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What's the last movie you saw?

Source Code. An excellent hard science fiction tale, with plenty of pace and suspense to keep you interested. And, of course, all you ladies will like that hottie Jake...
Jake Gyllenhaal? No. Not me. :-)
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Man of Steel. I had no idea anything so unremittingly violent could be so boring. It was about 1.5 hours too long. Maybe 2 hours. Was there some sort of plot that I missed?
Man of Steel. I had no idea anything so unremittingly violent could be so boring. It was about 1.5 hours too long. Maybe 2 hours. Was there some sort of plot that I missed?

That's how I felt about the last Batman. I left the theater after almost two hours and when I was told there was more than a half an hour left I cried for those lost minutes I sat in there watching as much as i had already while hoping it was ending soon.
Gladiator - one of the movies you could "watch" with closed eyes, because of the soundtrack
We're working our way through a BBC miniseries called "Shakespeare Retold." It's four plays, rewritten in modern (mostly) English, with present-day culture and situations. Last night was Midsummer Night's Dream, and it was great, at least as funny as the original. The casting is wonderful: Johnny Vegas was hilarious as Bottom!
I just saw the movie Gravity, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Lots of action and suspense, but the ending was completely unexpected.
Still with Shakespeare Retold, tonight was Taming of the Shrew. Kate was played by the amazing Shirley Henderson, Petrucchio by Rufus Sewell. Sparks flew!

So, Johanna...is Rufus a hottie? :)
Still with Shakespeare Retold, tonight was Taming of the Shrew. Kate was played by the amazing Shirley Henderson, Petrucchio by Rufus Sewell. Sparks flew!

So, Johanna...is Rufus a hottie? :)
You're asking for my opinion? :D

At the moment, I know two movies where he's acting: A Knight's Tale, and The Holiday. I don't think he's "hot", but I like him. :cool:
I've just finished watching Galaxy Quest.
Among other awards, the movie won the Hugo Award for best dramatic presentation at Chicon 2000, the 58th World Science Fiction Convention.

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