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Who's upgrading their Ipad 2 to 5.0.1 and who's waiting?

I believe that it has already been discovered that the corona exploit has been patched in the 5.1 beta's that are out. So Apple could release the 5.1 update before the JB comes out and if you fail to update to 5.0.1 right away you are out of luck. The 24 period could always be shortened or disappear altogether so you are taking a risk staying on older iOS's. Your safest bet is to upgrade to 5.0.1 now and wait for the JB, it shouldn’t be much longer based on tweets by the devs.
Hi Wookiee2cu,
Just wondering, after looking at your signature, did you go ahead and upgrade your iPad2?

After reading Mickey330's response and your last post, I'm about to make the change (apprehensively :)).
1 or 2 weeks without a jb is not the end of the world. I still remember how painful the 3 months wait was from when the ipad 2 was launched until the 4.3.3 (initially the leaked 4.3.0) jb was made available.
hello schwazche, yes I did upgrade to 5.0.1 a little over a week ago when pod2g suggested everyone get on it to be safe. I was jailbroken on 4.3.3 but I'd like to be at the most recent iOS that's able to be jailbroken. Guess I should change my sig for the time being :)
Not now. iTunes needs a new APTicket each restore. (correct me Leigh :))

OK :)

TinyUmbrella was updated recently to save your blobs and APTicket. It's just that they cannot be used on the iPad2 yet. But who knows what might happen in the future...

Meanwhile, redsn0w, sn0wbeeze, and iFaith can all be used to build a custom pre-signed firmware for iPad1 including blobs and APTicket for 5.x firmwares. The limera1n bootrom exploit can be used to get around the security on the older devices because the changes to security are all software based.
If Apple are really smart they will start to build this kind of stuff deeper into the hardware so that it cannot be bypassed... :(
tht was very informative but still didnt answer my question!

can we JUST save da 5.0.1 blobs + APticket for ipad2 or ONLY SAVE 5.0.1 SHSH BLOBS!
f4780y said:
TinyUmbrella was updated recently to save your blobs and APTicket.

I thought I did. TU saves them both. There is no option not to save them both, or save them separately if that is what you are asking.
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thanks again.

ok so after saving 5.0.1 blobs from latest version of TU, i verified it using redsnow(their is an option in redsnow to verify blobs be4 using them) and it says APticket missing!!! :S
what does tht mean then?
hello schwazche, yes I did upgrade to 5.0.1 a little over a week ago when pod2g suggested everyone get on it to be safe. I was jailbroken on 4.3.3 but I'd like to be at the most recent iOS that's able to be jailbroken. Guess I should change my sig for the time being :)

Well if its good enough for the Wookie.. I'm not one to argue.....:)

Done.....now off to change my signature...

Thanks again.


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thanks again.

ok so after saving 5.0.1 blobs from latest version of TU, i verified it using redsnow(their is an option in redsnow to verify blobs be4 using them) and it says APticket missing!!! :S
what does tht mean then?

Don't know what to tell you. I tried it and it says my APTicket is present and verified. Did you follow the instructions here when APTicket support was released? - The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella: APTicket update

You need to make sure you are getting fresh blobs. Delete and re-request if necessary.

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