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What other Apple products do you own?

ipod classic.-paper ipad stuck on some cardboard to show my mum that it wasnt a p.o.s. and that you could see the screen:p
Apple Airport Extreme - 1
Apple IPOD mini -7
Apple IPOD -3
Apple TV -4
Apple IPAD -1

Win laptops -5
Win desktops -9
HP MediaSmart Svr -2
Apple Airport Extreme - 1
Apple IPOD mini -7
Apple IPOD -3
Apple TV -4
Apple IPAD -1

Win laptops -5
Win desktops -9
HP MediaSmart Svr -2

Do you have an Apple TV for every TV in your house or is there a cool mod that I don't know about?
Congratulations You are right easy to use no virus attacks and all works without hassle even works better with Iphone ipad and also Apple TV which I also own. Guess I am biased Have been with Apple since 1978 and a specialist reseller since 1993 But you are so right enjoy the technology and Apple imac its the right choice..... col down under

Lets not be beating up on the vast majority of computer users. I started on a Lisa, still have a practically NIB Apple IIe at home and lived Apple right up till they "lost" the software war with Intel boxes. I started building my own intel boxes and yes struggled with DOS, Windows, ME, . . . and still have three XP boxs, 3 Vista boxes and 6 Win 7 boxes, in addition to the 4 ATVs and the new IPAD.

The reasons I went to Win based boxes was 1) availability of software and 2) cook your own custom box based on finances and need.

I learned on DOS at work, which I think any right thinking person hated with good reason, and played on a Mac at home. But once I did the painful transition to Windows based machines I never looked back.

The basic philosophy of Apple has been to turn out appliances. Very nice, very useful appliances. Their hardware has been locked down since the beginning. Unless you want to become a hacker, you are stuck with what they give you. Even the operating system and the human interface is designed to "protect" the user from screwing something up.

The opposite is true with a Win based box. While the casual user can use one for their entire life without ever getting in trouble by changing something, if you really want to, its easy to swap out cards, add or modify how the OS functions on each particular machine.

Now when I use a machine with an Apple OS I know that the OS is protecting me from myself. So I use my ATVs as they were designed and love them. I use the IPAD as designed and if I need to do something new or different, I pick up a Winbox and know that I can generally stroke it till it does that new or "dangerous" thing that an Apple will not allow me to do.

I have come to view Apple as a People's Enclave and Windows as Free Enterprise. Just like in the real world, in a free enterprise system you are free to succeed or to fail.

And as to the myth of virius . . I have been running a minimum of 5 intel boxes at my home for 15 years, 24/7, on various connections, currently a Comcast Business Systems provided modem. I have yet to see a single virus that I did not personally bring into my own machine. I can only speak for my own experience but viruses have not been a problem for me or my users.

Personally I think that Apple is looking at the whole virus thing the wrong way. If/When Apple is a large enough percentage of the user base, it will begin getting attacked as much as Win boxes do. The low attack rate is really a reflection of the lack of penetration in the market. There is little else that differentiates Apple OS's from Win OS's.

Now I am an Apple baby, but I grew up and found out that being dedicated to one company or OS or brand is just not beneficial. So when I have an application that needs doing, I go do a trade study and pick the most cost effective way to fulfill that need. That is why I am perfectly to use Apple appliances in my solution set and while in the past, I used Apple products as my main computer, right now they are too slow, too constraining and too expensive when compared with an Intel box. But when it comes to doing what an IPOD, or and IPHONE, or an Apple TV, or yes and IPAD can do, they are without a doubt the best for their particular applications so I have several of each.

Thanks for listening

"Some of my best friends are Apple finatics"

"Hi, Im Rob and I am a former Apple KoolAid Drinker."
Apple Airport Extreme - 1
Apple IPOD mini -7
Apple IPOD -3
Apple TV -4
Apple IPAD -1

Win laptops -5
Win desktops -9
HP MediaSmart Svr -2

Do you have an Apple TV for every TV in your house or is there a cool mod that I don't know about?

I have well over a thousand movies, over seven thousand tunes, and a few hundred TV shows hosted on my servers. We have an ATV in the family room, my computer lab, my garage, and the wife's sewing room. So, yes we have an ATV on every TV in the house.
And you thought MAC wont get an infection ?
Intego, a leading security application developer for OS X platform just issued a major security bulletin warning all apple users about a potential threat.
Intego has discovered a new Trojan horse, OSX.Trojan.iServices.A, which is currently circulating in copies of Apple’s iWork 09 found on BitTorrent trackers and other sites containing links to pirated software. The version of iWork 09, Apple’s productivity suite, are complete and functional, but the installer contains an additional package called iWorkServices.pkg.
According to their report, at-least 20,000 copy of this software has been distributed over P2P (Bit-Torrent) networks, all of those users are now possibly running a compromised MAC (OS X). Once infected with this malware, which is designed to install additional malware (Virus / Spyware / Adwares) the clean up process becomes very painful.
Why the Apple virus attack is good news John Dvorak's Second Opinion - MarketWatch
The sudden appearance of malicious code for computers made by Apple /quotes/comstock/15*!aapl/quotes/nls/aapl (AAPL 241.02, +1.07, +0.45%) is likely to spark the resumption of a strange competition within the malware-coding community to get attention in the newspaper.
This is something that has become almost impossible to do with PC viruses. There are too many, and most people have become inured.
Make no mistake; that's what all this is really about: bragging rights in an underworld of introverted hobbyists out to amaze their strange community of nebulous friends.
I'm certain that widespread boasting about immunity from attack in the Mac community has finally awakened interest among the exploit coders, whose collective motto is either "Oh yeah?" or "Sez who?" So now the malware folks are having a look at the Macintosh platform to see where it's weak.
In recent years many of these coders have gone off to develop spyware for spammers and even for organized crime. I was under the impression that the days of virus development for bragging rights might be gone. That, like graffiti tagging in areas where there are now loads of surveillance cameras, it had faded away. Tagging is usually done where people are not paying attention -- the back wall of a warehouse, for example.
But the way the media and these sorts of vandals interact is that the vandals do more vandalizing if they attract attention. What would be cooler than seeing your tag on TV during a report on tagging and graffiti?
With the Macintosh, I'm guessing, nobody saw the target as worth bothering with. Not enough potential for publicity. But perhaps that has changed. After all, these paltry new viruses are actually getting media attention on national news reports. This has got to charge up the virus coders.
It will be interesting to see how far this gets. There are a lot of people who would like to see the robustness of the OS X operating system tested under full-on, malicious, real-world attacks.
Which is part of why this is actually good news for Mac users and the computer community at large.
It's good news for Mac users because now security holes will be fixed early, and users will learn to become aware of these things. It's a little bit like getting the mumps. You do not want to get this ailment as an adult.
Malware hunters at Symantec have discovered a direct link between a malicious file embedded in pirated copies of Apple’s iWork 09 software and what appears to be the first Mac OS X botnet launching denial-of-service attacks.
Writing in the current issue of Virus Bulletin (subscription required), researchers Mario Ballano Barcena and Alfredo Pesoli found two malware variants — OSX.Iservice and OSX.Iservice.B — using different techniques to obtain the user’s password and take control of the infected Mac machine.

[ SEE: Mac OS X Malware found in pirated Apple iWork 09 ]

The variants have been found inside bogus copies of iWork ’09 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 which were shared on the popular p2p torrent network. The author of the malware downloaded the original/trial versions of each program and introduced a copy of the malicious binary into the packages. Users who then downloaded and installed the applications from the torrent download would have been infected. It is estimated that thousands of people have downloaded the infected torrent files.

They describe this as the “first real attempt to create a Mac botnet†and notes that the zombie Macs are already being used for nefarious purposes.
The researchers pointed to this blog entry that describes a a PHP script, running as root, launching attacks against an unknown Web site.
The article goes into detail on the botnet’s peer-to-peer engine, startup and encryption capabilities and configuration file structure and concludes that the person who wrote the malware is not the same as the person who actually ‘used’ it.
“The code indicates that, wherever possible, the author tried to use the most flexible and extendible approach when creating it – and therefore we would not be surprised to see a new, modified variant in the near future,â the researchers added.
iTouch - 2
iPod nano gen1, gen2, gen4
Wife has MacBookPro
Apple TV
It's time for an update:
Add two iPads to the list
I must be losing my mind. We also have an iMac and an Airport extreme and express.
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Here's my Gear:

Mac mini,, ipod nano 1st gen, ipod touch 1st gen,ipod classic, 24" imac, 13" Macbook pro, ....ipad.

OK apple!..enough already, the bank is busted.:D
iMac alu 2.4 ghz 4GB RAM 320GB HDD + 500GB OS X 10.6.5  Macbook alu 2.0 ghz, 2GB RAM 120GB HDD + 500GB OS X 10.6.5  1. gen iPhone 8GB (iOS: 3.1)  iPhone 3G S⃣. 16 GB (iOS: 4.2)  iPad WI-FI 32 GB (iOS 4.2)  Magic Trackpad  Airport Extreme @ Mighty Mouse Wired  Mighty Mouse Wireless  Alu keyboard wireless 

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