upgraded to a new 64gb LTE and gave me her iPad 2...only 6 months old and babied!
i am a 'used' ipad2 owner!! bought my friends 32 gigger cause he got the new ipad3 wifi/data one.. got a good deal.. for it too!
I bought this iPad 2 last weekend and this is so awesome device. Its really fast everything works like a charm and this is so easy to use. Actually this is much faster than what my old netbook was. I really love my iPad 2 and km also addicted to it. :D
You both will just love your iPads. I use it both for home and work. It is quicker than my laptop. I really have abandon my laptop and have really used my iPad much more.

Enjoy your iPads... So much to enjoy with this device!

Oh by the way...Welcome to both of you!
yeah I am a iPad newbie, and love it it is a iPad2 32GB 3G Verizon and supposedly jail broken, which is where I am having the problems how do I get Cydia working on it for free music etc.
Have you looked into our hack section? That should get you going for some answers to your questions!

Welcome to the forum!
After playing with my iPad for a week or two, my wife wanted one. Yesterday I took her to the Apple shop and now she's also a proud owner also. :-)

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