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TIPS AND TRICKS - for those of us who don't know!

You can use 2 finger gesture to scroll on those websites frames within websites.. Especially useful for facebook pop-ups (for list of attendees, friends, etc.)

Dailyfinance.com also use those framed scrolling

This is the best tip EVER!!!!! Thank you a million times!!! How do you guys find these tips? Is there a book or something? I didn't see anything in the iPad manual about this or most if the other great tips here, I.e. The flick the keyboard for alternate characters. Thanks.
The scrolling question comes up periodically. I know I've read about it somewhere, but I don't recall the context. My understanding is that with the next upgrade (iOS 5), single finger scrolling will be incorporated and you'll no longer have to worry about it.

Here's a little tutorial I created a while back to help another member...

Yes, this will play on your iPad! :)

Hope that helps those that follow...and don't be afraid to use the "Advanced Search" feature located at the top of every page!

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The app "tips and tricks" has many of these tips. I like this thread because these are tricks people are using, and I didn't know I wanted to do that until I read the tip.
nice thread

did you read all the 424 posts?

it would be nice, if the first post would be updated with said tips and tricks.
a lot of reposts about certain tips, because they don't know if it was mentioned before, maybe if it is in the first post, people can see it and not post again.

this can easily be done, if a moderator come up on some free time, and edit/add to the first post.

that would be nice, as this thread could really be referenced, for old/new members to come and take a glance to refresh their tips knowledge without reading thru the whole thread.

especially when iOS 5 drops, there might be more, in which can be added too, with its own tips add-on for iOS 5 only tips.

Now thats a good Tip.
hi, Poser. if i'm a moderator, i'll be horrified to do it :D

maybe anyone with the time - and the heart - to list them down can do so and post it here. then a moderator can just edit the first post to include the list....

... for another enterprising guy to use and subsequently come up with the latest version of the "ipad tips and tricks" app, hehe...
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I read all the posts in the thread before posting a tip when the thread was about 24 (give or take a few) pages long. I'd like to read it again at some point so I can try remembering a few more tips.
did you read all the 424 posts?

it would be nice, if the first post would be updated with said tips and tricks.
a lot of reposts about certain tips, because they don't know if it was mentioned before, maybe if it is in the first post, people can see it and not post again.

this can easily be done, if a moderator come up on some free time, and edit/add to the first post.

that would be nice, as this thread could really be referenced, for old/new members to come and take a glance to refresh their tips knowledge without reading thru the whole thread.

especially when iOS 5 drops, there might be more, in which can be added too, with its own tips add-on for iOS 5 only tips.

Now thats a good Tip.

Yes, I read them all. It took hours, but I learned some REALLY useful things.
In Pages, folders by default are organized by date.

If you select by "Name," they'll be organized based on the names of your folders.

Once you select to organize them by their names, if you want a folder in Pages to appear at the very top and also on the left, leave a space in front of the title.
Spaarty said:
Here's a few that I have found to be quite useful being an iPad Noob myself...... :D

Speed up your typing: Double-tapping the spacebar while typing a message will type a period and then a space.

Make your passcode more secure: iOS defaults to a four-number passcode, but you can turn it off by going to Settings, General, Passcode Lock, Simple Passcode. Now you can use any full keyboard password to lock the iPad. The password also helps to encrypt your mail and attachments on the iPad, so you probably want to make it safer than a four-digit number.

Set the iPad to Erase Data: You can set the iPad to erase all data after ten failed passcode entry attempts by checking the Erase Data option under Settings, General, Passcode Lock.

Show traffic conditions: Open Maps, press the dog-eared page icon in the lower right, and then turn the Traffic overlay on. If your iPad has an Internet connection, Maps will show real-time traffic conditions in the displayed area. Green means traffic is going at the posted speed limit, yellow means traffic is slower than the posted speed limit, and red means traffic is stop-and-go.

Take a screenshot: Press Home and the sleep/wake button simultaneously. The screenshot will automatically appear among your photos.

Hi I tried this but my traffic button is greyed out. How do I get it on?

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