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Ultimate List of Jailbreak Tweaks

jimakris said:
If anybody has an idea please share. And please,please,please stay on the topic!

No offence, but start a thread! Your problem is NOT on topic and you are hijacking this one. We frown on that just as much...

Only submissions to the list or comments on it's contents should be here strictly speaking! :)
addiosamigo said:
Av player has a built in web server, over wifi use that instead?

Ok guys thank you all, but SERIOUSLY, I want to do the following :

1) plug my USB flash to iPad
2) use ifile to find into my USB flash the video file and the srt file
3) click and play the video file with subs

No iTunes no wifi no streaming no no no no.......

If anybody has an idea please share. And please,please,please stay on the topic!

Seriously? Is this your thread? I don't think it is ~ I would suggest starting one of your own, as I think that this is for tweaks only.

You are off topic, yes?
OUTL4W said:

If you go to AppStore for avplayerhd there is a note saying : " to drag files from USB go to iTunes select devices-my device-iPad-apps and then drop the files to avplayerhd's documents.THE POINT IS THAT I DO NOT WANT TO USE iTUNES AT ALL......

Actually it reads " USB/wifi transfer"....which is totally different from streaming.

jimakris said:
Ok guys thank you all, but SERIOUSLY, I want to do the following :

1) plug my USB flash to iPad
2) use ifile to find into my USB flash the video file and the srt file
3) click and play the video file with subs

No iTunes no wifi no streaming no no no no.......

If anybody has an idea please share. And please,please,please stay on the topic!

"streaming" & "transferring" are 2 totally different functions....You don't need iTunes for avplayerhd...and I wasn't referring to streaming....you can transfer/move/copy the files into av player documents folder from the flashcard using ifile if so wish. Or you can wirelessly transfer/move/copy the files from pc to ipad from within the av player app itself bypassing ifile..and iTunes. Or you can use the "open in" functionality with ifile and use avplayerhd that way...your choice

Now back on topic:
Since the iPad has such a nice battery and iPad2 has more memory....
How about
Free - Vwallpaper~ add a video wallpaper to your springboard background. However the vwallie does not rotate with device. This tweak has been around for awhile bu does consume some ram but with the increased memory for ipad2.... formatted for iPhone but works on ipad also. Vwallpaper Repo ~ http://i.danstaface.net/deb/

Then add this repo for more:
PizentuDeWind's Repository - MyRepoSpace.com
Just make sure it says "iPad" in title... Or you could resize other videos on pc if so wish.
Video demo

Not to be a Pansy or anything but the vwallie of the hearts is kinda cool... :D
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OUTL4W said:
Since the iPad has such a nice battery and iPad2 has more memory....
How about
Vwallpaper~ add a video wallpaper to your springboard background. However the vwallie does not rotate with device.
Then add this repo for more:
PizentuDeWind's Repository - MyRepoSpace.com
Just make sure it says "iPad" in title... Or you could resize other videos on pc if so wish.

- Sent from my Highly-Personalized jailbroken iPad 2! :D
Thank you. One more question. I saw a video you poster about parallax what is the app that makes your icons go in circles when you change pages? That's cool!
Guys ... First off this list helped me complete my cydia downloads! Ty!
I can't seem to get frash to work... iPad 2. Is anyone of you facing same issue?
How to solve this issue?
I don't know about that ~ Leigh said pretty much the same thing and then another member stated that it does and he has been using it.

I think it was Frash.
SweetPoison said:
I don't know about that ~ Leigh said pretty much the same thing and then another member stated that it does and he has been using it.

I think it was Frash.

You are right Marie. Just to check it out I installed it again and it was just as buggy and, for me, unusable as I remember, so OUTL4W and I are on the same page still. It is not what can be described as a good flash solution and I still would not recommend it to anyone. YMMV.
hello guys, is there a utility to change folder attributes (read,write) as freeware? i dont want to pay 5 dollars (ifile) for just changing attribute to one directory.

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