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TIPS AND TRICKS - for those of us who don't know!


I downloaded the new Iphoto for ipad. And man it is nice to work with.

But Now I have move some pictures from my Mac to the Ipad, edited them, and want them back on my Mac.

I would like them to be copied into the folder from where they came.

overwriting the old version of the pictures.

Is this possible?

I am not using Iphoto on the mac, but picasa!

I don't think you can sync to a folder as such. I believe you would need to share your images via itunes and then manually copy these images over to your folder. The image names may well be diffrent as well so they wouldn't overwrite the existing files if that is the case.
Here is one that I just found out a few seconds ago. Hold the key that looks like a keyboard. Location under the up arrow key and next to the .?123 key you will have 2 options one is the
split keyboard and the other is docking the keyboard. Undocking will move the keyboard up to the middle of the screen which makes it much easier to type if the iPad is resting on ones body which makes the keyboard right next to the body.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
WitchOneSalem said:
Here is one that I just found out a few seconds ago. Hold the key that looks like a keyboard. Location under the up arrow key and next to the .?123 key you will have 2 options one is the
split keyboard and the other is docking the keyboard. Undocking will move the keyboard up to the middle of the screen which makes it much easier to type if the iPad is resting on ones body which makes the keyboard right next to the body.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB

And here I thought it just closed/moved the keyboard out of sight.....

Awesome - thanks!
You can also split the keyboard by putting two fingers on the keyboard and dragging apart.

Sent via iPF from my iPad2 iOS 5.1.
Yptcn said:
To read a forum in Safari and not have to click "next" each time to change pages, insert Page Zipper in your Mac's toolbar ,then on your iPad , go to Settings and open "Always show toolbar". It's terrific ! Here is a link :

PageZipper - Life's too short to spend clicking "Next" « PrintWhatYouLike.com

Top tip and once you work out how to do it and remember to go to settings, safari, always show toolbar you can edit the URL paste the code and then every time you want to skip to next page on a website you hit the link in your browser and it loads them for you great in low connection save waiting time loads. Thanks!
Mickey330 said:
The new Shortcuts as mentioned by zipur came with iOS 5. And, yes, they are a VERY handy thing to have. To repeat where they are (if you are on iOS5): Go to your Settings app - General - Keyboard - Add New Shortcut... There, you'll have two lines, one to input your shortcut keystrokes and one to input the phrase that'll appear when you type the shortcut.

The AutoFill is useful, yes, to put in an e-mail address, but with Shortcuts, you can create anything. For instance, I use a shortcut to type my name and the end of every post, enter in any one of my three e-mail address and to type in long phrases I use a lot. Very powerful little tool.

Hope this clarifies.


This is a ripper .thanks Marilyn
MrLuke said:
You can also split the keyboard by putting two fingers on the keyboard and dragging apart.

Sent via iPF from my iPad2 iOS 5.1.

I tried that and I do not like the split keyboard. I wish there was an option to show numbers and letters at the same time.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
I wish there was an option to show numbers and letters at the same time.

There is if you are jailbroken. It's called 5 row keyboard

Ok here is my C.I.A tip used by the underworld to pass information via forums.
Of course the recipient must know you are sending it.
Here we go, make a post of a few lines, then press enter a few times and type your true note.
Next highlight the message and change the color to white! No one will know its there.
To decode the note highlight your entire note and it will become readable.! Only works on PCs
This is not really a iPad trick but it works if you need to pass secrete information, ask your neighborhood terrorist if you don't believe me.

I used to be all thumbs now I'm all gums I love dictating my posts!
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Mickey330 said:
The new Shortcuts as mentioned by zipur came with iOS 5. And, yes, they are a VERY handy thing to have. To repeat where they are (if you are on iOS5): Go to your Settings app - General - Keyboard - Add New Shortcut... There, you'll have two lines, one to input your shortcut keystrokes and one to input the phrase that'll appear when you type the shortcut.

The AutoFill is useful, yes, to put in an e-mail address, but with Shortcuts, you can create anything. For instance, I use a shortcut to type my name and the end of every post, enter in any one of my three e-mail address and to type in long phrases I use a lot. Very powerful little tool.

Hope this clarifies.


Great hint.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Redneck_Randy said:
There is if you are jailbroken. It's called 5 row keyboard

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=11925"/>

That is theming of keyboard that I want but with my luck jail breaking my iPad will make iPad useless.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
Big thread but this tip is my favorite and I don' want anyone to miss it.
Go to Settings/General/Short Cuts/ Put in your email address as the phrase and the first three letters of you email as the shortcut.
This will pay off big when typing emails or logins. Of corse you can build this up to all you common phrases.


On ipad2 it is settings/general/keyboard
My Ipad (2)'s a Kindle, Too?!?!!!!

I just bought my Ipad on March 11th - my first -- and admittedly am getting a small case of app-itis. Anyway, somewhere I heard or read that Kindle/Amazon books can be read on the Ipad. In fact, there's a specific Kindle app FOR the Ipad. I downloaded it and voilà! I was able to download a free book (which just came out that I coincidentally saw today and was considering checking out at the library today).

In any event, I downloaded the app; then used their store (Amazon I guess) which had the book (actually I saw on HotDealsDigest it was being offered for a free Kindle download). Everything worked.

So ultimately, I have an Ipad, but I also have a Kindle (withIN the Ipad). I guess, wha- everybody knows this already? I'm totally jazzed!!! :)

Not sure if you know, but you borrow books from local library's. I just tried it, you just need your card #, I use the kindle app. But I am sure you can use other formats as well. My local town (which is a small rural community) has a small secelction online, but you can go to other towns digital library's websites as well. I love this. Great for someone who is on the road, and never gets books back in time.

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