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UK should boycott Apple


iPF Novice
Mar 12, 2010
Reaction score
Apple treats UK customers with disdain. I think people in the UK should boycott their 'style over substance' products and go with other companies, who at least make UK a priority, unlike Apple.
Just be patient it will arrive in good time. Regardless of stock issues It takes time to set up telco in countries other than USA and also the distribution network etc Further more devices such as ipads have to be approved by each country before they can be sold in that country. With ibooks arrangements have to be made with book companies in each country and deal with copy right issues etc. It will be world wide release for late May and May 10th for orders colin in Australia
Wow, how impaitient can you be? And idiotic....you want the company that you want a product from to be boycotted because you can't get it?

Wow, I've seen arrogance before but this takes the cake....
LMControl said:
Wow, how impaitient can you be? And idiotic....you want the company that you want a product from to be boycotted because you can't get it?

Wow, I've seen arrogance before but this takes the cake....

I agree well put
Frankly having a delay is sometimes good as Apple may make a revision to sort out any bugs that may be there such as wifi That has happened before when they released. the Mac pros. Changes were made although small to those shipped to Australia

Lets face it manufacturing some 1 to 2 million ipads to satisfy a world market is a major project in it's own

Couldn't say it better. And they will ship a few million devices more. It is still a young market and once people have understood, what the iPad can do, it will skyrocket.
Apple treats UK customers with disdain. I think people in the UK should boycott their 'style over substance' products and go with other companies, who at least make UK a priority, unlike Apple.

The US makes up for a greater share of Apples revenue than the UK. Any company will give its top customer priority.
Apple treats UK customers with disdain. I think people in the UK should boycott their 'style over substance' products and go with other companies, who at least make UK a priority, unlike Apple.

so why are you here with a username that says ipad fan?
With disdain? Really? Because it's home user base wants more than they can produce they hold UK with disdain.

Ummmm, it's not even available in CANADA YET!!! And we share a land border!

You are a little high and mighty aren't you?
Im from sweden and i dont se myself asking for boykott for apple to just release it in US the first month.
Im going to buy one but that meens that i have to wait for apple to work up there stock so they have something to sell.
Apple treats UK customers with disdain. I think people in the UK should boycott their 'style over substance' products and go with other companies, who at least make UK a priority, unlike Apple.

so why are you here with a username that says ipad fan?

The iPad fan is put there by the board, just as you are a ipad junkie.
On the original subject, I suspect it was tongue in cheek, but I also think that there are people in other countries that would like that if it meant they could get theirs earlier.:)
Sonny Burnett said:
The US makes up for a greater share of Apples revenue than the UK. Any company will give its top customer priority.

Gee Australia does have a big population. 28million people 30 million kangaroos allmostt as many as L A
Sonny Burnett said:
The US makes up for a greater share of Apples revenue than the UK. Any company will give its top customer priority.

Gee Australia does have a big population. 28million people 30 million kangaroos allmostt as many as L A

I've never seen a kangaroo in LA!

Oh wait...there was one on the pilot of Flash Forward!

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