Firstly thanks to this forum for explaining what software updates don't. I delayed updating for exactly this sort of reason. Why is it so difficult to explain to customers in advance what changes will occur? Clearly after so many pages the thread strikes a chord with many others.
What an idiotic way to run a business.
Just imagine the motor industry making the gas pedal inoperative and hiding the steering wheel under the seat!
Its a good point but in the early days of motoring thats exactly what happened, well not the steering wheel bit, but the pedals were all swapped around etc. It's all a storm in a t cup though as locking rotation is very easy. And a mute key where there was not one is very useful. Far better than holding the volume button and muting all sounds, But perhaos for people who can't manage a multi button step, the option of programming it which ever way the user wants. That would stop this ridiculous bellie aching. How lazy can people be that more than a single button is an effort?