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If you subscribe to a lot of threads, like I do, it would be nice if there was also a flagging option, so you can mark threads for attention latter. Sometimes I'd like to contribute, but either don't have time right then, or am out and about away from the resource I'd like to reference.

When I'm on my computer it isn't really a problem, I can Evernote the URL. When using the iPad Forums app that's a several step process. A simple thread flagging option would be better than either solution.
I bookmark mine to a special folder or email myself the link. When I do I add notes in the message and post numbers. All done quickly with Safari. But flagging is good I'd rather use that if it were available.
Isn't this button convenient enough? Quality is bad, but I am referring to the 'subscribe to thread button'.

What would be nice though is an option to add URL's properly. I mean the BB code: [/URL ].


  • image-4088991149.webp
    5.6 KB · Views: 191
<====== Putting Moderator Hat on

I think there should be signature size limit. Like a picture size limit and the number of lines of text limit. Maybe it's the way the forum is setup, but its seems like theres a lot of extra stuff.

Speaking on behalf of my fellow moderators, the one thing that we collectively spend more time on than anything else is editing or deleting signatures. Why? Because we have whole list of rules that apply to signatures and some members just sign up and start posting without reading them.

12. Signature guidelines:
The maximum number of lines in a signature is 5.
No external links will be posted in signatures. To include email addresses.
Do not put any kind of advertisements in signatures.
Signature text should comply with our regular posting rules.
Signature text that is too long or obtrusive will be removed.
This would include overly creative use of punctuation, color, etc. which make the signature too flashy.
If your signature is in violation of any of these new rules, the Staff may remove it without prior notice.

Here is a link to the complete list of forum rules -- http://www.ipadforums.net/forum-rules-help-info/2119-forum-rules-everybody-please-read.html

As a condition of membership, every one of you checked a little box that said you would comply with the rules of the forum. Now I want everyone with a signature to check theirs and make sure it complies with the rules or we will do it for you.

<======== Taking moderator hat off

Regarding humor...

After reading my mini-rant above, I am sure many of you think that I have no clue as to what having a sense of humor is all about. When I am not handing out infractions, I can be a really funny guy.

The thing that makes this forum so great, IMHO, is its "personality". This isn't just a place to exchange information and ideas about the iPad, but it is more of a social gathering place. With the possible exception of the Hacking section, almost everything else you wanted to know about your iPad can be found in the iPad User Guide or within the knowledge base on Apple's website or from Apple Care.

So why do people come here instead? Either they don't know about those resources provided by the manufacturer or they want to come to a place where they can talk to "real people", not some anonymous help desk employee. We have members from all over the world ranging in age from barely being a teenager to well into their golden years and they bring a wealth of experience with them... including their sense of humor... some of which we may not understand or appreciate.

We provide the "Anything Goes" section as a place where you can ask non-iPad questions or just blow off some steam. We want this forum to be the kind of place where you can ask questions, get answers and just "hang out" for a little while.

With all due respect, if you just want some joyless answers to your questions, read the users guide, go to the Apple website or call Apple Care. To me, the humor is one of the benefits of this forum, not one of its liabilities.
1991-C4 said:
<====== Putting Moderator Hat on

Speaking on behalf of my fellow moderators, the one thing that we collectively spend more time on than anything else is editing or deleting signatures. Why? Because we have whole list of rules that apply to signatures and some members just sign up and start posting without reading them.

Here is a link to the complete list of forum rules -- http://www.ipadforums.net/forum-rules-help-info/2119-forum-rules-everybody-please-read.html

As a condition of membership, every one of you checked a little box that said you would comply with the rules of the forum. Now I want everyone with a signature to check theirs and make sure it complies with the rules or we will do it for you.

<======== Taking moderator hat off

Regarding humor...

After reading my mini-rant above, I am sure many of you think that I have no clue as to what having a sense of humor is all about. When I am not handing out infractions, I can be a really funny guy.

The thing that makes this forum so great, IMHO, is its "personality". This isn't just a place to exchange information and ideas about the iPad, but it is more of a social gathering place. With the possible exception of the Hacking section, almost everything else you wanted to know about your iPad can be found in the iPad User Guide or within the knowledge base on Apple's website or from Apple Care.

So why do people come here instead? Either they don't know about those resources provided by the manufacturer or they want to come to a place where they can talk to "real people", not some anonymous help desk employee. We have members from all over the world ranging in age from barely being a teenager to well into their golden years and they bring a wealth of experience with them... including their sense of humor... some of which we may not understand or appreciate.

We provide the "Anything Goes" section as a place where you can ask non-iPad questions or just blow off some steam. We want this forum to be the kind of place where you can ask questions, get answers and just "hang out" for a little while.

With all due respect, if you just want some joyless answers to your questions, read the users guide, go to the Apple website or call Apple Care. To me, the humor is one of the benefits of this forum, not one of its liabilities.

The humor and fun is what keeps me here! We are just a giant happy family.
grayshark95 said:
When you reply to it it automatically subscribes you to it.

Is there a setting for that? Mines not doing it.

Sent from my iPad2 A1396 using iPF

Yes. Go to your User CP page and choose Edit Options from the list on the left. Forth box of options down you'll see your Default Thread Subscription Mode.
I love the humor on this forum. Even from the smart A$$'s. Some well seasoned members have me trippn up here. It's a great mix of learning new things and humor at the same time. There also be very serious, heated discussions that goes on here also. I like the "assumed" personalities of the members up here. I know there is one moderator that always have me laughing cuz he writes a whole essay for every response and repetitive same posts has me thinkn he is a built in forum robot with a high AI IQ...lmfao. I won't say hIs name though, people know who I'm talk in about if u up here enough. It's cool though, cause his info be right on point and ive learned from him, other moderators, and other fellow members.
twerppoet said:
Yes. Go to your User CP page and choose Edit Options from the list on the left. Forth box of options down you'll see your Default Thread Subscription Mode.

Oh, your quick. I was typing and you replied.
twerppoet said:
Yes. Go to your User CP page and choose Edit Options from the list on the left. Forth box of options down you'll see your Default Thread Subscription Mode.

Oh, your quick. I was typing and you replied.

I just happen to hit the thread a few seconds after the post. It still took me over two minutes to check to make sure I was right before I hit the send key.
I would like to see better policing of the stickies. There is one on 4.2 that has not been posted on since December. I also would like to see large page numbers or more spacing between them for easier selection.
How to improve your site

Our forum is more than 1 year old and has grown in leaps and bounds. We now have 40,000 members which is amazing. Currently providing support to you our members we have 3 Moderators. 8 Super mods and 4 Admin. I personally along with Max, and Gentlefury plus admin have been here 12 months. What I think it is great our Mods are from around the world like myself in Australia So we offer not only American support but world wide support.

This is a second home for me along with iphone forums and I love it. It is my thought that although we have gone to great length to make this the best forum world wide that there is always areas that can be improved............

So my question to you as members is....based on what we have to offer what would you like to see added that will make the experience of using this forum and your ipad experience even better than before.

Thanks to all of you whom support us.........:):):):):):)

First: I would like the footprint of the comments to just contain the comment info.
Leave off all the pretty icons and footnote appendage.
Also on the left side panel ... again forget the icons, and take up only 4 lines to identify the person, origination date, # of posts, etc.

This would enable many more posts per page and help in fewer pages to go thru the Thread. The humor intended in honorable... but on each and every post ... after seeing this header info umpteen times adds nothing, but sure takes up space this could be put to better use ... like comments only.

Second: have a zero tolerance for profanity ... erase the offensive adjectives ... they only irritate ... not needed for clarity or emphasis.

Thanks for the opportunity to make suggestions.
Last edited:
Our forum is more than 1 year old and has grown in leaps and bounds. We now have 40,000 members which is amazing. Currently providing support to you our members we have 3 Moderators. 8 Super mods and 4 Admin. I personally along with Max, and Gentlefury plus admin have been here 12 months. What I think it is great our Mods are from around the world like myself in Australia So we offer not only American support but world wide support.

This is a second home for me along with iphone forums and I love it. It is my thought that although we have gone to great length to make this the best forum world wide that there is always areas that can be improved............

So my question to you as members is....based on what we have to offer what would you like to see added that will make the experience of using this forum and your ipad experience even better than before.

Thanks to all of you whom support us.........:):):):):):)

One more point. I have noticed a high quantity of posts that stem from hacking. Often the suggestion initially makes no mention of the need to hack first, prior to implementing their suggestion. This is most frustration, as I don't hack ... probably never will. So for those of us who take it as Apple provides, would it be possible to have a hacking main category... then all posts to that effect are isolated to that category. Of course some will put whatever they want. I don't know if you want to take on the task of redirecting. T'would be nice.
those of us who take it as Apple provides, would it be possible to have a hacking main category... then all posts to that effect are isolated to that category. Of course some will put whatever they want. I don't know if you want to take on the task of redirecting. T'would be nice.

There is a Hacking Section, only. And we do move threads to the correct forums when we see the need.:)

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