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Waited in line, got IPad 2, probably will return it

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So far this has gone very well.

There are few over zelous fanboys on both sides that have pushed the limits, but for the most, everyone has played well together.
Good comments, madhatter. And you are spot on about what Apple does well.

But don't get me wrong. I don't even for a moment "hope Android takes over the world". I don't have a partisan preference for Android. I simply think that "open" will beat "closed" in the long run, just like open societies beat closed ones, always, in the end..

We already see it in smartphones. None of my IPhone friends can point out a single feature that makes me want their IPhone over my Android. In effect, Android has "caught up" to IPhone in terms of capability, and surpassed IPhone in terms of eyeballs (the holy grail).

It doesn't mean IPhones suck, by any means. They're great phones.

Same goes for the IPad. It's a great tablet. At the moment (like Macs in 1985 or IPhones in 2007) it's surpassed by no other. But like 1985 Macs and 2007 IPhones, I don't see anything different about today's IPad scenario that will change the dynamic of what now looks like an inevitable outcome: market freedom winning over market control. Android--whether I like it or not is immaterial--looks like the best bet. (It's just taking it longer than I wish it would :()

And IPads will still be great tablets. Like IPhones are great phones and IMacs are great computers.

Oh, buy the way, App developers for Apple are making lots of money (collectively over $2 billion to date, I believe)
Free apps in Android land don't make money for the developer ... so what drives them to make better apps?

Good question. The open-vs-profitability of the markets COULD be the dynamic that changes the game for Apple. If the Apple market continues attract better (paid) talent, and the Google market continues to NOT, that's big.
As far as "playing well together", I agree. And I think this has been a GREAT thread. And most people have been respectful.

But I gotta tell ya, I've been getting grief from MODERATORS more than anyone since I've gotten here. They've been the worst! Some of the nastiest (why are you here? Why don't you leave? etc) comments came from Super Moderators. I even received PMs.

And it's puzzling because so many posters have said it's a good thread. And the view/read count is high. And it's been great discussion. Things that Moderators are supposed to WANT.

They're all going Steve Jobs on me! Build the walls and keep the infidels out! :D
As far as "playing well together", I agree. And I think this has been a GREAT thread. And most people have been respectful.

But I gotta tell ya, I've been getting grief from MODERATORS more than anyone since I've gotten here. They've been the worst! Some of the nastiest (why are you here? Why don't you leave? etc) comments came from Super Moderators. I even received PMs.

And it's puzzling because so many posters have said it's a good thread. And the view/read count is high. And it's been great discussion. Things that Moderators are supposed to WANT.

They're all going Steve Jobs on me! Build the walls and keep the infidels out! :D

See. This may only keep you out. Posts like this could be what is getting you in trouble. Why would you want to air this in open forum?

If you have concerns/issues ~ send a PM.

And I was advocating on your behalf.
Sweet, I had no "posts like that" until I was treated the way I was treated.

It's in this thread--read back. The worst, unfriendly comments posted were by moderators.

Do moderators get to do whatever they want, even publicly treat people disrespectfully, and then when the victim publicly objects--and not screaming, or disrespectfully, but just telling it like it happened--blame the victim for objecting?

Yes, of course they do, they're moderators. It's not a recipe for good, openminded debate. But they get to do it.

I'm out. Thanks to the most people here who generated good, open discussion. Enjoy your IPads!
The android money model is different than on apple. Rovio for example was/is making nearly $1 million a month from advertising on angry birds, loads more than they could make in a month on app sales.

Android fragmentation is an issue for low end phones(even apple suffers this with old iPhone/iPod hardware), the ones that don't have processing power for graphic or computing intensive games. On the phones that most smart phone buyers are gravitating towards (Evo, droid x, droid 2, galaxy s, etc) fragmentation is not an issue. As long as e programmers are programming for execution in the java virtual machines, things are quite groovy. If they try to code for direct execution and interaction with the hardware, then they are effectively inviting fragmentation issues, and bypass one of the great enablers of android, the virtual machine which allows it to be scalable.

Now as far as android going to overtake iOS. Already getting there. It's inevitable. Does not mean by any stretch that it will put apple out of business, because to be frank, apple will always have a niche to fill; there is a lot to be said about consistency of hardware and ui experience. There will always be room for android as well, as it fills other voids, a powerful scalable platform. Each very attractive in it's own rights. You can think of apple IOS products as the corvette, always improvement between each generation of device, perhaps slight styling updates, does more for the same or less cost as the previous generation, but it always has that unmistakeable corvette personality and quality, what one would expect from the corvette. The android lineup is the rest of the chevy lineup, there are the low end entry phones (cobalts) all the way up to phones that perform like the corvette.

And one last parting thought...... Google doesn't have to play catch up. They are right where they want to be. They wanted to open a new revenue stream on a new medium. Mission accomplished. They make money through the android market, and billions through ad mob. They developed the platform, and it's very capable no matter what any fanboy says. It's the handset manufacturers that take all the risk in developing hardware and selling phones. Most manufacturers are sooooooo focused on topping apple, that they more often than not lose focus on what brings customers to them in the first place, beautiful working hardware. They build phones and stop supporting them or are slow to support them (samsung, and all of their android phone line), they rush products as a calculated risk to beat apple (motorola, xoom). Or you have manufacturers that put crap products out the door in order to cash in on the fad (many Chinese companies cheap android tablets). this is what brings negative attention to android.

Quite honestly I believe that only one company, possibly others, has it right when it come to android and that's Htc. They come out with beautiful form factors, their phones in general work, and they are consistent with their user experience (sense). They don't rush their products, and they support all of their phones! They don't drop support just because the next model year is out. I am very excited with what Htc is doing with android, and will not consider leaving my apple tablets behind unless htc has something spectacular to show.
Oh btw, I'm not entirely convinced that everyone understands what makes android open and what makes apple closed.

99% (made up statistic) of every android buyer is buying a locked platform that has to be exploited if they want root access in order to change the phone or yield some of it's more powerful potentials (on that note it's almost on a level playing field with iOS). 99% of the software they download for the platform is going to be closed source.

Open platforms is great for developers and handset makers that want to change core functions of the os, or ui. For an end user, it really means choice, and not much more.

A completely closed os, with a powerful software developer toolkit is just as viable (as apple proved, and win7 phone is proving)
I love these fanboy squabbles. To me, it's just poor homework. Know what you want. Know the market. Choose wisely. Sometimes you get caught in the hype and make a bad choice. It happens.

Apple has been locked down for decades. How someone could not know that is questionable. The better question is whether the lockdown is worth it to you?

I've kept PCs because I loved to tinker. I didn't like being restricted. I didn't need idiot-proofing because I'm not an idiot.

Welll, I've learned there are times when you want to be an idiot. You just want to plug it in and have it work. That is what Apple has been about for a long time.

I ordered my iPad 2 because the competition is 2 years behind and by the time they catch up, my iPad 2 will be long in the tooth anyway. I'll assess the market again at that time. Will the HP TouchPad 3 be a worthy competitor to the iPad 4? I don't know, but that's what I expect to be asking in 18 months right before my next 2 year contract expires.
I feel like too many ppl want the iPad to be a computer when it's not, it's a tablet. Tablets were originally input devices for computers: handwriting, drawing, sketching. Now we have a multi media player that can do it all. With apps, and hackers, the iPad can be whatever you need it to be, just not a fully functional computer. It's a mobile device that allows you to surf the world from a larger angle than a phone, play games, make music, surf, chill, watch movies. If you want to get on the computer, do that, but until STEVE JOBS SAYS THIS IS THE REPLACEMENT CPU OF THE WORLD, stop complaining. The device does what it was made todo. USB and SD ports will essentially short tablets out just like they do on computers.
HKWrite12 said:
I feel like too many ppl want the iPad to be a computer when it's not, it's a tablet. Tablets were originally input devices for computers: handwriting, drawing, sketching. Now we have a multi media player that can do it all. With apps, and hackers, the iPad can be whatever you need it to be, just not a fully functional computer. It's a mobile device that allows you to surf the world from a larger angle than a phone, play games, make music, surf, chill, watch movies. If you want to get on the computer, do that, but until STEVE JOBS SAYS THIS IS THE REPLACEMENT CPU OF THE WORLD, stop complaining. The device does what it was made todo. USB and SD ports will essentially short tablets out just like they do on computers.

Nope, the iPad is definitely a computer......unless someone changed the definition of computer! All tablets are computers.

The Archangel
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