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Supposed to be sunny and 80. Richard-- how exciting. Isn't this the big year for the Queen?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Yup! And we have an extra holiday too! (of course we educators will be on half term break anyway lol

Sent from my new iPad using iPF

During the storm


After the storm
Last edited:
Nice photos, Fleur. We have another bright calm early morning here.

The rain arrived after my morning post yesterday. However,it dried out for the big mid morning event. Phew...

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Richard Brown said:
Nice photos, Fleur. We have another bright calm early morning here.

The rain arrived after my morning post yesterday. However,it dried out for the big mid morning event. Phew...

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

It's supposed to be sunny and mid 80's today. 88 tomorrow. Ski, the sweat fest begins.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Cold out today!!!

Sent from my Tricked Out Glittery Verizon Black 32GB iPhone 4 Tethered to iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF
Looks like a clear,blue sky and sun too! Yahoo! I love England.

Sent from my new iPad using iPF

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