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Verizon is better than AT&T, again

Yeah I remember AT&T saying that there would be a unlimited plan for the iPad users and then 2-3 months after launch, wham they change their plans.

Also on a side note, yes using PDANet via bluetooth is slower and I was trying to find out when (if) PDANet was coming out with a wifi tether option for Blackberry's and Android Devices (instead of just bluetooth and USB) but could not find any contact info on their website.
Also on a side note, yes using PDANet via bluetooth is slower and I was trying to find out when (if) PDANet was coming out with a wifi tether option for Blackberry's and Android Devices (instead of just bluetooth and USB) but could not find any contact info on their website.

I've found it one time before but remember having to dig pretty deep for it. If PDANet does open up the wifi hotspot, I don't think it will happen until the Froyo 2.2 roll out completes, as to access the correct options to get it to work prior to 2.2 required rooting. If it's part of the software package, I believe they will be able to dig into it and open it up. I hope. If I have to root, I will, just trying to avoid it.
I have to wonder how much you are getting to shill for Verizon. It seems every other post is a knock at AT&T. Where I am at, Verizon and AT&T are about equal in service. I have been in areas where both, or one has sucked. There is not any real evidence that one is significantly better than the other. In fact, independent testing shows the AT&T to be faster. My experience is that in some areas, Verizon does better, but if you have an issue with your bill, you better hope you have AT&T. Pulling teeth without anethesia is easier than getting Verizon to correct a mistake they made on a bill.
I have to wonder how much you are getting to shill for Verizon. It seems every other post is a knock at AT&T. Where I am at, Verizon and AT&T are about equal in service. I have been in areas where both, or one has sucked. There is not any real evidence that one is significantly better than the other. In fact, independent testing shows the AT&T to be faster. My experience is that in some areas, Verizon does better, but if you have an issue with your bill, you better hope you have AT&T. Pulling teeth without anethesia is easier than getting Verizon to correct a mistake they made on a bill.

I will say I've had the opposite experience with Verizon. On the few billing issues I've had, and they have been very few, there was never a problem getting it corrected. As far as coverage, that is geographically dependent. I had a work phone that was AT&T and a Verizon personal phone and I know for a fact the area that I live in and typically traveled, AT&T was not as good of service. I had many cases in which I would have to return a phone call on Verizon because the AT&T signal would go away while Verizon was strong.

Again, each person has different experiences.
Customer service with Verizon is great, I never have an issue, let alone something that needs to be corrected. I don't get paid a penny to be with Verizon, although I do get a military discount (not much).


There are entire states that don't have 3G coverage from ATT. And there is the whole BS marketing campaign that they yanked out from under people's feet with the unlimited plan. Verizon is also the largest carrier in the United States with almost 90 million customers, so there is also that...
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Customer service with Verizon is great, I never have an issue, let alone something that needs to be corrected. I don't get paid a penny to be with Verizon, although I do get a military discount (not much).


There are entire states that don't have 3G coverage from ATT. And there is the whole BS marketing campaign that they yanked out from under people's feet with the unlimited plan. Verizon is also the largest carrier in the United States with almost 90 million customers, so there is also that...

While I agree with your signature quote, the AT&T map is at least 8 years out of date. Not to mention I've had reason to distrust Verizon going all the way back to their roots. The map you show is yet another example. Where did you get it?
Just did a search....looks fairly accurate to me...there have been several members here that said there is no 3G in Montana, and I see in Arizona the only parts that have 3G coverage are listed, so that's correct, and I notice that anywhere outside of El Paso in west Texas is worthless, which is correct...

So it's close enough to me to prove a point.
Just did a search....looks fairly accurate to me...there have been several members here that said there is no 3G in Montana, and I see in Arizona the only parts that have 3G coverage are listed, so that's correct, and I notice that anywhere outside of El Paso in west Texas is worthless, which is correct...

So it's close enough to me to prove a point.

AT&T Coverage Viewer

I suspect AT&T is being conservative. That has been my own experience. The map Verizon shows, shows their orientation to "facts", imho.
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Just did a search....looks fairly accurate to me...there have been several members here that said there is no 3G in Montana, and I see in Arizona the only parts that have 3G coverage are listed, so that's correct, and I notice that anywhere outside of El Paso in west Texas is worthless, which is correct...

So it's close enough to me to prove a point.

AT&T Coverage Viewer

I suspect AT&T is being conservative. That has been my own experience. The map Verizon shows, shows their orientation to "facts", imho.
I understand the AT&T map on your link is showing coverage, but I didn't see where it said what areas were general data coverage in comparison to 3G. I might have missed it since I just glanced at it.
I've been quite happy since switching to Verizon. I did consider AT&T and the iPhone, but there is no coverage in my area so there went that idea. As far as Verizon's customer service, in my experience it's been nothing short of stellar, no complaints at all. I've never had AT&T service, so I can't personally comment on it, but from feedback from friends of mine, there is no way I'd go to AT&T even if they did have coverage in my area.
I happen to live in one of the areas that AT&T does not serve. They will not sell me a phone, they would not have provided me service had I bought a 3g iPad. I wouldn't buy one of their "your not holding it right" phones if THEY paid ME. And I had Cingular/AT&T before I moved here 5 years ago.
Verizon has the best cs ive had, and ive had everything but sprint, including AT&T for six years. Calling AT&T was something that was worse than pulling teeth. Calling Verizon is the easiest customer service experience I've had including utilities, cell phones, ANYTHING. If it has a 1-800 number nothing is easier than calling Verizon.
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