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AdmiralAdama said:
Is it a block party? They're the best.

We vacationed in
Mazatlan a number of years ago and used local transit to see the things most tourists don't get to. One day we took a local bus to the end of the line. While we were waiting for the return trip several people with large plates piled high with food walked by. One woman gave us the "come with us" wave. We figured what the heck.

Couple blocks later we were in the middle of party central. We stayed for hours, into the night.
One of the revellers gave us a ride back to our hotel. An experience we'll never forget.


That sounds wonderful Admiral....

And how lovely they invited you like that

And what an experience to treasure! :)
skimonkey said:
Lucky you, Fleur...we have a torrential rainfall here...just special for Mother's Day!!

Just think of all the good things rain brings...flowers, rainbows, lush green scenery, all the pollen washed away! Puddles for stomping in!

Have a great Sunday Ski!
Ski! What's up with the rain?!? It's 70+ sunny and just beautiful. Maybe you have the junk we had yesterday. If so, hang in there, the sun is on the way!

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Not sure Molly--but you described it well-crap weather!!

My hair looks very chia pet right now!
Sunny yet cloudy today.

Sent from my Black Verizon 64GB iPad 2 in NYC Using using iPF
Ski-- you have a great day coming tomorrow. It was beau- ti-ful today. I hear ya with the chia hair. I, too, have the same problem. Lol

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Ski-- you have a great day coming tomorrow. It was beau- ti-ful today. I hear ya with the chia hair. I, too, have the same problem. Lol

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Thanks, Molly!! Our day turned out better than expected-chia became tame once again, lol!

Hope you had a nice grad party! Thought of you as we had some Filipino food today! Have a good one-I think we will have nothing but sun balls this coming week!
That's what they are saying-- sun, sun, and more sun. Alas I didn't make the grad party. I went to my daughter's ( about45 min away) and by the time I got home, I was too late. :-(. I'll have to wait for the next party and there always is one!

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Yesterday, the forecast was a cloudy day here. However, dawn has broken on great sunny, calm morning. Perfect for the Queen's visit to Bromley.

I will be going up to the town centre to witness the occasion.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

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