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Waited in line, got IPad 2, probably will return it

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I think the point here is; do your research prior to spending $800 bones man. Kinda unbelievable. It also sounds like you STILL don't truly understand the iPad. IMHO
I think the tipping point for me was VLC media player. You can "stream" movies to your IPad but not copy them. Why NOT be able to copy them over? Because Steve Jobs doesn't want me to? That's irritating as hell.

You can copy them over although I think with VLC player you need to do this through iTunes over USB. I would recommend OPlayer which I think is a more complete player and you can pull things down to the iPad from a NAS over Wifi in addition to via iTunes.

This can easily be done without iTunes if ur iPad is jail broken. I use ifiles to put media files into the corresponding media apps' document folder n bam, I'm done! Now I can view movie without long dragged out process of iTunes ;-)
Player a good one also. VLC player, player, CineXplayer...all topnotch media apps that play other movie/media formats that iPad can't play natively.
This thread=FAIL! Lol. Do the homework and research first. Do u just go to car lots and buy the car cuz it looks nice and not test drive it? If u do, I'm SMDH
As a matter of fact, just donate ur ipad2 to a person who would truly appreciate what it does and the possibilities it can bring. Seems like u walking around with horse blinders on. Think outside the box n good luck selling it, as returning it and losing $100 is not the smartest idea n the world ;-)
Yep I believe much of what I can't do I WOULD be able to do if I root the IPad. Don't want to do that.

Interesting comments all.

All in all, I learned alot through this entire purchase. For no cost except a little time. I'm now synced up with much of what I need to know about the tablet market, through hands-on experience.

Like the desktop personal computer, the GUI interface, and the smartphone, I'm glad there is an Apple to innovate products like tablet computers into the market. Because Microsoft really sucks bad.

But, like their other innovations, Apple will not remain the dominant (numbers wise) tablet provider. Someone--Android I believe (Microsoft I believe NOT)--will wash over Apple's too-controlled device and environment. That I'm now more sure of then I was before I purchased the IPad.
Demandarin -

I just did my homework and research. The best kind: hands on!

BTW I didn't lose the hundred. Got it all back.

Demandarin -

I just did my homework and research. The best kind: hands on!

BTW I didn't lose the hundred. Got it all back.


I'm laughing ...my post was being humorous..glad to see u got it all back. Now u can wait the 5+ years once the rest of the tablet market finally catches up..have fun ;-) J/k
Demandarin said:
I'm laughing ...my post was being humorous..glad to see u got it all back. Now u can wait the 5+ years once the rest of the tablet market finally catches up..have fun ;-) J/k

I give it 2-3 years for the rest to catch up and by then the iPad will still be better. ;)
If it takes 5 years, then I'll wait that long.

I think it'll be 1 year. 2 at the most.

2 years ago, heck 1 year ago, nobody would have predicted or believed the IPhone would be so matched so quickly by Android. But they pulled it off. They will again, IMO.
Sounds to me like your not an Apple user or fan of there products for that matter, and thats why your bashing this the way you are.

Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through just to come in here and pester real Apple users and lovers of Apple products.

I'm sure you have better things to do with your time.
No I'm a fan of Apple. In fact I have a bit of their stock that's quadrupled in value. And they deserve it, as they innovate and market great products.

Again, the IPad is GREAT for what it does. And for many (many many) people, what the IPad does is good enough.

If you want to get me started hating on a company, start a Microsoft conversation. There's a company that never innovated a single thing in it's entire existence!

I just wanted to find out for myself about the IPad. It took owning it to really get to know it. And I really WANTED to like it.

I got some good comments in here, which I appreciate.
If it takes 5 years, then I'll wait that long.

I think it'll be 1 year. 2 at the most.

2 years ago, heck 1 year ago, nobody would have predicted or believed the IPhone would be so matched so quickly by Android. But they pulled it off. They will again, IMO.

Please tell me what single Android phone outsells the iphone. You get to pick only one, that way hte comparison is fair, I mean, there are not several vendors providing iOS phones...
Please tell me what single Android phone outsells the iphone.

MX1, that same question could be asked about the "single computer that outsells a Mac".

Not the relevant question. Apple computers are GREAT. But the WIntel computers define the mass market.
tebletfan said:
If it takes 5 years, then I'll wait that long.

I think it'll be 1 year. 2 at the most.

2 years ago, heck 1 year ago, nobody would have predicted or believed the IPhone would be so matched so quickly by Android. But they pulled it off. They will again, IMO.

Windows is still the market leader in terms of market share but Mac OSX is a way better product. Windows doesn't Match up . Because more people currently own android devices doesn't make it a better product.. Look at BB? They had the greatest share for ages but they are still crapberries.. There are soo many factors that affect the mobile space. Carriers, subsidies, variation of handsets and so on. Half the reason android was successful was because of it's variation in devices, carrier choices and support and subsidies. No single android device can compete with the iPhone. But with tablets there are no subsidies carriers have minimal effects on outcomes. It's now a battle of price, design, usability, ecosystems and so on. So android has a long ass way to go and because apple isn't asleep, innovation will continue. Good luck!
If it takes 5 years, then I'll wait that long.

I think it'll be 1 year. 2 at the most.

2 years ago, heck 1 year ago, nobody would have predicted or believed the IPhone would be so matched so quickly by Android. But they pulled it off. They will again, IMO.

Please tell me what single Android phone outsells the iphone. You get to pick only one, that way hte comparison is fair, I mean, there are not several vendors providing iOS phones...

I wonder about that comparison people make that Android took over. Android is an OS. It isn't selling anything as it's free and open sourced..lmfao now devices that run Android, all combined from different carriers, have now caught up to the single Apple iPhone and iOS. Android users can't name ONE single phone that has outsold the iPhone. None even come close. It's as a collective of a million diff. Devices from diff. Manufacturers that they caught up. WOW! I hope they aren't that delusional. Not meaning op but Android users in general. That's like saying a karate guy beat people up one on one but everyone gangs up to beat him and brag about it. fAIL..lol iPhone still holding it's on.
Only Android phone I'm impressed with is the new Samsung Atrix, the worlds first dual core tegra 2 chipset smart phone with 4in. Screen and dual cams, rear being 5 mp. I might just get that phone. With android froyo 2.2. Now that phone blows away iPhone in terms of power n performance. It's up there with ipad2 n zoom. With that phone, Android has a chance to finally have a single device worth bragging about. If I get it, I'll let y'all know ;-) I like apple and android. I'm the type I'd rather know how to use them both very well so no matter what device/OS I hold in my hands, I'll be a master of it..lol
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