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Why Not To Jailbreak..or Why You Should JB..

Demandarin said:
I've heard of it but sounds like something that'll raise suspicion. Someone might actually start monitoring you also while u monitoring someone else..lmao

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)

Its like hiring a PI because you can't at all get the real service unless your represented legally or agree to the terms of the service which your local District attorney's office is made aware of, but you get the idea, it's possible.

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
I feel that your points are great and valid. I do understand the security risks, with my iPhone most times I do just press yes to my current location. Not because I'm apple brainwashed but because it gives a general location and I'm never in one spot too long. (if someone wants you, they'll find you: gadgets or not) as far as leaking info, the cam definitely threatens now. Besides people are ignorant enough to put their home addresses and cell phone numbers on zuckerbergs hot list.

Concerning jailbreak, I can't bring myself to p0ison my software within a warranted period. I just feel like I'm gone be the guinea pig that gets caught even after restore.

Now, knowing that cydia apps cost as well, I don't really care for it. It's great for those who want crazy stuff that apple wont approve but I want FREE ACCESS!! 800 device 300 apps. That's lotta Mooolah
HKWrite12 said:
I feel that your points are great and valid. I do understand the security risks, with my iPhone most times I do just press yes to my current location. Not because I'm apple brainwashed but because it gives a general location and I'm never in one spot too long. (if someone wants you, they'll find you: gadgets or not) as far as leaking info, the cam definitely threatens now. Besides people are ignorant enough to put their home addresses and cell phone numbers on zuckerbergs hot list.
The lawsuit with Apple is over Apple collecting and even selling information via 3rd party apps to other companies, The FEDS usually monitor these abuses because the information can bring any company down in a. Marketing competitive world, but the fact that the list included political views tells you how desperate some are behind the scenes.

Anyway, it sounds like Jailbreaking or simply un locking is safer, bit the unique device I'd can not be blocked by owners of their devices, it's like we are renting something nice to share our info.

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
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HKWrite12 said:
Now, knowing that cydia apps cost as well, I don't really care for it. It's great for those who want crazy stuff that apple wont approve but I want FREE ACCESS!! 800 device 300 apps. That's lotta Mooolah

There are more free apps in cydia than paid ones. The paid apps are derserving of your money as it helps promote the community. However most of the good ones are paid for....but as usual there are ways around that as well. I'll "try out" a version of an app from a certain repo before buying the official one. And most of the time I'll end up buying the official cydia version if really good. Why not pay for it...the dev's have worked extremely hard on these apps.

What do you want free access to? There are more apps than just what you see in the cydia store.
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OUTL4W said:
There are more free apps in cydia than paid ones. The paid apps are derserving of your money as it helps promote the community. However most of the good ones are paid for....but as usual there are ways around that as well. I'll "try out" a version of an app from a certain repo before buying the official one. And most of the time I'll end up buying the official cydia version if really good. Why not pay for it...the dev's have worked extremely hard on these apps.

What do you want free access to?

The Wholeeeeee world in his hands..lol

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
I agree to jail breaking iOS devices as it gives you access to things that should be factory standard anyway, sending files over Bluetooth for example, this should be a standard feature in the iphone at least (just like every other phone available on the market) and if it wasn't for jail breaking my iPhone I wouldn't be able to do this, this is just one of many, I like apple products so much but to be honest if it wasn't for being able to jailbreak I wouldn't buy them as I, like many others, don't like being restricted by any company especially when I've paid my hard earned cash to buy the product.

Over all jail breaking gives you freedom to do as you please with a product you OWN, we buy the product so we should be able to do as we please with it.

My 2c
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What I want to know is what happens to apps you by from Cydia when you sync? Are they stored in iTunes with your "actual" apps? What happens to those apps (and their data) when you restore your iDevice? Will I lose the data or will it be restored when I re-jailbreak my iDevice and sync again? I'm asking because I'm considering JBing my iPad, but it's still under warranty and I want to still be able to get help from Apple if something goes wrong.
What I want to know is what happens to apps you by from Cydia when you sync? Are they stored in iTunes with your "actual" apps? What happens to those apps (and their data) when you restore your iDevice? Will I lose the data or will it be restored when I re-jailbreak my iDevice and sync again? I'm asking because I'm considering JBing my iPad, but it's still under warranty and I want to still be able to get help from Apple if something goes wrong.

WOW! Where did you dredge this old dinosaur up from? :)

Have a read of the stickies in this section, they provide lots of good information and we've worked very hard on them.

To answer your question, no Cydia apps do not get synced by iTunes like normal apps. There are several solutions which help you backup Cydia apps though. My favourite is PkgBackup (which is a paid app) which has lots of nice features. When you restore your iPad you simply jailbreak and install PkgBackup and then it restores all your other apps, settings, etc. related to JB apps. There are also some free alternatives.

You should not worry about warranty. Yes, if you hand your iPad back to Apple in a jailbroken state then they may refuse to service it, BUT there is no need for you to do that. Any iPad can be restored to stock iOS using iTunes at any time if you follow the simple instructions on this site to do a DFU restore (again in our stickies). Once you restore an iPad there is no way for anyone to know it was ever jailbroken.

Hope that helps. Now can we just let this old thread die? :D

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