iPad Fan
Oh!! I think I have to upgrade my terminal first because I have too many waiting pax. Is there anyone who can send shredders except the ones whose I am not getting?
Thanks for the smoke detector Luke. I need no more.
Can anybody gift GLASS DISPLAY CASES?
I'm struggling to find wheat. Any tips on how and where to get it? It's like good dust in my city
I'm struggling to find wheat. Any tips on how and where to get it? It's like good dust in my city
No probs Ab I'll send you a glass case later.
Long distance items please.My sons Airport is called "Rigby's city" he needs landing lamps. My iPhone Airport is called Randy Bobandy , Needs fuel ad,landing lamps, fuel sup or spare wires.
Is it? Wheats are dropping at a considerable rate from training centres of neighbors. You can also get them from Canaveral, Baikonur or North and South Observatories.
Thanks for the smoke detector Luke. I need no more.
Can anybody gift GLASS DISPLAY CASES?
Yea I always go on training centres but only ever get space suit, chocolate or dehydrated fruit. From flights I get a mixture of everything, just not wheat. :-(
I can't gift glass cases but if uve got it in your list. Send it me and I will return it
Try out alien legacies. Just one thing. When alien legacies are there in a line, I thing collecting from them in an irregular manner helps. I mean that if there are 6 as in Barbaras. You collect from one and then from another which is not situated adjacently. For example, you collect from the first and then one which is not in touch with it. It may be a coincidence but it worked for me.
Received both and I have returned module and lamp respectively.
Sian and David (level 40) Need passengers. Thank you
Me neither. Sorry been out all day and about to go out again for a curry. Received 5 gifts today but not from any of the regulars on here. Sent out loads of passengers to everyone, all I got back was 4 catering and a prop.
captain flop (level 40) passengers, duty free. android account: not getting gifts at minute so don't waste on me thx lovely neighbours