Wow. OK, Where to start? Hmmmm
1:"Your risk a vulnerable os, susceptible to virus attacks or worms.."
This is is just not true. Plain and simple...If you wanna discuss APPLES security flaw concerning the . PDF exploit. The jailbreak community addressed & repaired this before apple & also offeres the repair for 1st & 2nd gen devisces that apples refuses to fix.
2: "You may get corrupt data thru one of the apps you dl that may corrupt the system.."
Well, that's like anything. If u just start touching the screen & installing things without doing a little research about the app & how it works than yeah, u could have issues. Nobodys fault but your own.
3: "You void warranty from Apple"
Non issue... Restore and you're all set.
4: "The apps available are great, but don't go thru rigorous testing that Apple puts the apps thru before approving.."
Maybe true in the beginning. But for the most part, all the must have jail broken apps ( and their Devs) have been around for a while now and are deff. Pretty stable. If there is a revision than maybe it best to sit back for a day or two & let the other guinea pigs try thing out first if you're worried about it.
Second thing is that there are ALOT of other forums that seem to have more of a jailbreak fan base & issues with revisions new apps are brought to light pretty . (Thru real world testing

5: "Your iPad may just stop working suddenly, and don't go crying to Apple if this happens.."
LOL............... What? Really? Never heard of anyone having this issue simply because of a jailbreak haha. Toooooo funny
Aside from that my reasons to jailbreak both my Ip4 and Ipad are:
1: root accses & IFile. Gives me the ability to access my system files & their directories just like on my comp. And make any mods. That I see fit. (Too many reasons to list how useful this is)
2: True backgrounding/Multitasking.(Mostly just used on my Ipad tho) A must have.
3: App folders (Ipad)
4: Facetime over 3G (Ip4)
5: Higher FaceTime Framerate
6: Download any file directly to the device right from safari
7: upload 720p video using the native methods without the device compressing them to a almost worthless resolution.
8: Activator. personalize how I would like my screen to behave when I touch it.
9: SBSettings. Never have to go into the settings menu just to do a basic function like change brightness, toggle ON/OFF bluetooth.
10: Free tethering. NO, it's not stealing. I already pay AT&T for Data. I would pay for tethering but not at the cost of loosing my unlimited data.
Screw em.
11: I'm not real big into theming but it's nice to be able to change Icons and what not. (personally, I stay away from winterboard )
12: Direct file exchange between my Ipad, Iphone, & Pc.
13: Sync with ITunes over wifi (cable free)
14: Veency. Control ANY of my Devices/PC with ANY of the other Devices/PC
15: Added security. I like knowing that my root/ user password and login are changed. Just cause Apples, Apple doesn't mean anything. I don't trust anyone.
16: You'll get to learn more about your devices, their real capabilities and limitations. For me that's half the fun of owning them.
17: VM mod. Aren't you tired of safari reloading tabs every single time u switch pages, leave for a sec.?
18: I could list more but.....
I can't imagine using any of my apple devices without them being jail broken & set up the way I want. I don't even think I buy one if I knew It wasn't going to be able to be jailbroken.
You just gain so much more functionality from them once you gain access to the filesystem and put in a little time to get to know what's what.
You can always restore and yes. Sometimes there're bumps but they are usually my error. Either I was just careless or I was messing with things that I shouldn't be messing with lol.