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What is your favourite iPad app?

I wouldnt just pick one I love all my apps but mostly these
- Fish With Attitude
- Plants Vs Zombies HD
- Scribblenauts Remix
- Zombie Carnival
Search them up
All the iPad apps are very latest and updated but i like Event Management app this is very best and new technology app is introduce in this model now a days you can manage your any event by using this app this is good and have a great information about event management in it...
Calendar.. Synced to my phone and my wifes phone. Couldn't do without it
Safari (of course)
Temple run.. I've yet to beat my daughter.

I've only had my pad a week so I'm interested in others thoughts
Hello Everyone!!! If anyone of you played Monster Pet Shop and Zombie Cafe.... Pls. Give me food. If you need Eggs in Monster Pet Shop. This are Available.

Water Eggs

Squiggly Polygol

Fuzzy Tuckle

Coned Krakel

Knobby-Pronged Marinna

Boxy Tricyclops

Shark Finned Frip

Grass Eggs

Striped Bumpkin

Stripey Chuffle

Dirt Eggs

Pronged Slugabug

Round Squidge

Pig-Nosed Squonk

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