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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

AdmiralAdama said:
Are you holed up for the night or on the road?


Day off. I hit 70 hours yesterday, so I'm on a 36 hour reset. So I'm in a hotel right now.

Last week was exhausting.
AdmiralAdama said:
Click the "Marooned" link on YouTube, put of your dogs and chill. You won't be disappointed. Just keep in mind the picture is vintage 1969.


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I'll check that out right away.

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As if I still need to play any other song here when I can hear my neighbor playing Kenny Roger songs. Kind of relaxing in a way. I'm getting old.
Robert Plant - recorded live in 2005 as part of a BBC concert series. I'm listening via the Sirius XM Satellite radio app for the iPhone and iPad.

This concert recording is excellent. Very rich and clear. The one hour performance concludes with a Led Zep medley that's fresh and unpredictable.


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