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TUTORIAL - Jailbreak iPad1 with redsn0w for Windows

betfair said:
i did this on my ipad 4.3.5 but i would like to use without tethered jb..what should i do?

You can't untether 4.3.5 as things stand. The last untether was 4.3.3, but without shsh blobs for 4.3.3 on your device you can't install it any more, so you are probably stuck with the tethered version. It's really no big deal on the iPad anyway.
I jailbroken my ipad 1 7months ago worked great using Redsnow last week I updated to ios 5 and jailbroke that while using an app Skyfire or something like that my ipad shut down it took me ages to get it going again I tried to restore on tunes it kept on coming up Error codes so I thought I could Jailbrake it again with Redsnow it starts off ok the gets to No Successful Firmware Download 60000ms Error I have tried everything watched 100's on youtube videos without any result and read forums after forums I hope someone can help me

when I turn my ipad 1 on it goes straight to the connect to itunes screen with the usb picture
I have tried
tinyumbrella-5.00.12a as I am missing SHSH Blobs ,
also tried limera1n and
blackra1n and
greenpois0n and

I am using Vista loaded PC
Any help would be great
I jailbroken my ipad 1 7months ago worked great using Redsnow last week I updated to ios 5 and jailbroke that while using an app Skyfire or something like that my ipad shut down it took me ages to get it going again I tried to restore on tunes it kept on coming up Error codes so I thought I could Jailbrake it again with Redsnow it starts off ok the gets to No Successful Firmware Download 60000ms Error I have tried everything watched 100's on youtube videos without any result and read forums after forums I hope someone can help me

when I turn my ipad 1 on it goes straight to the connect to itunes screen with the usb picture
I have tried
tinyumbrella-5.00.12a as I am missing SHSH Blobs ,
also tried limera1n and
blackra1n and
greenpois0n and

I am using Vista loaded PC
Any help would be great

Best if you don't use any other tool except redsn0w, and you need to understand that IOS5 is a TETHERED jailbreak. Sounds to me like that was your problem for the start. You don't use TinyUmbrella for 5.0 because it is the CURRENT firmware, so you don't need (or have) saved blobs for 5.0. Blobs are no longer relevant now we are on 5.x anyway. They simply cannot be saved and replayed.

Best thing to do now is restore stock IOS5 using iTunes, then jailbreak from scratch. Put your device into DFU mode (http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html) and then press "restore" in iTunes. Once you have a clean fresh IOS5 on it, use this tutorial to help you jailbreak - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lbreak-ipad1-ios5-tethered-using-redsn0w.html

And pay close attention to the last step. It is VERY important.

Hope that helps.
Thanks mate f4780y I am unable to restore though itunes it tries for a while then I get the following codes Error 11, 24, 1011, 1601, 1603, 1639, 3015, 2005 almost a different code I try I can only get my ipad in DFU mode or showing the USB + itunes logo I have been at this for over 40 hours trying to get my baby to work

I have turnned off my firewall and removed my anti virus program , uninstored itunes re loaded itunes re downloaded itunes , download the ios 5 pack many times It's driving me mad

Today I called Apple and told them whats going on (not telling them its Jailbroken) and they told me to take it the the Apple store and let a Tech take a look at it

I am going to try sometimes things before it goes to the Apple store #1 what you have kindly replyed
#2 try to instore though itunes using a Mac
#3 a way to kill it so AApple can't find it was Jailbroken (anyones help all welcome)

Thanks again Mate

Ok tried again ipad shown error, no successful firmware downloaded after 600000ms giving up after using Reds0w the then I went back inti DFU mode and press just boot ipad just show a small pineapple in the middle of the screen then after a while it goes back to the USB + itunes picture
Guys, are there any tutorial out yet using Windows 8.1?
Guys, are there any tutorial out yet using Windows 8.1?

I was not aware that redsn0w did NOT work with Windows 8. What type of error notice are you getting? Do you have the correct version of redsn0w? The redsn0w site's Jailbreak Wizard says you need redsn0w version 0.9.14b2 to jail break an iPad1 on iOS 5.1.1.

8.1 is no different from 8 in 9 out of 10 aspects. I've tried RedSn0w, Sn0wBreeze, iFaith, and a handful of other tools on 8.1 and it's running just fine.

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