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What do you hate the most about your Ipad?

What do you hate the most about your Ipad?

  • no multitasking

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • no flash support

    Votes: 41 48.2%
  • no camera

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • typing is uncomfortable

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Something Else(Please post it in the forum)

    Votes: 25 29.4%

  • Total voters
I like my new iPad so far, but what I hate the most are just teething problems that needs to be sorted out and the confusion over the designs of the apps.

For example: I saw screenshots of some apps in magazines, on Internet, and I ever tried out the demo iPad in the shop, and I think: "I like the way that app do so and so." Only when you get that app (or that it may be iPad's own built in app) and you find it works in a different way. You end up wondering if the app you saw is eariler version than the one you're using, or if it is a later version. You sometimes wonder if you misunderstood the app, like thinking: "Did I get the wrong app? What was it I was supposed to do?"

Take the built in calendar for example, I thought you could have different sections of calendar, ie: Work, Home, Personal, Holidays, etc., so you could enter a date and an event and have it assigned in Home calendar, and so on. My iPad calendar just shows only one.

That's the only problem, just seeing something I like, only to find it don't do what I expected it to do, as well as any other teething problems, but otherwise, I like the iPad most of the times.
My sole complaint is the inability to expand storage capacity with some sort of flash media, and even that I understand why the developers don't have it. If the next version has 128MB and 4G, I'll be set.
I really like this birthday gift which my dad give me.
However, I also really hate that there is no flash support which make me missing
so many wonderful program, I have to watch on my computer, secondly, there is no outlay keyboard, I can't type text directly, at last, the iTunes can't support most video format which make me miss so many videos, So I must rely on the third party software such as this video converter to solve this issue.
Lack of flash ranks first then no camera, but I still love my iPad more then the galaxy tab I had for a week and that had camera/flash
What do I hate about my iPad?

Well I't would make me a real stupid if I actually 'HATED' anything about it. I did a lot of research, looked at the alternatives (Galaxy tab, a smaller notepad etc.). In the end, this is one of the most simple to use devices I have come across. My laptop (which I kept out of caution) now hardly gets used. I no longer have a desktop computer at work. I just use my iPad, a really neat stand and a wireless keyboard, to facilitate lots of text input.

'What more would I like for my iPad?' would be a better question to ask. Multi-tasking? Well with OS 4.2 I supposedly have that. Though I really think it is more task switching than multi tasking. And anyway, how often do I really, truly multi-task. If the Apps switch quick enough who cares.

Expandability? When I first looked at iPads I was concerned about how little storage space they have. Then I took a look at the 650gb drive on my laptop. Most of the space was taken by operating system and application software. The latter bloated by functionality which most of us never use. I have around 2,700 songs and around 10 gb of documents stored on my laptop, using Paperport. So, putting that in context 64gb of space is ample. Plus I have a dropbox account and a iDisk. So, unless armageddon comes and the whole electronic world collapses, why do I need massive storage on my iPad.

Flash support? Yeh maybe. But, you know, I haven't found a great deal that I can't do with Safari so far.

No. What I would like is much more quality control on the Apps store. I have had to bin a number of Apps, whose limitations became apparent on use. I would also like to see enhanced support for external keyboards so things like task switching could be done by key combinations (al la Windows). I would also like to be able to attach documents from the email, rather than having to start with the document. Mind you, having only had the machine for a few weeks there may be a way of doing this that I am not aware of yet.

All in all there is nothing I hate about my iPad and a great deal that I like.

Have a great day,
What do I hate...

Oh, I almost forgot. I want a Zaggmate with keyboard. It looks fantastic but is not available in the UK yet. Anyone in the states got one? If so, what do you think?


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