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Updating to iOS 9, Now

My settings app still says 8.4.1 is the latest IOS version available.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
iOS 9 has been available since Wednesday. Try connecting your iPad to iTunes on your computer and update from there.
I updated my daughters Mini, when it says to >slide to update, it would not slide. Any ideas?
Hello Dana and welcome to the forum. I've deleted your original thread which duplicated your question here and which had no response to a request for further information provided with the aim to assist you by our member giradman. Such duplication, not permitted by our rules (please read per link below) fragments a conversation with potential for confusion to members.
Did you reset the Mini after the system update, a recommended thing to do?
Simultaneously hold down the Start and On/Off buttons until the Apple logo appears then let both go and wait until the iPad powers up. If no help with that please come back. A solution is bound to appear.
EDIT: the following was giradman's question to you which may have led to a resolution:
Hi Dana.... - welcome to the forum! :) No one is going to reply to your poll, so please provide us some more specific information in an attempt to answer your question(s): 1) What iPad Mini model do you own; 2) What is your current iOS; 3) Are to trying to upgrade to iOS 9.0; 4) How are you trying to upgrade, i.e. OTA (over the air) or cabled to a computer using iTunes; if the latter then what OS are your running, i.e. Windows or OS X; and 5) What specific problems are your having? Finally, your issue is NOT a virus. Answers to these questions will help. Dave
Regards, Andrew
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Have you guys noticed that you can now have 16 apps per page in each folder on the iPad after updating to iOS 9?

I noticed that immediately with having the apps stretch out in a row. Even the simple things like this I am impressed with. Very nice. :)

I am still trying to figure out the video showing on another page. That'll be my next thing to discover. :)
iOS 9 has been available since Wednesday. Try connecting your iPad to iTunes on your computer and update from there.

That was my problem. SORTED.

Just plugged it in iTunes, synched, downloaded IOs9 and them left it to get on with it over lunchtime. Returned later and all upgraded.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Have you check on mail yet? When switching between mail and other open apps and back, to mail no issue. However after closing the app, then opening mail, it returns a blank screen, no message selected, select mailboxes and boom right to the screen. Is this the way it's going to be or can I have it open to the last screen when closed. Also do you know where the multi gesture switch is so I can turn it off when using notes plus?
Mail works fine on iPhone. On iPad, with unread mail no problem. If I close completely out of mail an reopen no problem. If all mail has been read and I open mail when it opens it opens to a screen with no messages selected, blank. Tap back to all mail boxes and it's fine.
Have you guys noticed that you can now have 16 apps per page in each folder on the iPad after updating to iOS 9?

Sadly ... no! :)

I was reading an article about some of the littler changes to iOS 9; the author mentioned the 16 apps view. So, I looked and what do ya know! There were 16-icon folders, right there on the springboard and I like it!

Made me laff at myself. :D

That was my problem. SORTED.

Just plugged it in iTunes, synched, downloaded IOs9 and them left it to get on with it over lunchtime. Returned later and all upgraded.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I'm glad you finally succeeded with your iOS 9 update. Thanks for letting us know.
Has anyone noticed the change in the print dialog box. Besides the option slide, for single sided or double sided, and the ability to choose black and white or color. You now have bellow this a complete by page preview view. Looks the same on the iPad and the iPhone.
Has anyone discovered a source that explains how to use the new features in iOS 9? All I've found so far are lists, but no instructions. There's no PDF user guide yet.
Has anyone discovered a source that explains how to use the new features in iOS 9? All I've found so far are lists, but no instructions. There's no PDF user guide yet.

MacStories has a comprehensive review, as does iMore. They probably explain more than you want to know, but in the process they also talk about how to use the features, and some of the reasons and/or use cases that the features may meet.

I've read the MacStories review, and love it. I even went so far as to join their Club MacStories membership so I could get it in an iBook (ePub) format. The iMore review I've only heard about second hand, but intend to read in the next day or so.

Most of the 'cool' things I've posted about here came from reading the MacStories review.

In both cases 'review' is not an entirely accurate name. A more accurate description would be 'explain' or 'inform'. They don't spend a lot of time critiquing the OS.
Dave, your links open iBooks on my iPad, but there's no sign of an iOS 9 manual.

I did find a decent review at anandtech.com that explains, e.g., the meanings of most of the odd little icons on the keyboard. The ^ and its upside down sister are still incognito.

I hate mystery meat navigation. Apple used to know better.
If you open the Store in the iBooks app you can search for iPad User Guide. Make sure that it's the iOS 9 version before downloading. Everything from as far back as iOS 5 is available. You may see the iPhone and iPod manuals as well, so don't grab one of those by mistake; unless you want them.

I generally keep the current and last year version for each device on my iPad in iBooks.

The new symbols on the keyboard can be changed by the app developer. They are also contextual, meaning they can change depending on the state of your selected text, or the kind of text field you are typing in.

I haven't run into the one you are describing, or haven't noticed it if I have. What app, and what are you doing when you see it?
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