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TUTORIAL - Jailbreak iPad1 on IOS5 using redsn0w

Sorry, I made a bad assumption that this was a no brainer. I have updated the first post with a line stating you should have the latest version of iTunes.

Whilst it is now possible to own an iPad and never use iTunes thanks to IOS5, you must still have the appropriate device drivers installed on your PC if you ever want to connect it (even if only for jailbreaking activities, such as redsn0w). Those drivers typically come via an iTunes installation, so as you discovered, you do need it. The good news is you never actually have to use it if you don't want to!

No apology needed, and I really appreciate your input.

It is also good to know that I don't have to contend with ITunes anymore. So, is it now proper reasoning that MediaMonkey, WinAMP or other similar programs, would serve for the needs of file transfers to, and from my IPad?
NLAlston said:
OK. I am now Jailbroken - and quite happy about it. I didn't know that ITunes (which I hate) had to be in residence on my PC, in order for the jail-break to be effectuated. My PC was just recently (yesterday) formatted & restored, although I hadn't reinstalled ITunes. So, I am now good to go.

"effectuated" eh? Interesting word. :). I could learn to likenate it. :)
Pls help me, I JB my Ipad1 5.0.1 (9A405) using RedSnow0.9.10b5c for Windows. It was successful and Cydia was installed.

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Can anyone help me pls?
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alxs13 said:
Pls help me, I JB my Ipad1 5.0.1 (9A405) using RedSnow0.9.10b5c for Windows. It was successful and Cydia was installed.

Can anyone help me pls?

What you are discussing is priacy. We do not jailbreak to steal software on this site. Discussion of piracy or ways of enabling it on your device will result in a ban if you persist. Please read our rules.
pls help me..i got an ipad 1 that running on ios 5.0 and i've jb on tethered..now the ipad1 is out of luck.battery is dead and itunes/computer can't detect the device. the ipad only show the apple logo. DFU mode can't enter.what should i do.
The tutorial has been updated to support jailbreaking of 5.1 tethered... :D
stingray1059 said:
is it necessary to have a copy of ios 5.1 when jailbreaking IPAD1 5.1FW? or redsn0w and being connected to the internet will do?

Impossible to say for each and every case :(

If you have problems without using the ipsw file, then you'll need to download it... ;)
Hello, I hope I get a reply(I noticed last post was a while back). Anyways I've done the JB'ing before for a friend precisely for the iPad 1 thethered with iOS 5.1 without any issues. However I've been itching to JB my own iPad 1 iOS 5.1 but haven't due to the fact that I'm currently unaware if it's possible to remove it so that there is no trace of it ever been JBroken. That is my only concern. If there is however a method of undoing the JB, what is it?

Thank you for reading.
MightyKing said:
Hello, I hope I get a reply(I noticed last post was a while back). Anyways I've done the JB'ing before for a friend precisely for the iPad 1 thethered with iOS 5.1 without any issues. However I've been itching to JB my own iPad 1 iOS 5.1 but haven't due to the fact that I'm currently unaware if it's possible to remove it so that there is no trace of it ever been JBroken. That is my only concern. If there is however a method of undoing the JB, what is it?

Thank you for reading.

A jailbreak can always be completely removed without a trace by restoring the device in iTunes.
hi! I posted this in the Cydia tutorial for beginners thread a while ago, but this thread seems to be more active, so i'm trying my luck here.

I have a question about safety (looked around a bit on the forums and couldn't find an answer.) Is jailbraking safe for your data? I'm thinking, can't developers of jailbreaks and/ or of the apps that you install from Cydia use them to steal your personal data? Because I kinda have a feeling they might, but on the other hand, so many people are jailbreaking...

Will appreciate some info on this.
Favleey said:
hi! I posted this in the Cydia tutorial for beginners thread a while ago, but this thread seems to be more active, so i'm trying my luck here.

I have a question about safety (looked around a bit on the forums and couldn't find an answer.) Is jailbraking safe for your data? I'm thinking, can't developers of jailbreaks and/ or of the apps that you install from Cydia use them to steal your personal data? Because I kinda have a feeling they might, but on the other hand, so many people are jailbreaking...

Will appreciate some info on this.

It is relatively safe. If an evil person wants to develop something evil to steal your data they will. The upside is that the jailbreak community will never allow evil apps into the mainstream. Therefore, you would have to be reckless in order to fall foul of evil people by going out of your way to add untrusted sources to your device and installing obscure software. Ive been jailbreaking for 5 years. AFAIK in that time there has been one malicious piece of software and the community acted so swiftly it was never allowed to do any damage.
f4780y said:
It is relatively safe. If an evil person wants to develop something evil to steal your data they will. The upside is that the jailbreak community will never allow evil apps into the mainstream. Therefore, you would have to be reckless in order to fall foul of evil people by going out of your way to add untrusted sources to your device and installing obscure software. Ive been jailbreaking for 5 years. AFAIK in that time there has been one malicious piece of software and the community acted so swiftly it was never allowed to do any damage.

Sounds good. Thank you! :)

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