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After resetting settings...


iPF Noob
Hi all,

I couldn't delete certain apps on my homepage, and I read somewhere that maybe resetting my settings would resolve this. However, after I did this all my tweaks disappeared from my settings app, and I also noticed all my tweaks were not in use (slider length, barrel... Etc etc).

At the top of my iPad, it says 'exit safe mode', clicking on this restarts my springboard.. With no difference. Same message at top of iPad after restarting springbpard, and it again tells me to reset my springboard but nothings changes.

FYI - iPad 3, jail broken, obviously.

What am i to do? I tried reinstalling my tweaks in cydia, but they don't get resorted. Did I essentially un jail break my iPad by resetting the settings? Is it a matter of jail breaking it again? Any help/assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Found this info on another site

Once you jailbreak your iPhone, whether through SSH or other means, jailbreak extensions and addons have access to the root files of iOS. That can result in the occasional conflict when an extension oversteps its bounds or does not function the way it should at the root level.If your iPhone has been entering Safe Mode frequently, you most likely have a MobileSubstrate addon that is not functioning properly. Safe Mode disables all jailbreak extensions, addons, etc. so that you can either troubleshoot or remove the process that you think may be causing the issue.Safe Mode is pretty easy to boot back out of. Once your iPhone is in Safe Mode, you can reboot back to normal by tapping the “Restart” option in the MobileSubstrate menu. If you can’t find the menu, tap the “Exit Safe Mode” text at the top center of the iPhone’s status bar. A hard restart of iOS with the iPhone’s power button should disable Safe Mode too.If it takes multiple attempts to get your iPhone out of Safe Mode, you have a serious problem. Remove or disable all of the jailbreak processes you can to see which is causing the problem.Safe Mode isn’t pretty, and sadly it’s a symptom of jailbreaking that we all have to deal with. The good thing is that Safe Mode is there to protect your iPhone from harmful processes, so don’t get mad next time your Springboard crashes. Instead, by thankful that Cydia’s MobileSubstrate is smart enough to know when to protect you from a problem.

When I had a similar problem, I just had to remove the last few tweaks and by a process of elimination got everything fixed. Hope this helps.
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Found this info on another site

When I had a similar problem, I just had to remove the last few tweaks and by a process of elimination got everything fixed. Hope this helps.

Thanks, I'll try this when I have the time, that's a lot of apps to disabe on cydia! Out of interest (may save me time) which tweak was causing this problem for you? As I may have this tweak too. Thanks

I deleted mobile substrate, (meaning all my tweaks were removed). This made my device out of exit mode, I then reinstalled mobile substrate, and I'm adding my tweaks again now.
Just for reference, removing Mobile Substrate is not a good idea and is not a resolution to your problem. Mobile Substrate is the thing which protects you from bad tweaks. It is not the culprit here!

Have a read of this - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-use-safe-mode-maintain-stable-jailbreak.html

You are undoubtedly adding a tweak that is either 1) for the iPhone only, or 2) not ready for the version of IOS you have installed

The correct way to resolve the issue is to remove the tweak which does not belong on your device! :D

If you don't know which one that is, then it's trial and error, but Mobile Substrate should NOT be removed ;)

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