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Waited in line, got IPad 2, probably will return it

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Android = Virus
says the person who's icon looks like an Apple getting eaten by a virus.

Seriously, I don't know why Android fans are in denial that they just had virus attack recently. I will not trust that operating system just like Windows to a PC. Never again.

It's true. The Android is vulnerable to virus attacks.
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Good to see a reasonable conversation in response to what will obviously be an unpopular point of view on this forum. I also follow android tablets very closely and any post with the word "iPad" on an android forum brings out the hate in a big way. I am an android wannabe who is now on his second iPad and and loving it. I say wannabe because I wanted an android tablet a year ago when iPad came out but was not willing to wait. Got the iPad and now the ipad 2 because the android talets out there are just not good enough and I do love the iPad. I think that the hardware is catching up but the software is way behind. I dig the widgets and fun you can have customizing android but the OS is there to get you to your apps and, as many posters have stressed, android is way behind on apps. I'm thinking another year or two is needed and some serious standards are required before android gaming will catch up with iOS. Also, iOS exchange server integration is way better than androids - even when using touchdown, the best 3rd party android mail app.

I love that android and iOS will push each other to be better so we, the consumers win no matter whad device we prefer.
Greg G said:
Good to see a reasonable conversation in response to what will obviously be an unpopular point of view on this forum. I also follow android tablets very closely and any post with the word "iPad" on an android forum brings out the hate in a big way. I am an android wannabe who is now on his second iPad and and loving it. I say wannabe because I wanted an android tablet a year ago when iPad came out but was not willing to wait. Got the iPad and now the ipad 2 because the android talets out there are just not good enough and I do love the iPad. I think that the hardware is catching up but the software is way behind. I dig the widgets and fun you can have customizing android but the OS is there to get you to your apps and, as many posters have stressed, android is way behind on apps. I'm thinking another year or two is needed and some serious standards are required before android gaming will catch up with iOS. Also, iOS exchange server integration is way better than androids - even when using touchdown, the best 3rd party android mail app. I love that android and iOS will push each other to be better so we, the consumers win no matter whad device we prefer.

I feel exactly the same way. I really like the android OS and it's ability to customize but apples hardware and app store is just SO much better.

Sent from my iPad
I find some of those same shortcomings of the iPad disappointing as well.... but Apple is the only one with a viable tablet solution. The Xoom was a nice attempt that didn't materialize (OS issues, battery issues, etc).

I will wait for on the sidelines using my iPad 2 and see if there is another attempt that I might be able to consider.

BTW, you can copy files to your iPad, just need to find the right program to allow you to do so.
Wow, hostility all around.

I meant my "only two returned" as a compliment, ( rude comment removed by col.bris)

Maybe if you made your self clear in your post you would not have received the response also watch your language please this is a private forum not a bar
Android = Virus
says the person who's icon looks like an Apple getting eaten by a virus.

Seriously, I don't know why Android fans are in denial that they just had virus attack recently. I will not trust that operating system just like Windows to a PC. Never again.

It's true. The Android is vulnerable to virus attacks.

I'm not on either side of this fanboy war, I just found it amusing. As far as viruses go, sure. I don't think it's a good reason to never use an android/windows OS ever again. If you know what you're doing it's pretty hard to get infected, even without protection (for windows anyways, dont know about android).
Android = Virus
says the person who's icon looks like an Apple getting eaten by a virus.

Seriously, I don't know why Android fans are in denial that they just had virus attack recently. I will not trust that operating system just like Windows to a PC. Never again.

It's true. The Android is vulnerable to virus attacks.

Sorry I find this position a little short sighted. The reason that iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad users have a safer Ecosystem is not because the OS is sooo secure, it's because Apple scrutinizes everything that goes into the Market. Google on the other hand doesn't. I think Google will find that if they want to continue to attract developers, and users alike, they are going to have to build more trust into the Android Market in terms of Anti-Piracy Measures, and protect users from malicious software. They already have the backdoor option for removing malicious software from phones, but I think they need to take it to the next level, by implementing application level permissions (similar to how every App on facebook needs your approval to access your data before it can connect). It's possible, SuperUser is an app that can control root level access.

Every OS/Hardware Platform out there has it's vulnerabilities that can be exploited (Hey it's how we get a Jailbreak). If users are not smart enough to do their due dilligence, and examine the credibility of the software they install, and be smart enough to take necessary steps to protect themselves, then they are asking for trouble.
There is a reason why the OS is programmed on the iPad not to be customized. Jailbreak it so you can customized it and you're asking for trouble.

Now, if the Android is a better choice because of it's ability on customization then think again. Why is the Android already vulnerable to viruses? I have a friend who uses an Android phone and it ceased to work because of a virus.

And this is why I will never use an Android or any other OS on tablets and phones.

Just like everyone in here, I'm just expressing my opinions.

Thanks y'all for listening. :)
If users are not smart enough to do their due dilligence, and examine the credibility of the software they install, and be smart enough to take necessary steps to protect themselves, then they are asking for trouble.

But not every user is a gearhead who knows about the details of an operating system, and if the manufacturer is doing everything they can to protect users from viruses, that can only be a good thing.
says the person who's icon looks like an Apple getting eaten by a virus.

Seriously, I don't know why Android fans are in denial that they just had virus attack recently. I will not trust that operating system just like Windows to a PC. Never again.

It's true. The Android is vulnerable to virus attacks.

Sorry I find this position a little short sighted. The reason that iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad users have a safer Ecosystem is not because the OS is sooo secure, it's because Apple scrutinizes everything that goes into the Market. Google on the other hand doesn't. I think Google will find that if they want to continue to attract developers, and users alike, they are going to have to build more trust into the Android Market in terms of Anti-Piracy Measures, and protect users from malicious software. They already have the backdoor option for removing malicious software from phones, but I think they need to take it to the next level, by implementing application level permissions (similar to how every App on facebook needs your approval to access your data before it can connect). It's possible, SuperUser is an app that can control root level access.

Every OS/Hardware Platform out there has it's vulnerabilities that can be exploited (Hey it's how we get a Jailbreak). If users are not smart enough to do their due dilligence, and examine the credibility of the software they install, and be smart enough to take necessary steps to protect themselves, then they are asking for trouble.

Very good point! Because actually at the Pwnedto Own contest, the new iPhone iOS was hacked very easily and the Android proved to be very secure actually. It's not the OS, it's the apps allowed into market place that can cause trouble. Like previous poster said, apple has their apps on lockdown n they not gonna let a suspect app thru that can damage things or make the OS look bad. The reason Android had them viruses/malware was because of unchecked apps that was let thru into the Android market. So the malware makers basically had permission to go in and wreck havoc within the android OS. If their app wouldn't have been allowed into the market, those malwares would've never gotten in or would've been a helluva lot harder to do so.
U can have the most secure bank vault in the world but if the robbers tricked u into letting them inside the vault, ur security can do nothing since they already inside..lol. I think that's a good analogy ;-) that's what happened with android. Although apple contest proved their OS is not hack proof and not the best, Apple doesn't just let anyone into the OS to cause trouble, so it's like a another form of defense or security in a sense.
As far as the Op he/she was just voicing opinion, this thread has turned into a bar brawl of OS's...lol
Good points about the OS's (Apple and Android) not being inherently more or less secure, but it comes down to the security of the apps allowed in.

And that's a good idea on Apple's part. Google may be TOO open.

However, the best practice I think lies somewhere in between the two. Google's is wide open, Apple's is slammed shut.

Again, a tipping point for me was not being able to play subtitled MKV movies on my IPad. I could "stream" it with VLC, but I couldn't "copy" it, because the actual VLC player was restricted. An unacceptable restriction to me, with zero security implications.
I understand where the OP is coming from. Sometimes I get a little miffed when I run I bump into one of the walls in the walled garden for no other reason it seems than that Apple just doesn't think I should be performing a certain task with this device.

The iPad, though, has really redefined what I look for in a portable device. I know I still need my PC for things, but for a lot of stuff I prefer to do it on my iPad.

I'm no fanboy (love my iPad, love my HP laptop running Windows 7 and I love my rooted Droid). I just like stuff that is fun and works. Everyone knows the score with Apple and how they approach their devices. Android is just going to have to follow the leader and come up with something that captures people's attention like the iPad has. I think a couple of generations after the Xoom they may have something.

I am with my esteemed colleague on this!

Yesterday you said --
For the record, I returned the ipad to Best Buy.

You're still here because... ???
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