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skimonkey said:
Cold?? Philippine? Baguio?

Ha-come to Michigan-our nights are still really chilly here!

My mom and dad went to Chicago last May 5. They say it's pretty cold.
Manila. I'm at the 5th floor (roof deck) and the summer breeze is cool to the skin.
PS: see you soon. My brother just transferred to Michigan.
You should be here today. Sunny and about 75 with a nice breeze. :)

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That is what my day was like! Pity I didn't see much of it! Cloaked in the school prep room, assessing work, finding more work for students, updating excel and word docs! Teaching very excitable 14year olds speed, time and distance. Took them outside for a bit of letting off steam exercise! Yes, I'm not stupid!

Sent from my new iPad using iPF
I take my kiddos outside too. It's too hard to fight the end of the year crazies. I also use it as an incentive for good behavior.

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I do love those birdies. I caught a cardinal once I school. He was in the corner of a large window so I got him with a towel. Before I let him go, I was able to see just how beautiful they are close up

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Beautiful day today. Miles and I had to go to Apple Store to replace my iPad as there was yellow light in the corners and I didn't want to wake up one day to the screen being completely yellow, useless, and warranty expired lmao.

Sent from my Black Verizon 64GB iPad 2 in NYC Using using iPF
Beautiful day here. We had a nice walk at a county park and almost got adopted.



I hope his mother came for him.
Czevski said:
Beautiful day here. We had a nice walk at a county park and almost got adopted.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=15867"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=15868"/>

I hope his mother came for him.

Oh my, how gorgeous is that.....I would have adopted him. How nice to see animals like that on a walk!
mollysmom said:
You should be here today. Sunny and about 75 with a nice breeze. :)

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Hi Molly, it's been a long time no hear!

We are enjoying sunny milder weather now.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Hi Carol, How are you, It's warm here. Hope you stay warm and comfy on a cold weather days. Yes we have our own Ipad2 like Tito Quake. Kambal (Paulo and Nico). Smile.

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