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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

Giggle. Well, that's useful to know. Pity we can't hear you so we can agree or disagree?

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Well if it were Louis Armstrong, Roy Orbison, Simon & Garfunckel............

Oh alright then!

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Giggle. Well, that's useful to know. Pity we can't hear you so we can agree or disagree?

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If I ever manage to get a CD up at iTunes, I'll let you know! :)

Worked the last couple of days getting an acoustic guitar, electric 12'er, and bass guitar just right. Somewhat Pink Floyd influenced. Now, I have to fine tune the drums, add a piano, a lead guitar, and about 6 vocal tracks. Recordings all controlled via my iPad. Modern tech can be great! :thumbs:
AdmiralAdama said:
U.F.O. - "Too Hot To Handle"


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Another band I saw live.....Strangers In The Night is now on my playlist.....IMHO the best live album ever!

The Archangel
Diamond by Jump5. It's so addicting, I don't know why! $1.29 single track on iTunes.

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