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What Gets Posted In This Section (HINT: Overviews & Reviews ONLY!)

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Staff member
This sub-forum is for people to show off their favorite tweak and how it works on the iPad. It's like a review … but more!

If you have a favorite tweak (that's not already covered here), write up a description of it and how it works on the iPad. Include such things as why you like it and how much it costs (or, tell us it's free). As with anything, pictures are worth a thousand words, so please do include them.

Our goal is to have an easily accessible spot where people can go to see how a tweak truly does look and work on the iPad.

You don't have to have permission to post these reviews and the more the merrier! However, please keep in mind that this section is solely for tweak reviews/overviews. In addition, the review must not mention pirated apps, piracy or any way the individual can get a tweak for free. Overviewed tweaks must be readily obtained from sanctioned, legal repositories.

If needed, go ahead and ask a question in the overviewer's post if you want more clarification about the tweak - or notice a neat feature in the picture that's not mentioned. Otherwise, generic questions about a tweak (where they are, do people like them, what do people recommend, etc.) are to be posted in the main Hacking section.

Finally, moderators always reserve the right to remove/edit inappropriate reviews or move generic questions to the main Hacking section without notice.

Thanks, and happy modding.

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