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Waited in line, got IPad 2, probably will return it

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You're still here because... ???

Well "Super Moderator", as a few (more open minded) posters have said here, there's been good discussion on this thread. So I've stayed, for interesting, OPEN discussion.

Other than the (tellingly) defensive reaction to my earlier IPad COMPLIMENT as a criticism by a couple of people here ("moderators" again!), I think this has been an interesting OPEN discussion about IPads and tablets in general.

I've pretty much restricted my comments to this thread. I've not been lobbing grenades at IPads or trashing them. And I'll probably lose interest and not hang around much longer since I got rid of my IPad, ya THINK?

What, you just can't wait until I drift off? I guess that IPad "walled culture" shows itself even here, in the approach of these TWO "moderators" who seem to be extremely uncomfortable with OPEN, respectful, thoughtful conversation that doesn't perfectly sync with the "love IPad" narrative.

There. Now you've DRIVEN me to get nasty and sarcastic. Congratulations, "Super Moderators"!
But not every user is a gearhead who knows about the details of an operating system, and if the manufacturer is doing everything they can to protect users from viruses, that can only be a good thing.

You don't have to be a gearhead to read reviews on software and the publisher. You can usually get a good feel from the reviews as to whether or not it is a good or bad piece of software.

And Apple doing their thing is certainly great!

yvrgal said:
There is a reason why the OS is programmed on the iPad not to be customized. Jailbreak it so you can customized it and you're asking for trouble.

Now, if the Android is a better choice because of it's ability on customization then think again. Why is the Android already vulnerable to viruses? I have a friend who uses an Android phone and it ceased to work because of a virus.

And this is why I will never use an Android or any other OS on tablets and phones.

Just like everyone in here, I'm just expressing my opinions.

Thanks y'all for listening. :)

You can certainly express your opinion, but again if you look at what was done, the Android Phones weren't attacked by some virus that exploited a weakpoint in the security system. What happened was a malicious piece of software was installed through the market, willingly, by the end users.

Your basic argument for the weakness in the Android OS is a fallacy.

Now you can have a field day on the Android market..... Google's lack of oversight invites trouble (as the news recently showed), and it can be used as a vector for installing malicious software.
OK. Well I was just wondering what your interest was because the name of this place is.... um.... let me see....


While we do have an "Anything Goes" section, the rest of the forum is pretty much dedicated to the exchange of ideas and information to help iPad owners (and potential owners) maximize the utility and enjoyment of..... the iPad!

Of course the iPad is not without its shortcomings and some people will not find it suitable for their purpose for whatever reason and you obviously fall into that category so I was just curious as to your motivation, that's all.
You're still here because... ???
Well "Super Moderator", as a few (more open minded) posters have said here, there's been good discussion on this thread. So I've stayed, for interesting, OPEN discussion.

Other than the (tellingly) defensive reaction to my earlier IPad COMPLIMENT as a criticism by a couple of people here ("moderators" again!), I think this has been an interesting OPEN discussion about IPads and tablets in general.

I've pretty much restricted my comments to this thread. I've not been lobbing grenades at IPads or trashing them. And I'll probably lose interest and not hang around much longer since I got rid of my IPad, ya THINK?

What, you just can't wait until I drift off? I guess that IPad "walled culture" shows itself even here, in the approach of these TWO "moderators" who seem to be extremely uncomfortable with OPEN, respectful, thoughtful conversation that doesn't perfectly sync with the "love IPad" narrative.

There. Now you've DRIVEN me to get nasty and sarcastic. Congratulations, "Super Moderators"!

Have found your opinions interesting and going back through this thread I see nothing offensive in your previous posts. I enjoy hearing all sides in a discussion, as long as it remains civil.
As a business owner, i learn more from criticism than praise, but just my opinion.
The fact that there're more Windows machines in the world had no affect on me buying a Mac. Same for the iPhone. I don't care what other people buy, I only want the best smart phone experience for me. The iPhone continues to have the highest satisfaction of ANY phone (new 2011 JD Power study).

High satisfaction is always better than bragging about number of users IMO.

The iPad was a well-known fact almost a year before it was officially announced, and was on the market for almost a year before the competition started trickling out their recent lame tablets.

The problem is systemic. Apple has a single sociopath leader/tyrant/decider. Everyone else has typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant "we could do it better if we really wanted to" management. All Apple has to do is throw in any new innovation to upcoming iPads and competition will be derailed since they are trying to add legacy computer features as an excuse for tablet innovation. That's why they will never catch up.
No matter how lonbg u guys battle, its simple fact that the IPad hast the overall higher quality, the higher battery life, the higher quality apps, and the the most software companys trust apple cause there more people buying stuff instead copy/cracking it (like it happens in android)

see its all about offer and demand which works as long as the buisness rolls.

On android the buisness doesent roll for the comnpanys. Gameloft, for example, quit the android market. Epic Games (Infinity Blade) said they wont programm for android due the fragmentation of the system.

I had an android tablet (for 3 weeks) and it felt like the system was build under force, no matter what builing up something like the apple system. Now its build up, but still a ruin, its not in a million years a full worth system, it feels like a beta version everytime i used it.

As a company making money with apps, why would i risk putting money in an app for android, well knewing there a whole bunch of crackers and copiers and i already know just before i start programming that 4 of 5 times someone get my app its a copy without pay...

right, i would say f*ck it and programm for the appstore, there i only need to program for one hardware setup, not for 60 diffrent ones, which are out there with android (beside the most 1 star ratings for apps in android market are cause of "it doesent run on my smartphone")

So i need more programming time for android due to fragmentation, more risk cause of the mass of crackers and the risk of getting alot of bad ratings.

Hell yeah, sh*t on android.
Good points of view. I like this thread. I'm sure in due time, the OP will come back to Apple. As the Borg would say, Resistance is Futile! You will be assimilated!
I'm sure in due time, the OP will come back to Apple.

I won't be surprised.

If Android tablets don't take off in the next year, two at the most, then I'll be waiting in line for the IPad 3 or 4. For keeps then.
The problem is systemic. Apple has a single sociopath leader/tyrant/decider. Everyone else has typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant "we could do it better if we really wanted to" management. All Apple has to do is throw in any new innovation to upcoming iPads and competition will be derailed since they are trying to add legacy computer features as an excuse for tablet innovation. That's why they will never catch up.
Lots of good stuff in this thread! This is one of the most thought-provoking - and scariest - tidbits. Why? Because we can all name numerous companies in numerous industries that were head and shoulders above the competition while the FOUNDER was in charge. But, when his reign was over - the founder retired, died, company sold, or whatever - that single driving force was gone, replaced by, as was so vividly described above as the "typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant 'we could do it better if we really wanted to' management" each company fell back into the ocean of mediocrity leaving their customers with the same old choices as everyone else.
The problem is systemic. Apple has a single sociopath leader/tyrant/decider. Everyone else has typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant "we could do it better if we really wanted to" management. All Apple has to do is throw in any new innovation to upcoming iPads and competition will be derailed since they are trying to add legacy computer features as an excuse for tablet innovation. That's why they will never catch up.
Lots of good stuff in this thread! This is one of the most thought-provoking - and scariest - tidbits. Why? Because we can all name numerous companies in numerous industries that were head and shoulders above the competition while the FOUNDER was in charge. But, when his reign was over - the founder retired, died, company sold, or whatever - that single driving force was gone, replaced by, as was so vividly described above as the "typical lack of singular leadership/non-existant corporate vertical communication/arrogant 'we could do it better if we really wanted to' management" each company fell back into the ocean of mediocrity leaving their customers with the same old choices as everyone else.

True, what's apple gonna do once Steve finally retires or is gone? Look at windows and Microsoft after Bill Gates left. Although Bill still influences things in the low. Microsoft & Windows still doing well but not at their A game like when Bill was there 24-7!
I've always analogized the computer/software companies with politics.

I'm a fan of open source. I've been dual booting Linux for years. Open source is like an open democracy. No one's in charge, it's sometimes messy, but the worst AND the best of everything can be found in open democracies like the USA. Android is open source.

Microsoft is the opposite. They are like a command-driven economy of the old Soviet Union style. They think they can control everything, and they get to tell us what we like or need. I'm not and never have been a fan of Microsoft. They've never innovated a damned thing. As the saying went, "Windows 95 was like Apple 85" (or something like that). Well, Windows Vista is like Linux 2005.

Apple is a "benevolent dictatorship", more like Microsoft (USSR) than Linux (USA), in terms of openness/control, but not exactly like either. Apple I guess can be best compared to Japan or Singapore or South Korea--politically open but culturally less so countries.

Apple is at least open enough to be innovative, unlike Microsoft. I've always credited Apple with innovating and selling great stuff. Whereas Microsoft was/is all about leveraging their position (the desktop) to peddle crap. And now with the smartphone, Microsoft is out because the environment is defined by innovation, not by leverage.

I believe that, just like world around us, the future belongs to openness like open source. Centralized software development--like centralized governments--is extremely difficult to do well. Microsoft does NOT do it well, and they are on the decline. Apple so far is doing it very well, but I'm not sure how long they can compete with the completely open development of open source. Apple will always be around, and selling good stuff, but I believe the future of true innovation will continue to spring from openness, not closedness.

That's my $.02.
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No matter how lonbg u guys battle, its simple fact that the IPad hast the overall higher quality, the higher battery life, the higher quality apps, and the the most software companys trust apple cause there more people buying stuff instead copy/cracking it (like it happens in android)

see its all about offer and demand which works as long as the buisness rolls.

On android the buisness doesent roll for the comnpanys. Gameloft, for example, quit the android market. Epic Games (Infinity Blade) said they wont programm for android due the fragmentation of the system.

I had an android tablet (for 3 weeks) and it felt like the system was build under force, no matter what builing up something like the apple system. Now its build up, but still a ruin, its not in a million years a full worth system, it feels like a beta version everytime i used it.

As a company making money with apps, why would i risk putting money in an app for android, well knewing there a whole bunch of crackers and copiers and i already know just before i start programming that 4 of 5 times someone get my app its a copy without pay...

right, i would say f*ck it and programm for the appstore, there i only need to program for one hardware setup, not for 60 diffrent ones, which are out there with android (beside the most 1 star ratings for apps in android market are cause of "it doesent run on my smartphone")

So i need more programming time for android due to fragmentation, more risk cause of the mass of crackers and the risk of getting alot of bad ratings.

Hell yeah, sh*t on android.

Literally everything you said in this comment is wrong. Wow. That is impressive.

Please do show me where Gameloft "quit" the Android Market and where Epic games is boycotting Android.

Also, "an android tablet" could be anything from a chinese $100 tablet to the $800 Motorola Xoom.

And you don't think that Apple apps are cracked? I can't watch a youtube video of an Apple app without the person telling me how to get it for free. Installous ring a bell?

And you don't program for 60 different phones on Android, you follow the standards and it works on different phones. As long as your app is written correctly it should work on all Android phones, depending on which api calls it makes..
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Interesting analogies but I don't think the comparison between MS and Apple works on any level as they are so different.

MS at the of the day just sell software and got to the top purely by a genius marketing ploy.......making sure every beige box sold in the eighties and nineties came preloaded with their OS. They manufacture nothing.

Apple on the other hand supply a complete package, it's a lifestyle choice and they have hung in there through the dark days of Win95, Win98, etc.

MS is neither high end or low end, Apple has always aimed to be high.

The recent accent of apple has been completely determined by iTunes, iTunes is the driver for the iPod, the tie between OSX and iOS, the forceable link (and I do understand that this is the big driver in positive and negative emotion in users) between all the "i" devices and the PC/Mac. You need to look deeper than the control side of things and see the genius in taking what is a tiny element of what they do, one programme amongst everything else and use it as the driver for everything they do and everything the consumer, you and I, will purchase.

Without iTunes everything changes.

As an aside, I saw a thread on here where there were rumours that MobileMe is changing, to become like a cloud link between iTunes and all it's other devices and become free at the same time.......if this happens then watch out everyone, no more hard wired syncing but still retaining control......it will suddenly become tougher and tougher for anyone to compete with them, every bit of media you have on any Apple device will instantly appear on all your other Apple devices, music, video, files, you name it......your iPhone will become a true extension of your iPad which will become a true extension of your Mac. Imagine the corporate possibilities as well? Like iTunes, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad it could be yet another game changer leaving all their rivals with a facefull of dust yet again.

With a new MobileMe everything changes.

The Archangel
Demandarin said:
True, what's apple gonna do once Steve finally retires or is gone? Look at windows and Microsoft after Bill Gates left. Although Bill still influences things in the low. Microsoft & Windows still doing well but not at their A game like when Bill was there 24-7!

That's an interesting point because some years back he did take a leave of absence and the company bombed until he came back and took hold of the reigns again!

The Archangel
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