Thanks to both of you!
Bob - you've not been around for a year or so!

Hope that all is going well w/ you - assume busy!<...>
Thanks. I've been delightfully busy, and haven't had the time to go out and take more pictures (at least pictures that I'm very happy with). The iPad has been mostly used for couch surfing and a couple of magazine subscriptions.
A friend of mine is going to Prague and Budapest, and I have about 15G of pictures from a trip I took in 2014 that would be nice to have on the iPad. Of course, I'd thin them out before transferring. The tablet is more portable than the laptop, the display is nice, and the touch interface is great for showing pictures.
I can put the mp3s I want to play for him (original stuff) on a flash drive and play on his computer, it will sound better on bigger speakers anyway.
My main computer is a PC. This is a necessity for my work (second business), as I develop aftermarket style and song files for Band-in-a-Box (an auto-accompaniment music app). The BiaB style-writing app on the PC is far superior to that of the Mac and the styles written on the PC are better (not Mac's fault but the BiaB developer is very PC oriented and the StyleWriter on the Mac lags by about 15 years in features).
However, the style and song files made on the PC are 100% compatible with Mac so I can develop them on the PC and sell them to Mac users as well. I keep my products on the PC and Mac updated together.
The frustration of getting things to and from the Mac via Dropbox and my slow DSL Lite makes me use the iPad less and less. I'm too far away from the fiber optics to get real DSL speeds (the price of living in almost paradise).
I had iTunes on my PC but when my iPad died, I uninstalled it. It kept wanting to hog file associations, it occasionally locked up the computer while trying to use it and was just a PITA to use.
My new Walkman has a simple drag-and-drop method to add tunes. No additional app needed. As a bonus, it sounds much better than the iPod. Newer technology I guess. The iPod gave me a very long and happy life. I bought it about the time the touch came out, it's a classic. Touch doesn't work for me in the car (fat fingers).
I've had a few Apple computers, starting with my Motorola CPU "toaster" with OS6 back in the 1990s, and while Apple makes quality products, and even though their OS is much more attractive than Windows, I've always been frustrated by the lack of compatibility between Mac and PC. It seems to me that Apple does whatever it can to keep users Apple Exclusive, and since my second business requires Windows, it's a fight.
If I didn't need the PC as my main computer, this wouldn't be a problem. I have a good friend who is 100% Mac, loves it, and doesn't need that cross platform compatibility. We can collaborate on music and send files through the net with no problem.
The iPad Air is my last Apple product. Everything else I bought is in the great computer graveyard. For my first business (pro musician) and my second business (BiaB aftermarket developer) I use ThinkPads. Their build quality is on a par with the Mac. I just retired one that I bought in 2002 and has been on stage with me since then. It still works, but the HD is running out of room. Replacing the HD on a 15 year old computer is not practical.
I think my next tablet will be an Android. I love the iPad, the music apps are superior to the droid music apps but I can transfer files to and from my droid phone and PC with no problem.
OK, I'm drifting off the subject here.
Thank you girdaman and thank you twerppoet for the info. This will lead me to further investigation to see which if any of the options will be best for me.