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WIFI or 3G


iPF Noob
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
I would have searched this before posting this question; however, I am having a hard time wording what to search for.

Here is my question:

With the 3G and WIFI turned on, and they are both available what is the order they are selected for use? The reason I am asking is I have WIFI at home and I get a strong 3G signal. I don't want the 3G being accessed when there is WIFI signal.

Anyone know,
iPad will use WiFi over 3G. With both ON you will see different icons when no data is being used. 3G or the dot w/ two curved lines for WiFi.

I typically turn OFF 3G when connected to WiFi to save battery usage. Not sure how much of a savings it is.
iPad will use WiFi over 3G. With both ON you will see different icons when no data is being used. 3G or the dot w/ two curved lines for WiFi.

I typically turn OFF 3G when connected to WiFi to save battery usage. Not sure how much of a savings it is.

I'm not sure on the exact amount either, but I do know on the Droid, there is a pretty substantial battery savings. I would honestly say wherever you can, use wifi to save your charge. You'll be better off.

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