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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

Surf the web
- Read News
Watching movies on the plane
Listening to music
I think this is the thing I would most basic do :O
I'll use it for e mail, surfing the web, watch movies. I've had it for three days (a birthday present) and at the moment I'm terrified of it. I'm reading through an Idiots Guide to iPads and an iPads for seniors guide. As a total techno-phobe I'm finding it challenging but am looking forward to using it confidently in the, hopefully, not too distant future.
Poppyrussell said:
I'll use it for e mail, surfing the web, watch movies. I've had it for three days (a birthday present) and at the moment I'm terrified of it. I'm reading through an Idiots Guide to iPads and an iPads for seniors guide. As a total techno-phobe I'm finding it challenging but am looking forward to using it confidently in the, hopefully, not too distant future.

Hi Poppyrussell welcome to the forums. You will get to love your iPad :)

You can download a free iPad manual from the Apple site. Try this link. http://help.apple.com/ipad/5/interface/

I keep my manual bookmarked on Safari.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I use my iPad (WiFi only) almost every day. I read my email (different accounts), books, and PDFs , and, yes, play some but not many games. I also stream Netflix movies to it. It definitely has a place in my list of gear I use every day. I'm on the fence as to the usefulness of the on-screen keyboard. For short amounts of typing (no more than a note size) I think its fine.

Surf web
Check mail
Read magazines
Play games
Listen to music
Read books
English and French dictionaries
Watch tv shows/movies
I think that there can be a lots of uses of ipad but I shall use my ipad to surf, gaming, e reading, photo album because that is what I mostly do.Thank you
When I pick up my ipad, I always think of how sorry I am that I switched from a 2 to a 3. The wifi on 3 simply stinks!
reading things :D

i have 'reeder' for all my rss feeds, its awesome.

also 'tapatalk' for all my forums
then kindle app and ibooks and itunesU!!

i also use it for podcasts :)
I know they could be pre-ordered from a few days ago and all the fan boys will have done this and probably queued since about 1am this morning... so does anyone think I have any chance of walking in to the Apple shop or John Lewis later today and picking one up, or will they be completely sold out?
Using iPad.

I have used my iPad for all the 'usual' stuff and just love it. Recently I have been using it to study photography notes and camera instruction manual. I used DropBox and LogMeIn for this and it works great. Wish I could copy a DVD course from my iMac to view/listen to on iPad.

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