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Why Not To Jailbreak..or Why You Should JB..

Ive been asking about security and privacy becuase im curious about trying JB the new ipad 2, that is because i have a feeling its safer then not jailbroken,

Apple was recently sued over apps which use your location services, yet they want us to believe we need location services to use their new iMovie app, no one in our studios who has an iPad agreed to bother trying it, been said we work with artists and advertising agencies, even some agencies told us that they had employees sign confidential agreements to NOT use facebook or any gadgets inside their network., even Israel was confiscating iPads becuase they claimed that they had to investigate more on how the location services work as well as reception interference with their gear.

The funniest part is when you ask about privacy on the apple discussions or mac rumors, you will get some real answers then all the sudden a apple troll comes out with the same Mark Zuckerberg question on what do you have to hide while there avatar claims they posted over 2600 times in almost 2 years, sounds krazy with a K.= to me

I would love to know how safe one can make one's ipad JB, i hear some have more features as JB then not JB, please clear this up for me, i already paid for every app i just like to know if its safer period.
SkyStudio said:
Ive been asking about security and privacy becuase im curious about trying JB the new ipad 2, that is because i have a feeling its safer then not jailbroken,

Apple was recently sued over apps which use your location services, yet they want us to believe we need location services to use their new iMovie app, no one in our studios who has an iPad agreed to bother trying it, been said we work with artists and advertising agencies, even some agencies told us that they had employees sign confidential agreements to NOT use facebook or any gadgets inside their network., even Israel was confiscating iPads becuase they claimed that they had to investigate more on how the location services work as well as reception interference with their gear.

The funniest part is when you ask about privacy on the apple discussions or mac rumors, you will get some real answers then all the sudden a apple troll comes out with the same Mark Zuckerberg question on what do you have to hide while there avatar claims they posted over 2600 times in almost 2 years, sounds krazy with a K.= to me

I would love to know how safe one can make one's ipad JB, i hear some have more features as JB then not JB, please clear this up for me, i already paid for every app i just like to know if its safer period.

People giving jailbreak a bad wrap for no good well documented reason. I've been jail broken since last July when I first got July iPad. No issues. Instead it has made things a lot easier for me as I no longer need to sync to iTunes( with ifiles from Cydia) to install media, music, or whatever. Jail breaking makes the iPad more like am regular pc without the restrictions. I read more problems of people with stock iOS thn a jail broken one. Just research the apps u install from Cydia and ur good. Any system, whether jail broke or not, can be broken into. Remember nothing in life is guaranteed, iOS is just another example of that. Don't let jthe stigmas surrounding ail breaking scare u away from the endless,possibilities and ease of use thru jail breaking. Nits very easynand simple to do also. Download app to pc. Hook iPad up to pc. Run the app. Follow onscreen instructions and you are done. Way easier thn sync media/backup/restore thru iTunes. Also remember, untethered jailbreak is the route u want to take. Tethered methods SuX. With untethered, u jailbreak one time and u r done till next time u update iOS. Tethered means every time ur iPad reboots u need ur pc. No Tunis on that one..lol

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I guess with the possibility to restore what can anyone have to lose, my concern is if you lose your rights to privacy, and I still would need to know how one can possibly seal any holes, I have read a few posts that gave me the impression that jail breaking is safer because their are apps just for jail broken phones and on the other hand I have heard that your vulnerable to all kinds of holes through the Internet or phone company if you use a sim card like I do outside.

So what are the apps you can have that you can not with iTunes and what apps would you recommend to seal any security holes ?
On my stock I have 1Password, all these private browsers but I doubt a ISP does not record all the sites one visits, even the latest firefox 4 states in the install that private browsing will not prevent the ISP from monitoring what web sites you visited, they want their cake too basically.
SkyStudio said:
I guess with the possibility to restore what can anyone have to lose, my concern is if you lose your rights to privacy, and I still would need to know how one can possibly seal any holes, I have read a few posts that gave me the impression that jail breaking is safer because their are apps just for jail broken phones and on the other hand I have heard that your vulnerable to all kinds of holes through the Internet or phone company if you use a sim card like I do outside.

So what are the apps you can have that you can not with iTunes and what apps would you recommend to seal any security holes ?
On my stock I have 1Password, all these private browsers but I doubt a ISP does not record all the sites one visits, even the latest firefox 4 states in the install that private browsing will not prevent the ISP from monitoring what web sites you visited, they want their cake too basically.

As far as apps the app store doesn't have is Ifiles. The real ifiles from the cydia store. You get Cydia once u jailbreak. Ifiles is the only true pc/Mac style file explorer for the iPad. It let's u go into the internal files and copy/cut/paste files wherever u see fit. For ex. Instead of needing iTunes to sync a movie or whatever to tom the iPad to view, u can download movie, then use ifiles to cut/paste the file into the media player of your choice to view. All within the iPad itself, no needing to connect to iTunes. Without ifiles, u have to download movie, then sync to itunesmwhich then syncs back the movie to the default media player or others. To many extra steps and hassle having to always need desktop iTunes to do things. Jailbreak allows u to do all of this without need of pc. Anywhere u want. The movies were just an example. All sorts of other types of files u can do the same with ifiles.
As far as apps securing holes, don't know of any except firewall IP in Cydia store. I think as long as u don't download and install open ssh then ok. If u do, then change default password, alpine, to something else. With jailbreak u can add touch gestures to power off/respring/sleep/ reboot iPad without need of hardware buttons. So much more like BT stack to add BT mouse support for iPad n the list goes on and on.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
SkyStudio said:
I guess with the possibility to restore what can anyone have to lose, my concern is if you lose your rights to privacy, and I still would need to know how one can possibly seal any holes, I have read a few posts that gave me the impression that jail breaking is safer because their are apps just for jail broken phones and on the other hand I have heard that your vulnerable to all kinds of holes through the Internet or phone company if you use a sim card like I do outside.

So what are the apps you can have that you can not with iTunes and what apps would you recommend to seal any security holes ?
On my stock I have 1Password, all these private browsers but I doubt a ISP does not record all the sites one visits, even the latest firefox 4 states in the install that private browsing will not prevent the ISP from monitoring what web sites you visited, they want their cake too basically.

As far as apps the app store doesn't have is Ifiles. The real ifiles from the cydia store. You get Cydia once u jailbreak. Ifiles is the only true pc/Mac style file explorer for the iPad. It let's u go into the internal files and copy/cut/paste files wherever u see fit. For ex. Instead of needing iTunes to sync a movie or whatever to tom the iPad to view, u can download movie, then use ifiles to cut/paste the file into the media player of your choice to view. All within the iPad itself, no needing to connect to iTunes. Without ifiles, u have to download movie, then sync to itunesmwhich then syncs back the movie to the default media player or others. To many extra steps and hassle having to always need desktop iTunes to do things. Jailbreak allows u to do all of this without need of pc. Anywhere u want. The movies were just an example. All sorts of other types of files u can do the same with ifiles.
As far as apps securing holes, don't know of any except firewall IP in Cydia store. I think as long as u don't download and install open ssh then ok. If u do, then change default password, alpine, to something else. With jailbreak u can add touch gestures to power off/respring/sleep/ reboot iPad without need of hardware buttons. So much more like BT stack to add BT mouse support for iPad n the list goes on and on.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
VERY IMPRESSED just reading your post,

You know what i think, and i work with advert clients, the name jail break sounds negative to begin with, degrading the fact that your simply UN-LOCKING a iPad, maybe just using the same name for unlocking phones makes more sense, but i guess if you say this it encourages people to NOT bother with the iTunes store.

I cant scroll back up to read if i posted why apple got sued (been lazy and buzy), excuse me for repeating this but they basically where transmitting unique device ID (UDID) codes via apps, all controlled by Apple, is this still not solved, its like they release another app (iMovie for iPad) and never told us that in order for it to work you need to have your location services on, does iMovie exist via Cydia or on JB devices?

Thanks again :)
SkyStudio said:
VERY IMPRESSED just reading your post,

You know what i think, and i work with advert clients, the name jail break sounds negative to begin with, degrading the fact that your simply UN-LOCKING a iPad, maybe just using the same name for unlocking phones makes more sense, but i guess if you say this it encourages people to NOT bother with the iTunes store.

I cant scroll back up to read if i posted why apple got sued (been lazy and buzy), excuse me for repeating this but they basically where transmitting unique device ID (UDID) codes via apps, all controlled by Apple, is this still not solved, its like they release another app (iMovie for iPad) and never told us that in order for it to work you need to have your location services on, does iMovie exist via Cydia or on JB devices?

Thanks again :)

Thanks for the compliment. I believe they still transmit UDID codes or the iPad has a unique one which let's them know. I'm not exactly sure on that. As far as Imovies goes, it's technically, only available for the ipad2 in the app store. If u try to get it for the iPad1, it wont install or work. This brings us to jailbreak methods. As I do have imovies on my Ipad1. You only can get it by iPad being Jailbroken and getting the app that has the plist modified in it to work with ipad1. Shutting off the cams values n such, since iPad1 doesn't have cams in it. I didn't have to do all that editing as I found a version of imovies that had that stuff already done. If you search/research enough, you will find out where to get it. Can't disclose, as it's against forum rules :-( lol. So yeah, I guess u can say it exists "Also" in the jailbreak world..lmao. But if u have an ipad2, you can just go to the app store and get it. If you have an ipad1 like me, then jailbreak n research and u will easily find out how/where to get it ;-)
As far as the location services goes, I kinda don't like that tech/feature. Although it's needed for a lot of apps to work. I guess it checks out the region or area you in and adjusts the app accordingly or doesn't work if in a region that app is not supposed to work in. I can see location services needed for weather or map apps but imovies :-/ through jailbreak, there is a way to trick the location service or have it thinking you somewhere else. For ex. Let's say u live in England and get this app from app store. You load it up and it tells you only supported in the U.S., so it won't work. There's a tweak/app, from Cydia I believe, that let's u change your location to trick the app into thinking you are based in the u.s., when u r not, and the app will then work. I never used that tweak but heard about it.
Yeah, jailbreak does have a negative sound to it and I think that's what scares most people away from doing it. They think it's illegal or something, when it's not. It's perfectly legal to jailbreak your apple iOS device if you please. Does apple like this, NO, so they have a legal trick up their sleeve that is in the form of if they detect your device is Jailbroken, then they can void your warranty. Big deal. All you have to do is restore the iPad, through iTunes, and they will be no evidence or detection that a jail brake was ever done or attempted. Gotcha apple! ;-)

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
I have a iPad 1, iPhone 3GS and 4 and iMovie works on both the iPad 2 and iPhone 4.

IMove stores the locations where you shoot your videos, date time as well a ping point location, it can be traced with google etc,

I can't think of a reason for this feature other then someone else outside your phone or iPad monitoring this info, it's useless to owners of the devices, I
Ok maybe the final movie for family shoots,

I also read that within months apple has to respond to the law suite in regards to this behavior but I doubt anything will take place, Google on the other hand collected the same info in Europe, including passwords of routers and 6 TB of texts holding users emails and where sued millions but also have another month or less to respond or pay the fines for spying, they claimed it was accident yet Google refused to co operate with the preceding, they where asked for their hardware ID, you can google it up actually :)

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
I believe imovie uses your location for when shooting home movies you can insert this metatag data into the movie.

This is the reason I JB:

Just for basic functionality that should have always been there.
OUTL4W said:
I believe imovie uses your location for when shooting home movies you can insert this metatag data into the movie.

This is the reason I JB:
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMrj12guqPE

Just for basic functionality that should have always been there.

Damn, Outlaw, u got your iPad tricked out like a Mofo..lmao. Great work. I had that same android nexus live wallpaper. Do u notice faster drain of battery with it on? I ended up getting rid of it thinkn it'll drain battery faster since it's always running. Did u make that vid using imovies or reel director? Great setup on your iPad though ;-)

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
bdowns said:
i'm going to jailbreak my ipad 2. what is the best ipad 2 hack out there?

What is your favorite ipad hack (ipad 1)? Any plans to see that on ipad 2 or does it already work. I'm a bit confused about that

There isn't one out yet.

As far as security, I think I read that Tor is available through Cydia. Tor is very good for anonymity and masking data from your ISP, but not so good at protecting unencrypted data from rogue exit nodes. I know for Android at least, there are OTR messaging clients, PGP encryption apps, and some VoIP apps that supposedly encrypt the call itself and mask the sender's IP by routing it through an offshore server. So it is definitely possible on mobile platforms. I'd imagine there are similar apps for the iPad, although they probably aren't allowed on the App Store.
Jailbreaking is a security risk and should never be done to a device that contains info that is highly confidential.

It is only a security risk if you install apps that are from illegal repositorys, such as hackulo. The iPad is a thick safe and the only way for security problems to show up is if you install apps that are not used by the general jailbreaking public.
Demandarin said:
Damn, Outlaw, u got your iPad tricked out like a Mofo..lmao. Great work. I had that same android nexus live wallpaper. Do u notice faster drain of battery with it on? I ended up getting rid of it thinkn it'll drain battery faster since it's always running. Did u make that vid using imovies or reel director? Great setup on your iPad though ;-)

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)

Thanks....but don't really notice any more drain with the animated wallpaper. Used ReelDirector to make since it allows me to use different fonts and allows you place the text in different areas of the screen. But RD doesn't upload in HD. So once created using RD, I then imported into iMovie where I uploaded to YouTube from there using 720p option.
Speaking of networks and encryption, have you heard about the services some companies provide like eves dropping, remote desktop with tablets or computers etc etc all un detected and no software needed to do this to any phone?

I believe their are some authentic legal services that do this and some hacks via Bluetooth with software but the legal ones also require screening as to why parents need to monitor their children or if a licensed investigator needs to.

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
SkyStudio said:
Speaking of networks and encryption, have you heard about the services some companies provide like eves dropping, remote desktop with tablets or computers etc etc all un detected and no software needed to do this to any phone?

I believe their are some authentic legal services that do this and some hacks via Bluetooth with software but the legal ones also require screening as to why parents need to monitor their children or if a licensed investigator needs to.

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF

I've heard of it but sounds like something that'll raise suspicion. Someone might actually start monitoring you also while u monitoring someone else..lmao

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)

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