iPF Noob
I have PI and Smart Pad. My friend looked at both and she really like SP much better. PI seems a little too busy but haven't had any problems with it like No1zeppelinfan has. Sorry to hear you are having problems. Good luck with getting a refund.
Yeah just my luck I suppose

I was ok the first few day, Then when I really got it syncing with my online MSN calendars etc it went haywire. Would sync, Duplicated appts, Erased Appts. There was no reason why it was doing what it was. I spoke to their technical support who we're great but I just don't think you can push it that far. I wanted different calendars in different colours and it just didn't like it. Never mind. Plenty of other apps out there. Only because it was so expensive I pushed for a refund, I would have accepted it if it was the usual £2.99 etc. Just bought the TV HD Pro for £2.99, Crashes every time. I'll leave it in the hope an update will sort it out.