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Whats the best option for JB my ipad?


iPF Noob
Dec 25, 2010
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Hi all i have just been bought a new ipad for xmas and with already owning an iphone4 which was JB using jailbreakme. I assumed I would be able to use that to JB the ipad but on attempting it i get the following message ' Version too old you need to upgrade in itunes before you use this site' my ipad is version 3.2.2 what I would like to know is what is the best method now for JB.

After reading a lot on this forum im still confused as to what is best. In itunes i can only see the possibility of upgrading to 4.2 but according to what ive read its not supported by jailbreakme. I see there are other ways using your pc rather than the browser version such as redsnow but what is the best bet for me now.

Thanks in advance.
Visit jailbreak matrix . Com then look under charts and firmware for your device and firmware and it will tell you the best jb to use..but I think it's limera1n for yours
cheers elliottf4i you were spot on and everything worked like a charm, all i need is to be able to ssh into the damn thing now lol

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