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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

Abba - the day before you came.

Sent from my awesome iPhone 5using iPF
Cruiser - a gentle press , with the opening scene from : the computer chronicles !

Sent from my awesome iPhone 5using iPF
Need a good music player to listen to my music

I just downloaded my music to my iPad directly from my MyBookLive drive but now cannot play it through iTunes. I can play it from the MyBookLive folder but that does not give me a lot of flexibility for playlists etc. Any suggestions on a good music player app. Checked the Apps Store and there are lots of apps with many showing " must be 17 or older . . " not sure I understand the reason if I just want to listen to music. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


AdmiralAdama said:
The mono version of the first Doors album that includes "Whiskey Bar" is available in iTunes. Production was limited to very first pressings and it was
deleted soon after publication.


Sent from my iPad using iPF

That's where I got my copy of the album.
The pet shop boys - can you forgive her?


Sent from my awesome iPhone 5using iPF

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