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Waited in line, got IPad 2, probably will return it

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The problem is systemic. Apple has a single sociopath leader/tyrant/decider. Everyone else has typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant "we could do it better if we really wanted to" management. All Apple has to do is throw in any new innovation to upcoming iPads and competition will be derailed since they are trying to add legacy computer features as an excuse for tablet innovation. That's why they will never catch up.
Lots of good stuff in this thread! This is one of the most thought-provoking - and scariest - tidbits. Why? Because we can all name numerous companies in numerous industries that were head and shoulders above the competition while the FOUNDER was in charge. But, when his reign was over - the founder retired, died, company sold, or whatever - that single driving force was gone, replaced by, as was so vividly described above as the "typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant 'we could do it better if we really wanted to' management" each company fell back into the ocean of mediocrity leaving their customers with the same old choices as everyone else.

True, what's apple gonna do once Steve finally retires or is gone? Look at windows and Microsoft after Bill Gates left. Although Bill still influences things in the low. Microsoft & Windows still doing well but not at their A game like when Bill was there 24-7!

Microsoft has done it's most innovative and awesome stuff sine gates stepped down.
Xoom not quite there yet

I have been trying to decide between the Xoom and iPad 2. Have the original Droid phone and love it. Checked out both, read a lot of reviews. The Xoom, for me, is just not there yet. iPad 2, even with it's limitations, does everything I want a tablet for. Think in 2 years android tablets will really catch up and I'll be in line for one.
there definitely are fan boys, when it comes to apple, droid (b/c this is a horrible google powered software that should be 1000x better seeing as it's google) playstation, and xbox....but there's no question, ps3 is better for graphics, xbox is all about multiplayer and being the overall better player, droid is about using google's name, ipad and itouch are about being better, period...I've used droid...they aren't as good...maybe you just don't understand technology and what's better?
I have been trying to decide between the Xoom and iPad 2. Have the original Droid phone and love it. Checked out both, read a lot of reviews. The Xoom, for me, is just not there yet. iPad 2, even with it's limitations, does everything I want a tablet for. Think in 2 years android tablets will really catch up and I'll be in line for one.

lol not when apple has 2 years to get ahead in that 2 years and they're already ahead....lmao..google has billions to spend, and literally does, apple does it with finesse and technique...you aren't catching apple unless you're bill gates and are determined to whip apple...
Demandarin said:
True, what's apple gonna do once Steve finally retires or is gone? Look at windows and Microsoft after Bill Gates left. Although Bill still influences things in the low. Microsoft & Windows still doing well but not at their A game like when Bill was there 24-7!

That's an interesting point because some years back he did take a leave of absence and the company bombed until he came back and took hold of the reigns again!

The Archangel

Actually he was pushed out. Apple was not doing well. It got worse under new management and Steve finally was begged to come back.

He's been in failing health for many years. He's enough of a control freak to have succession plans well in place. There's a lot of talent at Apple. But if another company becomes the new Apple fine, I'll just buy stuff from them if it's innovative and well-made.
Demandarin said:
True, what's apple gonna do once Steve finally retires or is gone? Look at windows and Microsoft after Bill Gates left. Although Bill still influences things in the low. Microsoft & Windows still doing well but not at their A game like when Bill was there 24-7!

That's an interesting point because some years back he did take a leave of absence and the company bombed until he came back and took hold of the reigns again!

The Archangel

Actually he was pushed out. Apple was not doing well. It got worse under new management and Steve finally was begged to come back.

He's been in failing health for many years. He's enough of a control freak to have succession plans well in place. There's a lot of talent at Apple. But if another company becomes the new Apple fine, I'll just buy stuff from them if it's innovative and well-made.

Well said. I could care less who makes what i buy. As long as it works as advertised that's enough.
My computer doesn't run on Android. If you want a tablet that does what a computer does, you can get a Modbook for about two grand. That's what one would expect to pay for a good computer with a touchscreen interface. If you want the best Tablet for the money, iPads cost about half what the Xoom does, have a bigger screen than the Galaxy, and run circles around both. If you already knew you hated iTunes you should have known better than to buy an iPad in the first place. I know I don't like overpaying for an inferior product over an irrational hate of a company that for all purposes pioneered the product I'm in the market for, that's why I don't own an Android tablet.
No matter how lonbg u guys battle, its simple fact that the IPad hast the overall higher quality, the higher battery life, the higher quality apps, and the the most software companys trust apple cause there more people buying stuff instead copy/cracking it (like it happens in android)

see its all about offer and demand which works as long as the buisness rolls.

On android the buisness doesent roll for the comnpanys. Gameloft, for example, quit the android market. Epic Games (Infinity Blade) said they wont programm for android due the fragmentation of the system.

I had an android tablet (for 3 weeks) and it felt like the system was build under force, no matter what builing up something like the apple system. Now its build up, but still a ruin, its not in a million years a full worth system, it feels like a beta version everytime i used it.

As a company making money with apps, why would i risk putting money in an app for android, well knewing there a whole bunch of crackers and copiers and i already know just before i start programming that 4 of 5 times someone get my app its a copy without pay...

right, i would say f*ck it and programm for the appstore, there i only need to program for one hardware setup, not for 60 diffrent ones, which are out there with android (beside the most 1 star ratings for apps in android market are cause of "it doesent run on my smartphone")

So i need more programming time for android due to fragmentation, more risk cause of the mass of crackers and the risk of getting alot of bad ratings.

Hell yeah, sh*t on android.

Literally everything you said in this comment is wrong. Wow. That is impressive.

Please do show me where Gameloft "quit" the Android Market and where Epic games is boycotting Android.

Also, "an android tablet" could be anything from a chinese $100 tablet to the $800 Motorola Xoom.

And you don't think that Apple apps are cracked? I can't watch a youtube video of an Apple app without the person telling me how to get it for free. Installous ring a bell?

And you don't program for 60 different phones on Android, you follow the standards and it works on different phones. As long as your app is written correctly it should work on all Android phones, depending on which api calls it makes..


go google and type "Epic Games android fragmentation" ull get A LIST of sites where epic said they dont program for android.

heres ONE link if you dont find it beeing blind:

Heres the link of the gameloft boycott:

And ur right, there could be android tablets from 100$+ but with thos u wont have fun, cause they lacking of hardware power, its a joke, thats true customer spoofing, selling a Tablet to a very low price, not telling people they can do almost nothing with it.

For the cracked spple apps its hard to find a bulletproof evidence, but you can see it in all the companys selling their apps in appstore, if there would be such abig amount of cracking apple apps, companys would also quit appstore like they do in android.

GO to the android market and search for Infinity Blade (Epic Games) the most graphical powerful game on appstore, U WONT FIND IT.
Search there for any Gameloft games, i will find a few, well... dont expect to find the good ones like any shooter, U WONT FIND IT.
U WILL find a lot of 1 star rating with the comment "It dont run on my Phone..."

Hell, why the f*ck do you tell me i dont tell the truth, i had a Samsung Galaxy Tab, and thought Android is as good as iOS, that was the biggest dissapointment of my last 5 years of living. Android looks cheap, feels cheap, got only cheap hobby programmed apps.
The best game there is Robo-Defense which is a 3-4th classed game in appstore, BIG DEAL.

No way, never android again, it feels like its a "we need to make a rival system to iOS NO MATTER WHAT" and what do they build, a big piece of shit, full of lacking browsers, fragmentation and non comfortable handling at all.

Android is a wannabe os trying to fetch up with iOS, which dont even need to recognize it.

f*cking truth, believe it or not, links i posted, now its ur turn.
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Lifet1me said:

go google and type "Epic Games android fragmentation" ull get A LIST of sites where epic said they dont program for android.

heres ONE link if you dont find it beeing blind: http://www.derangedshaman.com/2011/...s-holding-back-unreal-engine-on-the-platform/

Heres the link of the gameloft boycott: http://androidandme.com/2010/08/gam...ffers-free-hd-games-trials-from-online-store/

And ur right, there could be android tablets from 100$+ but with thos u wont have fun, cause they lacking of hardware power, its a joke, thats true customer spoofing, selling a Tablet to a very low price, not telling people they can do almost nothing with it.

For the cracked spple apps its hard to find a bulletproof evidence, but you can see it in all the companys selling their apps in appstore, if there would be such abig amount of cracking apple apps, companys would also quit appstore like they do in android.

GO to the android market and search for Infinity Blade (Epic Games) the most graphical powerful game on appstore, U WONT FIND IT.
Search there for any Gameloft games, i will find a few, well... dont expect to find the good ones like any shooter, U WONT FIND IT.
U WILL find a lot of 1 star rating with the comment "It dont run on my Phone..."

Hell, why the f*ck do you tell me i dont tell the truth, i had a Samsung Galaxy Tab, and thought Android is as good as iOS, that was the biggest dissapointment of my last 5 years of living. Android looks cheap, feels cheap, got only cheap hobby programmed apps.
The best game there is Robo-Defense which is a 3-4th classed game in appstore, BIG DEAL.

No way, never android again, it feels like its a "we need to make a rival system to iOS NO MATTER WHAT" and what do they build, a big piece of shit, full of lacking browsers, fragmentation and non comfortable handling at all.

Android is a wannabe os trying to fetch up with iOS, which dont even need to recognize it.

f*cking truth, believe it or not, links i posted, now its ur turn.

Totally agree.
No matter how lonbg u guys battle, its simple fact that the IPad hast the overall higher quality, the higher battery life, the higher quality apps, and the the most software companys trust apple cause there more people buying stuff instead copy/cracking it (like it happens in android)

see its all about offer and demand which works as long as the buisness rolls.

On android the buisness doesent roll for the comnpanys. Gameloft, for example, quit the android market. Epic Games (Infinity Blade) said they wont programm for android due the fragmentation of the system.

I had an android tablet (for 3 weeks) and it felt like the system was build under force, no matter what builing up something like the apple system. Now its build up, but still a ruin, its not in a million years a full worth system, it feels like a beta version everytime i used it.

As a company making money with apps, why would i risk putting money in an app for android, well knewing there a whole bunch of crackers and copiers and i already know just before i start programming that 4 of 5 times someone get my app its a copy without pay...

right, i would say f*ck it and programm for the appstore, there i only need to program for one hardware setup, not for 60 diffrent ones, which are out there with android (beside the most 1 star ratings for apps in android market are cause of "it doesent run on my smartphone")

So i need more programming time for android due to fragmentation, more risk cause of the mass of crackers and the risk of getting alot of bad ratings.

Hell yeah, sh*t on android.

Literally everything you said in this comment is wrong. Wow. That is impressive.

Please do show me where Gameloft "quit" the Android Market and where Epic games is boycotting Android.

Also, "an android tablet" could be anything from a chinese $100 tablet to the $800 Motorola Xoom.

And you don't think that Apple apps are cracked? I can't watch a youtube video of an Apple app without the person telling me how to get it for free. Installous ring a bell?

And you don't program for 60 different phones on Android, you follow the standards and it works on different phones. As long as your app is written correctly it should work on all Android phones, depending on which api calls it makes..


go google and type "Epic Games android fragmentation" ull get A LIST of sites where epic said they dont program for android.

heres ONE link if you dont find it beeing blind:

Heres the link of the gameloft boycott:

And ur right, there could be android tablets from 100$+ but with thos u wont have fun, cause they lacking of hardware power, its a joke, thats true customer spoofing, selling a Tablet to a very low price, not telling people they can do almost nothing with it.

For the cracked spple apps its hard to find a bulletproof evidence, but you can see it in all the companys selling their apps in appstore, if there would be such abig amount of cracking apple apps, companys would also quit appstore like they do in android.

GO to the android market and search for Infinity Blade (Epic Games) the most graphical powerful game on appstore, U WONT FIND IT.
Search there for any Gameloft games, i will find a few, well... dont expect to find the good ones like any shooter, U WONT FIND IT.
U WILL find a lot of 1 star rating with the comment "It dont run on my Phone..."

Hell, why the f*ck do you tell me i dont tell the truth, i had a Samsung Galaxy Tab, and thought Android is as good as iOS, that was the biggest dissapointment of my last 5 years of living. Android looks cheap, feels cheap, got only cheap hobby programmed apps.
The best game there is Robo-Defense which is a 3-4th classed game in appstore, BIG DEAL.

No way, never android again, it feels like its a "we need to make a rival system to iOS NO MATTER WHAT" and what do they build, a big piece of shit, full of lacking browsers, fragmentation and non comfortable handling at all.

Android is a wannabe os trying to fetch up with iOS, which dont even need to recognize it.

f*cking truth, believe it or not, links i posted, now its ur turn.

Well said. :)
Lots of good stuff in this thread! This is one of the most thought-provoking - and scariest - tidbits. Why? Because we can all name numerous companies in numerous industries that were head and shoulders above the competition while the FOUNDER was in charge. But, when his reign was over - the founder retired, died, company sold, or whatever - that single driving force was gone, replaced by, as was so vividly described above as the "typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant 'we could do it better if we really wanted to' management" each company fell back into the ocean of mediocrity leaving their customers with the same old choices as everyone else.

True, what's apple gonna do once Steve finally retires or is gone? Look at windows and Microsoft after Bill Gates left. Although Bill still influences things in the low. Microsoft & Windows still doing well but not at their A game like when Bill was there 24-7!

Microsoft has done it's most innovative and awesome stuff sine gates stepped down.

Yeah Kinect and windows7 is their champion. X-box and x-box live also.
If we're talking "just the OS", then Android wins. Even now. Not even counting the momentum on Android's side.

Your point about hardware is true, but not really relevant. Apple sells more IPhone hardware than any other smartphone out there. But that was the same for Apple computer hardware. The hundreds of licensed WIntel computers all combined outnumbered Apple by a vast number. But it would be hard to pick ONE WIntel computer model that outsold Apple hardware.

In any case, thank you all for your comments. Was just baring my soul here a bit, and for the most part got some great insight. I came here wondering if there was something I was missing in regards to my disappointments with how closed IPads seem to me. Apparently there's not, and that's OK. I can understand how so many people would like their IPads. Just not me. Yet.

Enjoy your IPads!
I have to congratulate you (and all the other fanbois) for keeping your cool (some are not as cool as you). In all of this rhetoric, what is it you really want? I have heard what you don't like. I get the impression you like to customize, change things around, kinda do things your way... you want to be able to break into DRM systems, take what you want, then expect the integrated supervisor (iTunes) to accommodate all your files, and automatically make everything work to your satisfaction which is likely to continue to change. Hardware is one thing, software is quite another, but as you know the software is what makes the hardware work. Apple has one very distinct advantage ... it designs the hardware, it designs the core software ... it is designed to work together. It sells, profitable too. It really works. It is EZ to use, and is highly productive in getting the job done. Apple just introduced the "AIR". It is a has USB 2.0 and Wi-Fi.. It's only $999 with SSD storage, lightweight, longer battery life than other laptops and a keyboard and fast. WOW. The Macbook Pro is the power house one. There is just isn't one that does it all.

I get that MS is not your favorite ... if you look at HP, HP just spent a wad of money buying Palm for its OS. They also realize the need to control the software as well as the hardware. The are reported to say that the new OS they are developing will be on all their products. Big blow to MS. Google with Android will never control the hardware... unless they change their strategy. If you look Android isn't much different than MS OS ... You really hope Android takes over the world, but highly unlikely. Xoom with the latest and greatest Honeycomb OS... designed to beat iPad. It does in some respects except the screen colors are off, etc. They just didn't expect the graphics performance or the timing in the arrival of iPad2. Apple doesn't make iPad anymore. Just the latest and greatest one. When Moto gets around to catching up hardware wise the iPad2, Apple will surprise the world with its next latest and greatest ... always just another step ahead. Just like they control the music distribution world thru the app store and the domination with the iPod family ... the tablet display, a la iPad is well on its way to create a whole new world of fun for the rest of us. And it is dominating. It isn't just the hardware or the software OS. It is also the delivery and support system... the infrastructure. No one else is even close overall. Just look at the lines of people wanting the latest and greatest. I haven't noticed any lines what so ever for Xoom, or Galaxy. (Xoom is not a finished design ... customers are waiting for promised features ... 4G, USB to work, and Flash, duh.) Every manufacturer has to modify and tweak Android for differentiation. This screws up the app world big time. This is the world of hurt that MS lives in. They will find some users of course, but not domination which is what I am guessing you are hoping for. Apple must be doing something right ... their bank account is rapidly growing. Google's account is also growing similarly, but not because of Android. They give it away. Google is in the search and ads business. And they are the best in that business. Big Business 101 IMHO.

Oh, buy the way, App developers for Apple are making lots of money (collectively over $2 billion to date, I believe)
Free apps in Android land don't make money for the developer ... so what drives them to make better apps?
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