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TIPS AND TRICKS - for those of us who don't know!

Another Tip that I use a lot. If you find yourself visiting a site often and it doesn't have an app, press the little square with the arrow which is left of the browser address, the one to set a bookmark and you can also 'add to homescreen'. This creates an app for that site and adds it to your screen. Enjoy!!

By doing this, you're just bookmarking to one of your iPad screens. That's not creating an app.
Kaykaykay said:
By doing this, you're just bookmarking to one of your iPad screens. That's not creating an app.

Sorry I didnt mean that it made an app but rather an app like icon so it's just easier to get to the site. I should have thought of my wording better.
i am not able to run the games. after clicking it just flickers & comes to normal stage. rest all ( photos ,songs) works fine. what to do ? pls guide me if possible.
hi there,have just been out in the sun trying to read on the ipad, not possible,what can I do??

If it is due to reflections then buy an anti glare screen protector for it. If it was too washed out then turn the brightness up full. If you still can't read it then you just need to find some shade - this is an issue inherit in this type of display.
Kaykay and Leelai, thanks for the help, i found out why my phone cannot email videos, its because its the iphone 3g, not the 3gs or ip4. Originally my phone only takes photoes, but i bought an app which allows it to take videos. The quality is piss poor but better then nothing. I have uploaded the videos to a hosting site. Thanks again and below are the links to the videos, me driving through enfield looking for riot scars, but found nothing visible, lots of police in the area though



Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2
Another Tip that I use a lot. If you find yourself visiting a site often and it doesn't have an app, press the little square with the arrow which is left of the browser address, the one to set a bookmark and you can also 'add to homescreen'. This creates an app for that site and adds it to your screen. Enjoy!!
Thanks for this tip!
GoPackGo said:
Thanks for this tip!

I use this a lot. Instead of putting it in your bookmark list, it puts an icon on your iPad desktop. To me, it IS an app. Extremely useful!

Good one, Leelai! No apologies necessary!
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Dawgluver said:
I use this a lot. Instead of putting it in your bookmark list, it puts an icon on your iPad desktop. To me, it IS an app. Extremely useful!

Good one, Leelai! No apologies necessary!

Thanks for that, I felt awful that I might have mislead anyone, but I do use it all the time too.
How do u start a thread??? I'm so frustrated right now I can't even think!! Please help!

Sent from my iPad using iPF

If you have a specific problem, then you can either post a question or use the Search button near the top of the Forum web page.

If you want to post a problem, you’ll probably want to either append your question to an existing thread if your problem is related to the topic being discussed in that thread, or start a new discussion (thread). To do that, you need to navigate back to the ‘iPad Forum’ page (button near the top of the Forum web page), then choose a discussion area that you think most suits the problem you want to discuss - say ‘iPad DiY’, click to enter that area and then you’ll see a button ‘Start New Thread’. You can click on that and enter a title for your thread and the usual text box where you can type the details of your problem.

It makes sense to use a thread title that’s as descriptive as possible. So I wouldn’t call a thread ‘I have a problem’ because no one scanning through the thread will know what the problem is or whether they can help and, since there are so many posts made each day, no one has time to read them all.

So, instead, make the title of the thread as specific as possible - ‘iPad screen goes blank every 5 seconds’, for example would be better (though not as good as it could be, I have to admit) and then give as much detail of the problem as you can.

But don’t be afraid to post - all the Forum members are really nice and the Moderators keep them under control and make sure they’re well behaved and polite - well, most of the time!!

But just enjoy your iPad. Like any new product, they'll be 'issues' that will arise - first piece of advice, don't panic and don't do anything rash. I've read of people who have restored their iPads - generally a last resort - when the problem was far far simpler.
If you have a specific problem, then you can either post a question or use the Search button near the top of the Forum web page.

If you want to post a problem, you’ll probably want to either append your question to an existing thread if your problem is related to the topic being discussed in that thread, or start a new discussion (thread). To do that, you need to navigate back to the ‘iPad Forum’ page (button near the top of the Forum web page), then choose a discussion area that you think most suits the problem you want to discuss - say ‘iPad DiY’, click to enter that area and then you’ll see a button ‘Start New Thread’. You can click on that and enter a title for your thread and the usual text box where you can type the details of your problem.

It makes sense to use a thread title that’s as descriptive as possible. So I wouldn’t call a thread ‘I have a problem’ because no one scanning through the thread will know what the problem is or whether they can help and, since there are so many posts made each day, no one has time to read them all.

So, instead, make the title of the thread as specific as possible - ‘iPad screen goes blank every 5 seconds’, for example would be better (though not as good as it could be, I have to admit) and then give as much detail of the problem as you can.

But don’t be afraid to post - all the Forum members are really nice and the Moderators keep them under control and make sure they’re well behaved and polite - well, most of the time!!

But just enjoy your iPad. Like any new product, they'll be 'issues' that will arise - first piece of advice, don't panic and don't do anything rash. I've read of people who have restored their iPads - generally a last resort - when the problem was far far simpler.

Thanks so much!!!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Just reading the app "Tips and Tricks" and happened on this. Double tap or two finger tap the space bar to get a period followed by a space.
Czevski said:
Just reading the app "Tips and Tricks" and happened on this. Double tap or two finger tap the space bar to get a period followed by a space.

Yes, I use that all the time, but there's a little bit more to it too, tap with 3 fingers and you'll get 3 spaces, tap with 4 you get 4 spaces, it's hard to do 5 fingers, unless you use 2 hands, but you will get 5 spaces.
I will reiterate the "tap and swipe up" method. For example, if you want degrees for an oven or other temp, tap and swipe up the zero (number) and lo and behold, you get the degree symbol! 0°. The apostrophe: ,'! ."! Love it!

You can also get lots of strange and fun foreign stuff by tapping and swiping letters and numbers.
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