Welcome to the iPadForums.net tutorial on Jailbreaking IOS5 on the iPad1 with ac1dsn0w.
ac1dsn0w currently jailbreaks IOS5 on the following devices only - iPad1, iPhone 3GS, iPhone4, and iPodTouch4G. It does not work on iPad2 or iPhone4S.
iPad2 owners can keep up to date with the latest news here - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/44596-official-ipad2-jailbreak-thread.html
IOS5 Jailbreak Preparation.
In order to use the tethered ac1dsn0w jailbreak for IOS5, you need to make sure you are starting with an iPad which is already upgraded to IOS5, and as things stand that means the latest version of IOS5, which is 5.0.1 at the time of writing.
You will need to download the latest version of the tool from the home page here - Pwn Dev Team . Always source ac1dsn0w from this site to ensure its authenticity. At the time of writing, ac1dsn0w is available for OSX only.
Lets Jailbreak IOS5!
Once your preparation is complete, we can get started on the jailbreak process...
1. Launch the ac1dsn0w application and you will be presented with a screen as follows:
If you know how to put your iPad into DFU mode, go ahead and do it and then skip to Step 3. If you can't remember how to activate DFU mode, follow Step 2...
2. Ac1dsn0w provides a DFU Mode Assistant to help you get into DFU mode. Just tick the "Show Assistant" box and a popup screen will be shown as follows:
Press the "Start" button and follow the instructions on screen…
If everything went to plan, you should now be in DFU mode and you can proceed to the next step. If not, press reset and try again…
3. Press the "Jailbreak" button and let ac1dsn0w work it's magic!
If you are interested in what is going on under the covers, tick the "Show Console" button and you can follow the progress of your jailbreak!
Congratulations! You are jailbroken! BUT DON'T FORGET, THIS IS A TETHERED JAILBREAK. You must now boot tethered to be able to use Cydia.
4. Put your device into DFU mode again (use the assistant if necessary), and press "Boot Tethered"
Now your iPad should boot in a tethered state. One important thing to note compared to other jailbreaks such as redsn0w, is that the Apple logo is still displayed when the iPad is booting correctly into a tethered state. With redsn0w this would normally be a pineapple to let you know you did it right.
That's it! You really are jailbroken now. Congratulations again!
Now launch Cydia and start exploring the brave new world!
Don't forget to tethered boot using step 4 EVERY TIME you reboot your iPad from now on!
Ac1dra1n also contains options to fix a recovery mode loop which can be caused when downgrading devices and also to put the device into owned DFU mode which is used for installing custom firmwares without a baseband component. These are important in the iPhone world, but not in the iPad scene so there's little point in covering them here. But if you put your iPad into DFU mode you can use them none the less!
Happy hacking IOS5 fellow jailbreakers!
ac1dsn0w currently jailbreaks IOS5 on the following devices only - iPad1, iPhone 3GS, iPhone4, and iPodTouch4G. It does not work on iPad2 or iPhone4S.

Status Update: Following a shaky start, necessitating the tool being withdrawn due to infringing Apples copyright, Pwn Dev-Team have now released Beta 2 which solves the legal issues. YAY! So feel free to download and use this tool if you wish, not that it is on the right side of legal![]()
IOS5 Jailbreak Preparation.
In order to use the tethered ac1dsn0w jailbreak for IOS5, you need to make sure you are starting with an iPad which is already upgraded to IOS5, and as things stand that means the latest version of IOS5, which is 5.0.1 at the time of writing.
You will need to download the latest version of the tool from the home page here - Pwn Dev Team . Always source ac1dsn0w from this site to ensure its authenticity. At the time of writing, ac1dsn0w is available for OSX only.
Lets Jailbreak IOS5!
Once your preparation is complete, we can get started on the jailbreak process...
1. Launch the ac1dsn0w application and you will be presented with a screen as follows:

Note for n00bs: Ac1dsn0w seems to have been developed primarily for seasoned jail breakers that are familiar with the process of jailbreaking Apple devices. The basic assumption is that you know how to get your device into DFU mode. If you press ANY of the 4 primary buttons for Jailbreak, Tethered Boot, Pwned DFU, or Exit Recovery, the tool assumes you have ALREADY put your device into DFU mode. Don't worry if you don't understand this. ac1dsn0w can still help you out too!
If you know how to put your iPad into DFU mode, go ahead and do it and then skip to Step 3. If you can't remember how to activate DFU mode, follow Step 2...
2. Ac1dsn0w provides a DFU Mode Assistant to help you get into DFU mode. Just tick the "Show Assistant" box and a popup screen will be shown as follows:

Press the "Start" button and follow the instructions on screen…

If everything went to plan, you should now be in DFU mode and you can proceed to the next step. If not, press reset and try again…

3. Press the "Jailbreak" button and let ac1dsn0w work it's magic!

If you are interested in what is going on under the covers, tick the "Show Console" button and you can follow the progress of your jailbreak!

Congratulations! You are jailbroken! BUT DON'T FORGET, THIS IS A TETHERED JAILBREAK. You must now boot tethered to be able to use Cydia.
4. Put your device into DFU mode again (use the assistant if necessary), and press "Boot Tethered"
Now your iPad should boot in a tethered state. One important thing to note compared to other jailbreaks such as redsn0w, is that the Apple logo is still displayed when the iPad is booting correctly into a tethered state. With redsn0w this would normally be a pineapple to let you know you did it right.
That's it! You really are jailbroken now. Congratulations again!
Now launch Cydia and start exploring the brave new world!
Don't forget to tethered boot using step 4 EVERY TIME you reboot your iPad from now on!
Ac1dra1n also contains options to fix a recovery mode loop which can be caused when downgrading devices and also to put the device into owned DFU mode which is used for installing custom firmwares without a baseband component. These are important in the iPhone world, but not in the iPad scene so there's little point in covering them here. But if you put your iPad into DFU mode you can use them none the less!
Happy hacking IOS5 fellow jailbreakers!
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