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what's your favourite game on the iPad?

Ark Assault HD ... new tower defence game... if u failed one level u will play until u win... nice graphics also.
My favourite games are:

Rush Bubble
Angry Bird Space HD
Where's My Water

These games are really interesting and I love to play them on my iPad.
Play everyday:

The Tribez
Zombie Farm 2
Zombie Takeover
Zombie Life
Pocket Potions
Words With Friends

Other favorites but not everyday:
Russian Dancing Men
Jet Pack
Fruit Ninja
Angry Birds
It use to be Smurfs Village but The Tribez is becoming my most favourite! It is a great game and it's free.
Daveww said:
It use to be Smurfs Village but The Tribez is becoming my most favourite! It is a great game and it's free.

I love it too. It's even better after the recent update. I got to a point on Smurfs Village where I couldn't continue because I just couldn't bake a cherry cake, so in the end I gave up! I also like the Sims especially as you can skip a goal if you can't complete it.
iPhone Game App You Should Not Miss

With thousands of game apps available at the iTunes store, it is so easy to miss out on a great game. So I’m posting this because you just have to know about Propeller Dog Pro!

Propeller Dog Pro is a game app from FunGuy Studio. It has airplanes, a pilot dog, and a bunch of crazy evil squirrels. Seriously, what more can you ask for? But if you need more convincing, well, read on.

Propeller Dog Pro has this awesome feature that turns an hour of playing feel just like five minutes. It can also make you tap the “fly again†button again and again. The game has a simple objective, make Propeller Dog fly as far as you can. The evil squirrels will make it difficult for you, so you better watch out for their crazy antics. Also, make sure you have enough fuel because obviously your plane cannot fly without it. Tapping the screen will make your plane fly up while tapping with two fingers will make the plane flip. Tip: Squirrels cannot hurt you if you flip the plane right before contact, but it will cost you more fuel. There are items in the game that help you like water balloon guns, prop shields, and magnets. Magnets are very useful for collecting gold coins which you can use to buy awesome upgrade items and aircraft models to replace the classic airplane. Changing planes can change the game for you which makes it extremely cool.

Propeller Dog Pro is so addicting because it is so easy to play, but never fails to challenge you. This game app is so perfect for boring long rides and waiting hours. Totally recommendable.
Well My favorite games would be Legendary Wars, Castle Master, and O2jam.... They are good games, and I also recomend you to play Cartoon Wars its fun but a little bit h

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