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What is the best or most significant smell you've smelled today?

The most significant smell I've smelled today is DEET! I don't know how those pesky suckers get into my room! I have a screen on my window, I keep the fan on, obviously not strong or close enough to me because they GOT me! I even rubbed my hand over my head,( hair and face ). I didn't spray my hand first, I just rubbed it on my arm and then my head.
Has anyone seen that commercial for " OFF " where you just clip this small device somewhere on your clothes, it has a fan which blows DEET out which surrounds you. The part that got to me is when they say it's odorless! I thought " Oh, how nice! Poison flowing all around you but you can't smell it?
That's like having odorless cigarettes! I only smoked for a few years and very few at that, but I STILL MISS SMOKING! They better not come up with odorless cigarettes or I will be toast! :eek: :oops: :rolleyes: o_O
As fish was the main dish for dinner, the smell always lingers for hours, it seems.

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At this moment my dog is panting like crazy! Dog breath! :confused:
Where'd my cat go?:(o_O

Hi Diane - well, go find the doggie toothbrush - LOL! Dave

P.S. We just have a LOT of stuffed animals - :)

Judith celebrated her birthday last weekend. She had invited her friends, and they were partying in a room in our cellar. Some of them are smokers, and the scent of cigarette smoke also "entered" the house, in spite of closed doors. The smoke is what I'm smelling every day in some parts of our house. It's getting weaker, though.
I can't decide which one is better or more significant:
Laundry that dried outside this afternoon, or the smell of rain that's falling now.
I've removed moss from my sidewalk today. If had been raining last night, so I had the smell of moist soil.
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It was something at the grocerie store today, in the the baking isle, colored marshmallows I think that took me back to a rainy Saturday afternoon at my Grandmothers house. Stuck indoors, she must have been backing a cake. probably a birthday cake, I can't remember exactly but it really took me back. Gosh I miss my Grandparents.

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