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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

Honestly, I think I will use it mainly as an eBook reader and also as a mobile internet tablet when you just don't feel like getting out the whole laptop... ie, on the couch.

Second to that, on plane flights as a movie platform it will be nice as the screen size is great and the battery life will beat even my 17" Macbook Pro.

All in all, there are a few neat uses for it but mainly those 3 for me.

What about you?

I raised my fingers to type and saw you wrote exactly how I plan to use it. The fact that it doesn’t natively support SMS/TXT makes it a glorified Kendle. The only reason I ordered one was for a 30-days travel jont to Florida and onward to Italy, otherwise I would have waited until iOS5. As it is, those flights in coach glass are more painful than listening to our leader talk.
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I'm going to use iPADs as electronic menu at my restaurant.
I certainly hope your clientele takes care of their menus. That could get expensive if they spill their sugary drinks on them. And, let a little kiddie grab one and you might not get it back. :p
peterlopez said:
I'm going to use iPADs as electronic menu at my restaurant.

Bluetoothed to the servery? I trust you will trust your clients won't be light fingered!

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
iPad for Business

I've had my iPad2 for about 6 weeks or so now. I posted before about using it for business use - but it really has changed they way I work.

I now take the iPad and an Apple wireless keyboard out with me on client visits. I used to lug a large 'bag on wheels' about as taking the Macbook Pro was a 'must'. Now a much slimmer bag accompanies me with less 'kit' in it.

All of the documents that I used to 'run off' a copy of on the printer are now on the iPad and I use iFiles to get documents on and off there. All of my precedent documents are now in iFiles - when I want to open a copy of a precedent document to use for client information to I just hit 'Open in Pages' - and there is a client copy to 'fill in' via the wireless keyboard. I either e-mail it back to myself or save the Pages document in iTunes and then save it back to my Macbook Pro.

Funny how quickly the 'Pro' has become the home-based machine and the iPad has replaced it to become the laptop equivalent. Taking the 'Pro' out with me now would seem like lugging an iMac around!

The other net gain is that the laser printer has hardly been on since I had the iPad - I just don't need to print anything any more.

I use my iPad for all the usual 'fun stuff' too - but its as a work tool that it has had the greatest impact. No doubt we'll see advances in the OS being able to support a directory structure in future which will make the iPad even more useable as a fully-fledged business tool.
I purchased the pad primarily for killing time on an upcoming month-long trip with long flights, etc. As for specifics, I imagine I'll use it for music, audio books, flight tracking, GPS, watching a movie or two, and pay my bills on-line.
Use your iPhone or iPad as an electronic test tool! I'm considering this new o-scope product very innovative design for sure.

Home | Oscium

Make: Online | Toolbox Review: iMSO-104 Oscilloscope for iPad & iPhone

Also there are several dongle attachments on the market for terminating your iOS device to your automobile ODB computer as a scan tool for diagnostics.

Makezine quote: "It will be interesting to see what future developments hold for iOS test equipment – see, we shall..."
For reading books and magazines,
Surfing the web
Playing games
Travel information
Social networking
Watching movies

Also eliminates the rocking on my kitchen table if I jam it under the leg that's short..
I will use my iPad mainly for entrainment purpose like

Watching movies
Listening to Music
Playing games
Surf the web
Reading books

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